Naga Meme!

Dec 13, 2009 21:07

I love nagas. I love nagas a lot. (Actually, I like all kinds of human-animal hybrids, as my mermaid, octomaid, selkie, drider, and scorpionman obsessions attest. HOWEVER. Today we are concentratining on nagas.)

This is an Avatar'verse AU where the Firefolk are nagas. For people who need references to what nagas are, I direct you here and here. ( Read more... )

character: teo, character: haru, character: aang, character: zhao, character: bato, character: earth kingdom, character: hyo, character: mai, character: jet, character: song, character: hakoda, character: fire nation, character: jee, character: ozai, character: zuko, character: ursa, character: sokka, writing, character: lu ten, series: avatar, character: water tribe, character: pakku, character: toph, character: azula, character: piandao, character: dai li, character: ty lee

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Comments 125

dark_puck December 14 2009, 03:10:35 UTC
So I love you bunches. :D

Azula presents her great-grandfather with a gift: a pretty Earth Kingdom doctor.

In the Northern Air Temple, the gaang is introduced to Teo - a naga, but a foundling raised away from his people. Flying snakefolk are a sight to behold.

After the war; Iroh and Ming in the Jasmine Dragon. Tea and cuddling.

Snakeman or not, Lt Jee is still a master cockbender. Or is that a cuddlebender? Jee and Haru. 'Cause it's pretty.


Azula gives Great-Grandfather a present beckyh2112 December 14 2009, 04:00:01 UTC
High up the wall of the caldera, in a place where the houses of the naga-city did not run, there were massive black basalt doors that hardly ever opened. Long ago, someone had laboriously cut characters into the doorposts and filled them with gold, prayers or warning or both or neither. Azula had never bothered to read them to find out ( ... )


Re: Azula gives Great-Grandfather a present dark_puck December 14 2009, 04:05:39 UTC
*cuddles Song* Poor baby, taken from home and given to such an overwhelming beastie.

Sozin sounds amazing. I hope this yields fanart. >.>;;

Azula, leave Song's hair alone!


Re: Azula gives Great-Grandfather a present spyridona December 14 2009, 04:10:03 UTC
Don't be fearful Song, Sozin just needs cuddles and needs to deal with his issues with Roku and grump over the fact his stupid grandson married the stupid granddaughter and... and... and...

You just need to cuddle, Song. He's a sad Naga.


spyridona December 14 2009, 03:25:56 UTC
<33 You love us, you really do.

Aang and Kazon; what the Fire Nagas used to be like before War began.

Ozai/Hakoda; Post-DoBS. Humans fascinate Ozai. Notably handsome water men.

Zhao!La; Dealing with his new and rather NOT Watertribe mortal form. Being half snake when you're really a koi-spirit.

Song and Iroh; Song isn't sure how to deal with a poisoned naga.

Ursa; How does a naga hide with a ruby-black tail?

Lu Ten / Earth Kingdom Man or Woman; The curiosity for humans runs in the blood. The said EKM or EKW can be OC or someone from the series.

Mai/Zuko; venom kisses.

Ty Lee/Haru; Ty Lee thinks muscles are CUDDLY.


Lu Ten/Earth Kingdom Man or Woman beckyh2112 December 14 2009, 04:21:39 UTC
Lu Ten has seen humans before. He has. The colonials keep them as servants, after all, and the humans have been fighting them for over a century. Fighting and losing.

He's never seen a human quite like this one before.

She is pale like naga-kind and her hair is smoke-dark. It falls over her face, hiding one eye behind a veil. It doesn't hide her luscious mouth, though. Her clothes are dark and tight, a split skirt hanging around her legs and pants covering them as well.

It seems odd to cover herself twice over there when she freely bares her shoulders. She has very nice shoulders.

She has lovely legs.

She smirks as his tail curls around one leg, ruby scales shining against the black cloth. "That's going to cost extra."


Re: Lu Ten/Earth Kingdom Man or Woman spyridona December 14 2009, 04:30:40 UTC
*grins at the idea of Lu Ten whoring at the Earth Kingdom.*

Somewhere, Ozai is going to shoot out and drag his nephew out of there. Not after Lu Ten gets lots of cuddles from June.

I love the little description of the tail going up her leg. It's pretty. ^__^


Re: Lu Ten/Earth Kingdom Man or Woman dark_puck December 14 2009, 05:47:25 UTC
Mmm. That is a very nomsome ficbit, and no mistake. I love how Lu Ten is all "...okay, so your legs are twice-covered but SHOULDERS D:". And THE SMIRK. AND THE TAIL CURLING. AND.


neldluva December 14 2009, 03:40:54 UTC
Urzai - hypnotizing. Cuddling!

Remember that one episode where Toph shares some tea with Iroh? Let's see your naga version of that. "Why can't I feel your footsteps?"

Aang's first interaction with naga!Zuko (I guess when he slithers off the ship?). Plus some memories of Kuzon, perhaps?


Ursa/Ozai beckyh2112 December 14 2009, 04:45:57 UTC
Ursa was not quite the same sort of naga that Ozai was. Her tail was not so heavily muscled, though it was just as long. Her tail was red banded with gold scales, while his looked banded from a distance. Up close, however, it resolved into gold speckling ( ... )


Re: Ursa/Ozai dark_puck December 14 2009, 05:49:01 UTC
*purrrrrrrrrs* Oh, man. This is so deliciously sexy and erotic and everything surrounding and in between.


suzukiblu December 14 2009, 03:52:27 UTC
Maiko. Cuddlesluttery. Do want. <333

Song and Zuko. Actually I'd find cuddlesluttery here pretty "do want" too, but I'll settle for some "AGH IT'S A NAGA" and "AGH PLEASE DON'T SCREAM" and general Failko-ness. X3

Ty Lee meets Sokka and decides she is WILLING TO TRY.

And speaking of Sokka . . . Sokka/Piandao y/y? :D? I mean, Piandao training Sokka. << Perfectly innocently and noncuddly and ahahahaha as if. SLUTTERY!

Azula, shedding. This does not make her tail look its best.

. . . God I REALLY WANT to have a Jet-related request down here but I am pretty sure he and Zuko would be too busy trying to kill each other to get to have any glorious ferry shenanigans. But I would be moved to do terrible things for you if you figured out a way for any BFF awesome between them. Mostly because I'm pretty well positive it's fundamentally impossible. >>


Jet and Zuko on the Ferry beckyh2112 December 14 2009, 04:07:23 UTC
Lucky for you, I already figured this out.


Jet is way too close. That's all Zuko can think, and he's near-panicking because of it. Jet is too close, too close, too close.

It's all Zuko can do to keep moving his tail so the Earth Kingdom boy doesn't step on it, and oh ashes, what if Jet tries to grab his ass again- There's only so many times he can dodge that, dodge Jet's way-too-obvious interest.

The illusion of being human does not hold up to touch.

Not for the first time, he curses Zhao and everything that led up to him going into exile, because everything was so much easier before he had to pretend he had legs.


Re: Jet and Zuko on the Ferry suzukiblu December 14 2009, 04:29:55 UTC
*snerks* Oh, Zuko, Zuko, Zuko. You should know this is just NOT going to end well for you at all.

I'm kind of wondering how Zuko manages getting around in all these crowds and stuff, though, if he's got big-ass snake-coils to keep from getting stepped on.


Re: Jet and Zuko on the Ferry beckyh2112 December 14 2009, 04:31:42 UTC
With great difficulty. Iroh has it even worse, of course, since Iroh is bigger and older than Zuko.


avocado_love December 14 2009, 04:08:15 UTC
Ahhh... *looks fondly at my red and gold cornsnake* I love the snakes!!!!

So... why is Zuko curled up around a huge pile of snake-eggs? :D

I would like some manly BFFing between Sokka and Zuko (perhaps Sokka figures out something cool to take advantage of Zuko's form?)

Ursa/her children -- Cuddle time between Mommy and her babies.

That's all I can think of right now. If that doesn't inspire you, let me know and I'll think of others!


Zuko curled around a snake-nest beckyh2112 December 14 2009, 05:01:05 UTC
Nagas didn't lay very many eggs. One, usually, but Mai had laid two.

Zuko wasn't quite certain what to make of that. Besides 'this is going to make choosing an heir painful'. Which Mai had not appreciated him saying after she worked so hard to lay the eggs.

Which was why he was stuck keeping the warm. It... actually didn't bother him all that much. The eggs were soft but hardening, and it was... peaceful to sit there with them in his coils.


Re: Zuko curled around a snake-nest lunatron December 14 2009, 05:32:33 UTC
D'aw, adorable! I love nest-sitting men.


Re: Zuko curled around a snake-nest avocado_love January 16 2010, 20:42:35 UTC

*reads your post* Yea! More Naga! So I wonder who's the jerk who didn't comment... *sees my post* Oh my god, I'm an ass.

So... Somehow I giggle at the thought of Zuko babysitting two eggs. With twins (or whatever) running around the fire palace and Zuko failing in the way that he does best... I think choosing an heir may be the least of his problems. *G*


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