Supernatural Report from Comic-Con!

Jul 29, 2007 23:37

Supernatural Report from Comic-Con

Well, folks, my sojourn at Comic-Con 2007 is over. First off, I must say, regretfully, that I have no personal close encounters of the Supernatural kind to report. And given that there were many people there with cell phones and tiny digital cameras with video capability recording the panel, you’ve probably ( Read more... )

ben edlund, jared padalecki, sera gamble, real life, eric kripke, jensen ackles, comics, television production, cons, supernatural

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Comments 52

Thank you anonymous July 30 2007, 05:01:31 UTC
Thank you very much for sharing your experience at the con. I have not heard or read any other reports, from the con. So, getting to hear about your experience has been a real treat! Thanks!


jade02 July 30 2007, 05:10:14 UTC
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with us.

I have to confess - I'm disappointed that we won't be seeing any more Sam visions. I was hoping for quite the "Oh crap" reaction from Sam & Dean when they realized Sam wasn't free of them after all.

Did they mention why they changed the fight between Sam & Jake?


bardicvoice July 30 2007, 22:41:29 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it, jade02 ( ... )


anonymous July 30 2007, 06:37:49 UTC
Mary, thanks again for sharing your experience with us. It sounds like you had a great time. Like you I would have loved to hear what Jared had to say about Jensen's reaction to his death scene in AHBL 2. Those two seem so very close and think highly of each other. Looking forward to more.



coco_chills July 30 2007, 14:11:26 UTC
I'm a middle age woman but damn I still get giddy when I read about these things. Thanks for the wonderful play by play. Looks like it was lots of fun.


bardicvoice July 30 2007, 22:43:11 UTC
Hey, coco, I'm 50 myself, so I understand exactly what you mean! This was my first chance to share a first-person Supernatural event, and I was pretty giddy, too!


AWESOME Account of Comic Con anonymous July 30 2007, 16:35:36 UTC
This is Sophie! I will be commenting on the TV Guide blog as well, but just HAD to tell you how much I enjoyed your account and what an AWESOME read it was. I longed to be there and if timing and money were better, I would have been, but your accounting of all of the WONDERFUL details was SO funny and worthwhile and I had to show my appreciation!


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