Pointlessness, Thy Name Is Drabble

Jul 13, 2006 21:54

Title: Arrogance
Authors: volatile/becisvolatile
Rating: PG
Characters: Sara/Michael-ish
Genre: Drabble (159 words)
Summary: It was arrogance, and arrogance alone, that convinced Michael Scofield that she’d leave the door unlocked.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Especially not anything related to Prison Break.

At first, she didn’t think that anybody in the world could be that arrogant. But apparently, Michael Scofield was.

His plan wasn’t forged in brilliance; determination was not the driving force behind his actions. Love for his brother was only one element of the larger design. Research, investigation and planning were only the frames of his elaborate scheme.

It was arrogance, and arrogance alone, that convinced Michael Scofield that she’d leave the door unlocked.

For a while she walked along the lake and smiled. She’d lock the door and watch as his pretty world crumbled around those eight pretty toes. She’d be justified. Right would be on her side, even if nothing else was.

From the direction of the lake a gust of cold air smacked up against her, pressing at her face until her skin felt tight enough to crack. Her smile faded and she remembered that she always did fall for the arrogant ones.

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