....th-this was supposed to be short, I dunno what happened. .__.

May 12, 2008 17:35

1) SPOILERS for anything listed here! (Pretty much whatever was released in the last week or so.)
2) I am totally getting to comments! I am... slightly less behind than I was before!

this was supposed to be short, but somehow it was 11+ pages in word before I posted it orz )

vs arashi, aiba/jun makes me stupid but happy, gay rainbow band, pv making of, arashi no shukudai-kun, tunnels no minasan no okage deshita, d no arashi, himitsu no arashi-chan, 99+

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Part 2 kegom May 13 2008, 00:11:07 UTC

The mannequins... are epic. There is no more to be said about it. (T-though it seems that Arashi has always had quite an interesting relationship to mannequins, when you look at different DnA episodes...^^")

Himitsu no Arashi-chan would TOTALLY be my kind of show, because I LOVE infotainment and I love getting random facts about everything - but I'd need some kind of summary/translation to truly enjoy it and I haven't managed to find those so far. :(

I'll definitely have to watch #5, though, because Ohno with creepy-crawlies? Yes, please! ^___^ (I love creepy-crawlies, so I can enjoy other people's pain without getting creeped out myself. XD)

And really, Sho - why do you keep on expecting AIBA of all people to have any kind of common decency? You really should know better!

VS Arashi: Wait, so that 100 points button wasn't there when Arashi climbed?! I wasn't sure, but it confused me that first they said that Jun had a perfect score with 250 points and then the other team was suddenly able to score 350 points...

Also, I love that they let Aiba fall down! XD I mean, it was a bit mean, but ...expecting Arashi to not give him shit over the fact that he achieved so little points beause he was basically distracted by remembering how old he was? Probably a bit much asked of them, really. XD

Though, yes, I think Aiba really was sulking in his foam castle down there. XD And naturally, the rest of Arashi looked down on him completely unfazed by that. ^-^


Re: Part 2 beckerbell May 13 2008, 01:24:59 UTC
The mannequins just. Make me laugh so hard. Jun is clearly not used to this or good at it at all and I-- laugh and laugh and laugh. (Though, that's a good point, now that you mention it....)

HIMITSU NO ARASHI-CHAN: I'm sort of on the fence about Himitsu no Arashi-chan possible subs--I'd love anything subbed, anything translators want to work on is welcomed and cherished! But they're long episodes (twice as long as usual!) and a lot of the VTRs aren't that interesting and I keep thinking that just one Himtsu no Arashi-chan episode could be used for two Shukudai-kun episodes. But if they're going to keep getting more and more awesome like #4 and #5 (which is seriously worth watching all the way through! you can skip the VTR for Ohno's section, but Nino's? Nino's is pure gold), I am sort of starting to pine for subs.

VS ARASHI: I'm 90% certain that the extra 100 points wasn't there for Arashi because they made a special mention of it when it was the guests' turn and Jun had gotten a perfect score (or at least he would have tried for the extra 100), so I assume they're giving the guests handicaps. Which means Arashi loses a lot, but they probably don't really mind that much.

I loved that they picked Aiba (because the only ones who didn't were Aiba himself and Ohno himself) when it probably really should have been Sho or Ohno, because OHNO TALKED THEM INTO IT. I suspect it was at least a little bit because they were tired of Aiba being awesome at the games all the time so IT'S YOUR TURN NOW.

And so Aiba sulked about it because HIS BANDMATES ARE MEAN BITCHES AND HE'S NOT COMING OUT. At least not until they start peering down at him like :D :D :D and he realizes he's not going to change the jerks ever. (I love them all.)


Re: Part 2 kegom May 13 2008, 09:49:51 UTC
Fell asleep before I could answer this...^^"

I can totally understand why people wouldn't want to sub Himitsu! It must be a bitch to translate, not only because it's so long and really not about Arashi most of the time, but also because you'd probably need to look up a lot of the vocabulary, because they've got such specific themes. I'd be totally fine with summaries instead, but apart from Aki's summaries for #1 and #4, I haven't really found any yet... (Which is sad, because I think I might have been one of the few people who really got excited and would have liked to see more about all the VTR's in the first episode, including the combini and the eye surgery ones.)

I wonder why they give Arashi handicaps in VS Arashi? Those boys fail at the games ANYWAY, no matter whether you give them handicaps or not! v-v"

I suspect it was at least a little bit because they were tired of Aiba being awesome at the games all the time so IT'S YOUR TURN NOW.

But Ohno's been pretty awesome at most of the games so far, too, hasn't he? So yes, it probably SHOULD have been Ohno, but... no one can resist Ohno, apparently, at least no one in Arashi, so poor Aiba became the victim instead. v-v" (Though, very honestly, it's probably funnier to pick on Aiba than to pick on Ohno, because Aiba at least shows a little bit more of a reaction!)

Now that you mention it, I find it kind of interesting that Ohno first put the heat on Aiba - and then didn't follow through with his actions, opting to point at himself insted. I wonder why?


Re: Part 2 beckerbell May 13 2008, 10:27:41 UTC
It's especially tough to give priority to Himitsu over other shows that have so much more fun stuff with them--there are so many tv appearances or old Mago Mago Arashi episodes or the tons of Shukudai-kun episodes that haven't been translated or even some of the older stuff that I pine for, like Waza-ari, stuff that has way more focus on Arashi themselves. I'm hoping that, if anyone does take on the project, they'll start with the more interesting ones so that it'll be more fun for them. (I wouldn't mind terribly if the first three never got subbed if the translators didn't have time.)

I assume they do it because it's not a show that Arashi is a guest on, so they're not competing for prizes. It's like, when they go on Tokyo Friend Park II, maybe the hosts of that show will be a little easier on Arashi when they guest on it. (Not precisely the same thing, but.) So, Arashi gives the guests a handicap to be good hosts, as well as being good competitors.

Now that you mention it, I find it kind of interesting that Ohno first put the heat on Aiba - and then didn't follow through with his actions, opting to point at himself insted. I wonder why?

I really don't think he expected to convince them at all, he was scrambling around for just about any excuse to get the focus off him and onto someone else, Aiba was just the first target that happened to come to mind. I think he honestly expected everyone else to point at one person (him) like they have every other week. (I really want to know what they're going to do when they have a tie! Like, if two people get two people pointing at them and one person points at someone else, what do they do then? XD)


Re: Part 2 kegom May 14 2008, 02:54:15 UTC
I assume they do it because it's not a show that Arashi is a guest on, so they're not competing for prizes.

But doesn't it get kind of boring when Arashi keeps on losing? Of course, five episodes in, with four lost and one won, it's still OK; but I'd think it would get boring to watch (unless you're a big Arashi fan) when the hosts constantly lose for, say, ten episodes, or so. (And if you're a big Arashi fan, I'd say watching them lose all the time would probably get frustrating, even if it doesn't bore you. ^^") So that's why I'm surprised that they give the guys such big handicaps. (Although I have to say that it's fun to watch Nino try to get revenge on the guests when they're presenting the prizes...XD)

I really don't think he expected to convince them at all, he was scrambling around for just about any excuse to get the focus off him

T-that's very much Ohno, yes. *cries* Ohno seems to never have grown up past the age of name-calling and pointing at others. V_V" (Of course his partner-in-crime is the same, but you sort of expect that from Nino...)

I really want to know what they're going to do when they have a tie! Like, if two people get two people pointing at them and one person points at someone else, what do they do then?

My guess is that they either let the guests decide, or (more likely) they'll make Ohno decide for them again... v-v" (since they're clearly so easily influenced by him at any time.)


Re: Part 2 beckerbell May 16 2008, 11:31:43 UTC
I do wonder about that--possibly getting boring when Arashi keeps losing and... I think maybe with another band it might have been different (well, K8 is probably the same) but Arashi has built a lot of their fanbase on being awesomely fail, right? Sho has said that before, that he thinks a lot of what their appeal is is that they're complete and total fail sometimes. So, if you're watching for the guest, you want to see them win and then you see these guys they were playing against take it really well. Or you're watching for Arashi and you love how they react when they lose.

(But I would think we'll start seeing Arashi winning pretty soon? Hopefully, anyway. In the meantime, they each get a chance to be pretty good, even if the overall team fails. XD)

They could do janken to decide, but that doesn't seem really in the spirit of who was worst that day. ....I say they'll probably drop BOTH of them. XDDDDD


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