1) SPOILERS for anything listed here! (Pretty much whatever was released in the last week or so.)
2) I am totally getting to comments! I am... slightly less behind than I was before!
this was supposed to be short, but somehow it was 11+ pages in word before I posted it orz )
like two little kindergarden kids who are huddled together against the rest of the world because they have an ~*Evil Plan*~ and it's going to be really funny
Y-yes, that sums it up pretty well...^^"
And yes, Ohno is amazing at being evil and - I suspect - emotionally manipulative. And he probably would be feared far more, if he weren't so gentle and confused at other times.
The mean/pranksterish persona is just one side of him, with the other side being the little guy who lets a make-up artist hit him in the face repeatedly and who follows strangers without questions, leading to at least half of his band complaining loudly that he shouldn't be so naive.
That's probably the reason WHY exactly he's so extremely good at getting away with stuff - he's a little shit one minute and in the next one he's genuinely LOST for some reason, which makes everyone completely forget that he's ever been mean to them in their honest desire to help him out. XD
Nino fearing Ohno? I love that idea! XDDD Maybe that's why he's got this weird obsession with being allowed to touch Ohno and Ohno not being allowed to touch him back - he wants at least one area in his life where he can feel superior to Ohno! XD
(And yes, I'd love to see Nino against Ohno in a war of pranks, really! XDD On the one hand, Ohno is far more skilled at getting other people to do what he wants for him - on the other hand, Nino's ambitious.)
and of course Aiba would probably get it stuck up his nose and they'd have a mess on their hands
O-oh god, yes. He totally would. V_V"
Aiba can be surprisingly good at not crossing lines. Sometimes I think with all his goofy behaviour and his willingness to talk about all of his bodily functions (and his underwear and who it belonged to before it was found in his wardrobe) on TV he should be the one most likely to cross lines; but I get the feeling that it's actually Ohno and Sho who're most likely to involuntarily cross lines. Though they're also pretty good about respecting Jun's boundaries. I guess it's because they've been in a band with him the last eight years and know / can read him better than most people.
Well, the things I find most striking with Ohno and Nino are that clearly, not all of their interaction on screen is meant to be fanservice - and they're STILL so close!
Not even necessarily physical (though there are a lot of instances when Nino touches Ohno and I doubt that he even realized that he touched him), but occasionally they'll make comments to each other that are clearly not meant to be picked up by the camera (which is especially startling when all the others are having a conversation that was clearly FOR the camera; and then Ohmiya just decide to leave the group-situation by starting their own private conversation), or they'll just stare at each other for a few seconds and it almost seems like they're communicating telepathically and no one knows what they're talking about apart from them.
Arashi playing videos against each other? YES PLEASE! *____* (It would be like VS Arashi, with more elaborate games.)
Yeah, Jun appeared on it this week, and I think Taiji's going to sub that one as well? At least it seemed so from the Sho post. ^-^ I'm really interested whether Jun's version of Arashi will be in-synch with the other two's...^^"
I just. Worry for him. Between their tv shows and concerts and stuff... he's not going to get much sleep. ;__;
I think unlike Jun, Ohno will somehow find a way to get his sleep. Obviously he'll have a lot more to do; but everyone says he's a very "my pace" guy, so when "my pace" includes sleeping at some point, he'll probably get it somehow. (And if he has to pout at people to get his will. XD)
And yes, I'd love to see Nino against Ohno in a war of pranks, really! XDD On the one hand, Ohno is far more skilled at getting other people to do what he wants for him - on the other hand, Nino's ambitious.
Agreed completely. Nino would probably win just because Ohno doesn't have the ambition to do it properly for more than half a day or so. Ohno's much more laid back about it and lets opportunities come to him instead. But when he does get like that... how do you really deal with Ohno? You can't really yell at him because he'll look like a little lost puppy or just do that adorable smile and you'll totally cave because, aww, look! Leader actually did something besides stare at his fingers for half an hour!
So I wouldn't be surprised if at least part of it is that Nino just wouldn't know how to deal with Ohno if Ohno actually did anything to him. Especially because he's not really faking the whole BUT I'M LOST *sadface* attitude most of the time and even if you know better, you still just forget that he can be a total little shit, too. (He's also the type where you'll never really be able to catch him, he just laughs at the ensuing carnage, but you'll have a hell of a time pinning him down as the actual culprit. Whereas Nino will be unable to stand not bragging about how he set it up. XDDD)
Sometimes I think with all his goofy behaviour and his willingness to talk about all of his bodily functions (and his underwear and who it belonged to before it was found in his wardrobe) on TV he should be the one most likely to cross lines;
I find it really interesting, too! Because you see him just diving into conversations and saying things without really thinking about it that you kind of don't notice how much Aiba really does pay attention to the atmosphere in the room/around people. He often uses the thoughtless things he says on purpose, to break the tension and just get the conversation ball rolling, rather than waiting for the perfect opportunity. But he doesn't cross lines because he's paid attention to everyone else and what they will/won't tolerate. Sho probably is the one that would unknowingly cross a line like that, whether because of his temper or because he just hasn't had to force himself to read the atmosphere of the room like the others have. Ohno, I suspect, is so laid-back and tolerant (and lazy XD) that he wouldn't cross a line, just because it would involve effort.
I might have expected it from Jun, but he's so hyper aware of his own lines and respectful of how he's the youngest in the group, that I think his CONSTANT VIGILANCE would keep him from it. Nino... Nino is very careful about what he says, he often takes care to make sure the other person doesn't look bad even when Nino's whining, he doesn't tease about things that would actually hurt, he's carefully watching the mood of the room.
(And now that I've said all this, I remember something I was thinking about earlier--the only time I can ever recall anyone in Arashi seeming to genuinely make another person feel bad is the time on Shukudai-kun when they had the scavanger hunt thing and Sho went to talk to the Tensai! staff and they mentioned Aiba's English, which Sho totally gave him crap about afterwards. You could kind of see genuine hurt on Aiba's face--or so I thought--even as he tried to laugh it off, and he hasn't done much random English since then. ....which was Sho unknowingly crossing a bit of a line, come to think of it.)
and it almost seems like they're communicating telepathically and no one knows what they're talking about apart from them.
One of my greatest complaints about Ohmiya's portrayal in fandom is that not nearly enough people write about their creepy psychic connection, where they can just look at each other and KNOW what the other is thinking. (Usually something evil, too. XD)
[crap!, just 500 characters over the limit! *weeps*]
Isn't Ohno the one who admited that, when he has plays, he sometimes only gets two to three hours of sleep a night? Ohno just doesn't show it because he's always sleepy looking or because he just doesn't mention it/doesn't get cranky when he's sleep-deprived. So, I worry that he'll push himself. I mean, obviously Ohno knows himself best and if he thinks he can do it, then I'll trust that, just... I still worry.
(And oh man I still have your latest fic bookmarked and I am GOING TO COMMENT. ♥ ....probably ridiculously wordy, too. .__.)
One of my greatest complaints about Ohmiya's portrayal in fandom is that not nearly enough people write about their creepy psychic connection, where they can just look at each other and KNOW what the other is thinking. (Usually something evil, too. XD)
I'd love to read a fic where Ohmiya actually have telepathic abilites and have to hide them from everyone else. (Except that they totally fail at the hiding part, because they always forget to actually talk when speaking to eac other.)
I... I'd even read a Harry Potter crossover with Ohmiya as the Weasly twins, if it would describe their silent communication... v-v" (That's how far I've sunk.^^")
Isn't Ohno the one who admited that, when he has plays, he sometimes only gets two to three hours of sleep a night?
I've read stuff like that, but I always was under the impression that it weren't so much the plays which made him lose sleep, but the plays in addition to his other work and his hobbies. He often says stuff like that he stayed out until four in the morning to fish, or that he stayed up all night to finish a piece of art; and I recall that he said that, if he had to choose between art and sleep, he'd rather forego sleep, so I always thought that he actually could get enough sleep, but chose not to because other stuff was more important to him.
But maybe I over-generalized and he actually doesn't get enough sleep during his plays because of work? If that's the case, I really hope that he's not going to push himself too hard! :/ Especially as I'm still not entirely convinced that he wasn't at least slightly tricked into accepting the role... :(
(Take your time for the fic. ^-^)
I don't have the interview links on hand and I probably didn't read them closely enough, so I can't say for certain, but I came away with the impression that it was because of all the plays and the rehearsals and TV shows and stuff, since Ohno really, really piles it on sometimes. But he's never really flashy about it, so I wonder how much people realize it...? I'd be glad to be mistaken though (and it's probably entirely possible that I am!), because if it's his choice... then that means he can either choose to sleep when he needs it or his bandmates could bully him into sleep.
And... I would not put it past Ohno to forgo sleep for fishing all night, especially when he just recently picked it up and became enthralled with it. XD
how do you really deal with Ohno? You can't really yell at him because he'll look like a little lost puppy or just do that adorable smile and you'll totally cave because, aww, look! Leader actually did something besides stare at his fingers for half an hour!
*bursts out laughing*
Arashi is SO DOOMED. XDD Because yes, I really get the feeling that, even when Ohno does or says something out of line, they can't help but feel charmed that he actually thought them worth the effort to do something. XD
Well, apart from Jun, who's probably a bit more clear-sighted; but he's such a woobie when it comes to his band that he still doesn't count. XDD
So I wouldn't be surprised if at least part of it is that Nino just wouldn't know how to deal with Ohno if Ohno actually did anything to him.
This reminds me: Did you see that fancam that inuhariko posted today? It has Ohno wrestling Nino down to the floor in the middle of the concert and ...it's somehow so TYPICAL for Ohno, because to me it really looks like he loses steam halfway through and instead of pinning Nino to the floor properly, he just flops down on him. Then he seems to want to start a cuddling session (or perhaps a nap-session, it's hard to tell at one point), but Nino's actually struggling against him; and I totally get the feeling that at that point, Nino didn't notice that Ohno wasn't trying to fight with him anymore, which isn't all that surprising, because any normal person would NOT give up on a fight they started that easily.
Especially not when they're winning. XD
Aiba and Nino both have a really amazing ability to read the people around them and to react accordingly to it. And especially Aiba doesn't want to hurt the people around him, so he would rather stay quiet than say something bad. And Nino... I think Jun said it best when he said that Nino toes the line, but never crosses it. (He probably views that as a game, in which he has to hone his skills, too.)
Ohno... if I recall correctly, Jun said something along the lines that he sometimes feels uneasy, because he never knows what his Leader might say/do next, so I guess he can be thoughtless enough to cross the line - but he's so quiet most of the time that he probably doesn't do it all that often (and I guess, from the way the others treat him, that it would be no problem to manage him in these cases, simply by scolding/hitting him and telling him to shut up ^^").
Jun - I can't add anything to what you said. Jun really is constantly vigil, so he wouldn't slip enough to really cross the line. OK, I'm sure he occasionally bitches at them and I guess he might cross some lines in private, when he's really frustrated and pissed off; but I think he'd back off as soon as he noticed that he'd really hurt them.
Sho... yeah, Sho might be the one to actually put his foot in his mouth and really hurt his friends with the things he said, without even meaning to. For someone who's got such an amazing vocabulary and who is able to write really beautiful musings on the world, he seems to be rather unfortunate when trying to get his emotions across (just see the confessions-thing on Shukudai-kun - no matter how much it was played up, Sho just really isn't good with that stuff) or when making a joke. And when his temper flares up... yes, Sho probably is the one who can hurt others with his words without meaning to, or withouth noticing. (Poor Aiba... but he probably forgave Sho, because Sho never attempts to be mean - he just fails in that area, just as he fails in others. ^^")
I hadn't seen that fancam before, no! And ahahahaha Ohno totally does to Nino what I do to my nephew--I glom onto him and wrestle him down and then forcefully snuggle with him while he tries to struggle away. XDDD And I think stuff like that is probably why Nino and Ohno get along, why Nino likes Ohno so much, because who else is going to do that to him? (Well, Aiba might. But it's different when Aiba does it. XD) Who else plays along with Nino's bizarre sense of playfulness? XD
Aiba can definitely put his foot in his mouth at times (like when commenting on a woman's age, which he always seems to be the one doing that XD) but it's really never in a hurtful sort of way and he's never looking down on anyone. And Nino isn't quite as CONSTANT VIGILANCE as Jun is, but I think he pays a lot of attention to everyone and actually notices stuff. He notices the little visual and verbal cues about what kind of mood the other person is in. Ohno... yeah, pretty much agreed! He notices stuff, but, eh, what's to comment on? And if he does start to say something, it's usually done in that lazy sort of way that obviously Ohno doesn't really mean any harm, like with Nakai--even when he's being a little shit, you can tell that it's about making Nakai look as humorous as himself, it's about making Nakai as entertaining as he is.
Jun... yeah, I agree, he could probably cross some lines in private because he does have a really strong temper and he has the ability to cut sharply with words. He would immediately feel badly... he's probably the type who kicks himself more for that kind of thing than any of the rest of the band would, which is why they seem kind of tolerant of him over it, I think. They know Jun'll beat himself up harder than any of their reproaches would.
Sho, on the other hand, has a temper and has a hard time expressing himself clearly sometimes. When he has time to give it thought and really consider a situation, he can express himself very well, he's very intelligent and considering. But you're right about those "Tell me, Arashi!" corners where they tried to get Sho to come up with ways to confess a person's feelings showing that he does have a lot of trouble with it. And, I think, Sho tends to get very focused, which can sometimes make him not realize how people have reacted around him, so he can hurt people without meaning to. Not always--like, Sho was pretty on the ball with their headphones/blindfolds performance of A*RA*SHI and directing the conversation away from Jun's mistakes, but sometimes he does fail at it.
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