1) SPOILERS for anything listed here! (Pretty much whatever was released in the last week or so.)
2) I am totally getting to comments! I am... slightly less behind than I was before!
this was supposed to be short, but somehow it was 11+ pages in word before I posted it orz )
Comments 58
fsdjkflsjdkljsklafjklsdjfklsjdfkljkd dying, it's so true.
Except - yes, I have to agree with you, this might just have been the second best MnA EVER. Because alkndsfdaklfa OHMIYA! *___* OHMIYA BEING COMPLETE AND UTTER LITTLE JERKS AT JUN AND I LOVE THEM SO HARD FOR IT. *_____*
It was actually kind of impressive - I think that was the first time I've seen Jun use such strong language with Ohno and actually hitting him that hard. XD And it's kind of interesting to see how, whenever they're doing their dirty deeds, Ohmiya keep on huddling even closer together than usual. I mean, they're constantly keeping bodily contact anyway, but when they're doing stupid stuff? They really cling to each other like leeches ( ... )
And Ohmiya totally do have this clingy nature when they're doing something evil together, like two little kindergarden kids who are huddled together against the rest of the world because they have an ~*Evil Plan*~ and it's going to be really funny. Though, honestly, I don't know why people don't fear Ohno more. Not only is he a little shit so often, he gets away with it because he's Ohno and because he has perfected the *floats along spacily~* act so no one (outside of his victims bandmates) realizes. Sometimes I think that Ohno is the only person Nino truly fears and that's why they get along so well.
(If it came down to Ohno vs Nino, I know who I would believe and side with. And it would not be the little devil shit who hasn't aged since he hit about 17. I suspect Nino knows this as well. And that Ohno knows this as well ( ... )
like two little kindergarden kids who are huddled together against the rest of the world because they have an ~*Evil Plan*~ and it's going to be really funny
Y-yes, that sums it up pretty well...^^"
And yes, Ohno is amazing at being evil and - I suspect - emotionally manipulative. And he probably would be feared far more, if he weren't so gentle and confused at other times ( ... )
And yes, I'd love to see Nino against Ohno in a war of pranks, really! XDD On the one hand, Ohno is far more skilled at getting other people to do what he wants for him - on the other hand, Nino's ambitious.
Agreed completely. Nino would probably win just because Ohno doesn't have the ambition to do it properly for more than half a day or so. Ohno's much more laid back about it and lets opportunities come to him instead. But when he does get like that... how do you really deal with Ohno? You can't really yell at him because he'll look like a little lost puppy or just do that adorable smile and you'll totally cave because, aww, look! Leader actually did something besides stare at his fingers for half an hour ( ... )
The mannequins... are epic. There is no more to be said about it. (T-though it seems that Arashi has always had quite an interesting relationship to mannequins, when you look at different DnA episodes ( ... )
HIMITSU NO ARASHI-CHAN: I'm sort of on the fence about Himitsu no Arashi-chan possible subs--I'd love anything subbed, anything translators want to work on is welcomed and cherished! But they're long episodes (twice as long as usual!) and a lot of the VTRs aren't that interesting and I keep thinking that just one Himtsu no Arashi-chan episode could be used for two Shukudai-kun episodes. But if they're going to keep getting more and more awesome like #4 and #5 (which is seriously worth watching all the way through! you can skip the VTR for Ohno's section, but Nino's? Nino's is pure gold), I am sort of starting to pine for subs ( ... )
I can totally understand why people wouldn't want to sub Himitsu! It must be a bitch to translate, not only because it's so long and really not about Arashi most of the time, but also because you'd probably need to look up a lot of the vocabulary, because they've got such specific themes. I'd be totally fine with summaries instead, but apart from Aki's summaries for #1 and #4, I haven't really found any yet... (Which is sad, because I think I might have been one of the few people who really got excited and would have liked to see more about all the VTR's in the first episode, including the combini and the eye surgery ones.)
I wonder why they give Arashi handicaps in VS Arashi? Those boys fail at the games ANYWAY, no matter whether you give them handicaps or not! v-v"
I suspect it was at least a little bit because they were tired of Aiba being awesome at the games all the time so IT'S YOUR TURN NOW.But Ohno's been pretty awesome at most of the games so far, too, hasn't he? So yes, it ( ... )
I assume they do it because it's not a show that Arashi is a guest on, so they're not competing for prizes. It's like, when they go on Tokyo Friend Park II, maybe the hosts of that show will be a little easier on Arashi when they guest on it. (Not precisely the same thing, but.) So, Arashi gives the guests a handicap to be good hosts, as well as being good competitors.
Now that you mention it, I find it kind of interesting that Ohno first put the ( ... )
I was giggling over the mentions of Aiba in Jun's interview as well. Whenever things like that happen completely by coincidence, I sort of start wondering if maybe the interviewer is noticing things as well. But those are the kinds of thoughts I generally don't voice to other people because they're probably the first sign of insanity or something. Hahaha, I bet Jun would love you - SO EASY TO TERRORIZE :D :D.
D no Arashi is golden. I freaked out when they got into the cars too. I think I would have been fine with it if there weren't two of them driving RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. I kept expecting someone to start listing off to the side (*cough*MATSUJUN*cough*) and suddenly there would be this screech of metal and it would all be over. I love that I am genuinely interested in most of these experiments. When I saw the preview of 75, I was like "BUT I WANT TO SEE THE CHESTNUT VS URCHIN BATTLE NOW!! ...oh and more of the ( ... )
In all seriousness, I imagine it's mostly a combination of being just a coincidence and me noticing it more because I'm looking for it. (Aiba being mentioned in Jun's solo interviews more than the others.) It doesn't really mean anything. But sometimes I do have to pause for just a moment and go "...." a ltitle because it certainly seems to be a really consistent coincidence. (And OMG I WOULD FREAK OUT SO BADLY. Yet another reason why I should probably never meet Jun in person.)
AHAHAHAHA I HADN'T EVEN THOUGHT OF THAT. I'm assuming this was before Jun scratched Aiba's car, but still. (I love that everyone thinks that Aiba would probably be the horrible driver because he's so flaily and then, no, it's totally Matsujun who scratches his car.) And admittedly they were just going in a straight line and not very far but OH MY GOD, I cannot believe ( ... )
I'm sort of wary of getting my hopes up over Himitsu no Arashi-chan, because it's still early and it seems like it must be a lot of work to do those segments every week. I don't want to go OMG HIMITSU IS TOTALLY AWESOME NOW and then have too high of an expectation for the next one and be disappointed. But. I'm cautiously optimistic. Because these were great episodes and Nino at SeaWorld was just. Yes. Of course they make the guys who hate it ( ... )
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