Naga Meme!

Dec 13, 2009 21:07

I love nagas. I love nagas a lot. (Actually, I like all kinds of human-animal hybrids, as my mermaid, octomaid, selkie, drider, and scorpionman obsessions attest. HOWEVER. Today we are concentratining on nagas.)

This is an Avatar'verse AU where the Firefolk are nagas. For people who need references to what nagas are, I direct you here and here. ( Read more... )

character: teo, character: haru, character: aang, character: zhao, character: bato, character: earth kingdom, character: hyo, character: mai, character: jet, character: song, character: hakoda, character: fire nation, character: jee, character: ozai, character: zuko, character: ursa, character: sokka, writing, character: lu ten, series: avatar, character: water tribe, character: pakku, character: toph, character: azula, character: piandao, character: dai li, character: ty lee

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suzukiblu December 14 2009, 03:52:27 UTC
Maiko. Cuddlesluttery. Do want. <333

Song and Zuko. Actually I'd find cuddlesluttery here pretty "do want" too, but I'll settle for some "AGH IT'S A NAGA" and "AGH PLEASE DON'T SCREAM" and general Failko-ness. X3

Ty Lee meets Sokka and decides she is WILLING TO TRY.

And speaking of Sokka . . . Sokka/Piandao y/y? :D? I mean, Piandao training Sokka. << Perfectly innocently and noncuddly and ahahahaha as if. SLUTTERY!

Azula, shedding. This does not make her tail look its best.

. . . God I REALLY WANT to have a Jet-related request down here but I am pretty sure he and Zuko would be too busy trying to kill each other to get to have any glorious ferry shenanigans. But I would be moved to do terrible things for you if you figured out a way for any BFF awesome between them. Mostly because I'm pretty well positive it's fundamentally impossible. >>


Jet and Zuko on the Ferry beckyh2112 December 14 2009, 04:07:23 UTC
Lucky for you, I already figured this out.


Jet is way too close. That's all Zuko can think, and he's near-panicking because of it. Jet is too close, too close, too close.

It's all Zuko can do to keep moving his tail so the Earth Kingdom boy doesn't step on it, and oh ashes, what if Jet tries to grab his ass again- There's only so many times he can dodge that, dodge Jet's way-too-obvious interest.

The illusion of being human does not hold up to touch.

Not for the first time, he curses Zhao and everything that led up to him going into exile, because everything was so much easier before he had to pretend he had legs.


Re: Jet and Zuko on the Ferry suzukiblu December 14 2009, 04:29:55 UTC
*snerks* Oh, Zuko, Zuko, Zuko. You should know this is just NOT going to end well for you at all.

I'm kind of wondering how Zuko manages getting around in all these crowds and stuff, though, if he's got big-ass snake-coils to keep from getting stepped on.


Re: Jet and Zuko on the Ferry beckyh2112 December 14 2009, 04:31:42 UTC
With great difficulty. Iroh has it even worse, of course, since Iroh is bigger and older than Zuko.


Sokka/Piandao (1/2) beckyh2112 December 15 2009, 02:49:05 UTC
Sweat trickled down Sokka's back as he worked in the forge. He rolled his shoulders in response to the sensation but focused on pumping the bellows. It was hot, swelteringly hot in the forge, but he barely noticed the heat. It just wasn't important. Not as important as Master Piandao making his sword ( ... )


Sokka/Piandao (2/2) beckyh2112 December 15 2009, 02:49:17 UTC
Sokka groaned and ground down against the tail, and he felt Master Piandao smile against the back of his neck. Then his tongue flicked out and his fingers pinched Sokka's nipples. Nothing had ever felt so good in his life, and he moaned openly.

Nothing had ever gone so far, either; not fooling around with Katara, not Yue, not the stolen moments with Suki under the moon. Definitely not with Jet, no matter what the Earth Kingdom boy offered.

His hand dug into Master Piandao's skin. His master rumbled, tail sliding again between his legs. Sokka writhed at the sensation, at the hot tail and hot hands and hot mouth.

He explored with his hands, movements awkward as he tried to figure out how to please his master from this position. Or at all, really. Fooling around with Water and Earth girls really didn't teach anything about what to do with a naga ( ... )


Re: Sokka/Piandao (2/2) suzukiblu December 15 2009, 03:45:42 UTC
. . . . . . . .

So, uh.

Bunk. Mine. I will be in.



Re: Sokka/Piandao (2/2) littleseastar December 15 2009, 11:02:57 UTC
...I think my brain has stopped functioning. You overloaded it with sexy.


Re: Sokka/Piandao (2/2) flowerflute November 12 2010, 02:19:31 UTC

"...not fooling around with Katara, not Yue, not the stolen moments with Suki under the moon. Definitely not with Jet, no matter what the Earth Kingdom boy offered." YES


Re: Sokka/Piandao (2/2) moonys_autumn December 13 2010, 05:31:54 UTC
Hot damn. ::fans self::


Mai/Zuko, cuddlesluttery beckyh2112 January 18 2010, 22:21:59 UTC
Mai's tail coils around his.

Zuko watches it through half-lidded eyes, his head back on the arm of the divan and most of his tail on the floor. Black and red scales slide slow and sensuous against red and gold. The rattle at the end of Mai's tail rubs against his scutes, making parts of him want to uncurl and-

Mai drags one sharp-nailed hand down his tunic. "Zuko. Look at me."

His eyes open all the way as she grabs one of his hands and presses it to her breast. Her nails dig into the back of his hand until he squeezes her softness, feels the hard knot inside that will fill with milk when her eggs hatch and need to be fed.

She sighs in not-boredom, and her fingers go to the clasps of his tunic.

His tail flexes instinctively, and they are both on the floor, him on top of her, the muscles in his tail twisting to throw off her coils and wrap around her rather than be wrapped around. She fights but does not rattle, and her shirt burns, and his shirt tearsHis back slams against the floor, and Mai stares down at him with bright eyes. ( ... )


Re: Mai/Zuko, cuddlesluttery suzukiblu January 19 2010, 01:51:20 UTC
. . . I don't even know what a scute is and I still find that line sexy. >>;; And Mai's razor-nails, they just always make me happy.

Also oh my God, only these two could make cuddling rough. *likes it. likes it a LOT.*


Re: Mai/Zuko, cuddlesluttery beckyh2112 January 19 2010, 01:53:44 UTC
Well, I was taught that scutes are the belly scales of a snake, but Wikipedia says I'm wrong. Whatevs.

*grins* Glad you like it. Maiko is way too much fun to write. <3


Re: Mai/Zuko, cuddlesluttery suzukiblu January 19 2010, 01:57:07 UTC
Oh, Wikipedia, you are full of confusion-inducement.

It needs moar lurve. *says the one already writing three longfics that include it, of course* >>;; I AM NEVER SATISFIED.

Okay, actually no, I just hate the way most people write it. So you get bonus points for giving me one of my pet pairings just the way I like it! <333


Azula, shedding beckyh2112 January 23 2010, 22:53:04 UTC
Azula wakes up blind.

She tries to blink, but the skin of her face doesn't move right. It feels slick and shifting, not quite entirely real. Her second set of eyelids doesn't respond to the need to blink, either.

Oh, not now.

"Mai," she rasps, reaching out to feel the other girl's tail. It twitches irritably against her hand, then Mai just sighs.

"This isn't the best time to moult, Azula."

Mai has become a master of the blindingly obvious in the last few weeks. Azula tries to glare in her general directions, but it's hard when her skin is slowly becoming loose enough to crawl out of.

"Oh dear," Ty Lee says softly, her hands stroking Azula's tail. "We're almost to Ba Sing Se, what're we going to do?"

"We're at the Wall," Mai points out. "The drill may be broken, but we can still get inside."

"I can't see," Azula hisses ( ... )


Re: Azula, shedding suzukiblu January 24 2010, 01:39:13 UTC
. . . . DDD: Why is this both so adorable and so HORRIBLY CREEPY?


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