(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 10:28

Battlestar Galactica


Cockpit, R, Drabble

Five Times Kara Thrace Prayed and the One Time She Didn't, PG-13, Ficlet

I Miss..., PG-13, Ficlet.

Ill-Conceived, NC-17, Multi-chapter, written with Angylinni

Mud, NC-17, One-shot

No Good, PG-13, Kara/Zak implied.

Payback, PG-13.

Reparation, NC-17, current WIP

Riot: Fuel, PG, Part one of two.

Riot: Spark, NC-17, Part two of two.

Safe, PG, Drabble.

Score, NC-17, One-shot.

Transparency, Soft R, One-shot.

Yes, PG, Drabble.


Bona Fiscalia, NC-17, do I really need to warn you that this is porny?

No Little Prank, M, One-shot.


Fitting, Soft R


A Good Time, NC-17, One-shot.

Sucker, NC-17, One-shot.


Hard, R, Drabblish.


Never Frak With Starbuck, NC-17, Drabblish.


One Third, R, One-shot, strong suggestion of Kara/Lee.


Hard, G, Helo, Kara, Drabblish.

Spartan, PG, Kara, a remix fic of pataka02's Detritus.


Uphill, PG-13, Ons-shot, Katee Sackhoff/Jamie Bamber

Prison Break


Again, PG-13, Multi-Chapter, WIP

Align, NC-17, Multi-chapter

Arrogance, PG, Drabble

Cold Contact, PG, Drabble

Dancing On Needles, PG, Drabble

Drop, PG, Drabble

Fourth of July, PG, Drabble

Fruit Market, PG, Drabble

Hit The Ground, PG, Short one-shot

Hot Bunking, R

Ikea, PG, One-shot

Mind The Gap, NC-17, One-shot

Not Waving But Drowning, PG, One-shot

Parliament of Foules, PG

Plan B, PG, One-shot

Sight Unforeseen, NC-17, Multi-chapter, complete

Sleep To Dream, PG, Songfic *headdesk*

The Heat We Leave In Our Wake, PG

Toes, R, Drabble


A Darker Shade Of Pale, NC-17, One-shot

Another Nail, NC-17, One-shot

Devour, NC-17, Short one-shot

For Lincoln, NC-17, (a fave of mine)

Happening. Almost, R, Drabble

More Than A Little, PG, Short one-shot

Perpendicular, NC-17, One-shot

Sandwiches, PG, One-shot

Shut Up, NC-17, One-shot

The Sin, Not The Sinner, NC-17, One-Shot

Words, PG, Short one-shot


Happily Never After, PG, Drabble

Indication, NC-17, One-shot

Sensory Deprivation, NC-17, One-shot (a personal fave)


Lip Service, PG, One-shot

On His Sofa, PG, Drabblish


Whited Sepulchre, NC-17, One-shot

Gen & Other

A Worthy Man, PG, Drabble

Bounce, G, Debra Jean Belle, Drabble

Caged Bird Sings, PG, Drabble

Confession, PG, Drabble, Slashy

Hide & Seek, PG, Drabble

Intellect, PG, Drabble

Map, G, Drabble

Lincoln’s Bounty, PG, One-shot (a personal fave)

Princess, R, One-shot

Stagger, PG, Drabble

Sucre Knows, PG, Drabble, Vaguely slashy

The Real Reason, R, Don’t even bother, this fic sucks.

Tilt, PG, Drabble

Vice of Virtue, PG-13, Ensemble

Void, PG, Drabble (another fave of mine)

Yellow Sprinkles, G, Drabble

Exchange Fics

Diversion Tactics, R, One-shot

Fromage, PG, One-shot

The Centre Cannot Hold, NC-17, Heavy slash


Uncertainty With Conviction, NC-17, Femmeslash


One For The Ages, PG, WM/SWC

Potent, PG-13, SWC/DP

Slick, NC-17, F-locked.

Undeniable, P-13, SWC/WM.

Untitled, PG, Drabble.



Scenting Solace, PG, One Shot.


Connect, PG, One Shot.


Face First, PG, Current WIP.


Got Your Back, PG-13, Brennan/Booth.

Harry Potter


Penseive, NC-17, One-shot

Marcus Flint/Katie Bell

Bite, R, One shot

Daisygram, R, One shot

Fumble, R, Ficlet

Gone With The Sin, PG, One shot

She Scores, NC-17, WIP
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Recollection, PG-13, Drabble

The Fifth Row, PG-13, Ficlet

Middle Man, G, Drabble

Untitled, PG, Drabble


Tug, G, Ficlet


A Terrible Thing R, Ficlet

Robin Hood (BBC)

For God, G, Robin/Marain, Drabble

La Femme Nikita

It's Never Okay, PG, Nikita/Michael, Drabble
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