
Nov 15, 2009 20:45

I have found courage to watch Merlin again probably thanks to Katie's words and thanks to my friends mrs_leary and souzoukyuketsuu.
It feels good to have so wonderful people to talk to. mrs_leary and I didn't feel the same watching the fourth first episodes but it is always good to hear different opinions, now souzoukyuketsuu and I definitely did feel the same and it felt good to to see that ( Read more... )

[character] - uther pendragon, [character] - ygraine pendragon, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [pictures], [me - myself & i], [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin

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Comments 23

phantomreviewer November 15 2009, 19:50:34 UTC
I did not see the end of the episode (I got whisked off to dinner out by a friend of mine) so I shall fill this in later. :D


babydracky November 15 2009, 20:02:40 UTC
Can't wait to read from you^^


phantomreviewer November 15 2009, 20:24:42 UTC
Will do!


blackbirdj2 November 15 2009, 19:51:37 UTC
I am really in doubt whether Arthur really saw Ygraine. Maybe he did, but I agree with you that Ygraine really talked too badly about Uther. I am very much in doubt. On the other hand, and the end of the episode it looked like Morgause was terribly disappointed that Arthur hadn't killed Uther and that makes me think that maybe it was all set up so Arthur would do that.

I think Uther didn't know Ygraine would die. If he had known, he would not have asked for the magic to create Arthur's life, I think.
Really, this show it too interesting! I can't wait to see what will happen with this storyline.


babydracky November 15 2009, 20:02:00 UTC
I totally agree with you. It is good to have so many different opinions about facts in a fandom and wanted to know more.

The facts are true; Arthur is born thanks to magic and Ygraine died because of it but I do really think that Ygraine wouldn't have talked about Uther like that, so I think Morgause set it all up.
But I'm kind of happy to have Arthur having the chance to actually see his mother.


ces_1 November 15 2009, 20:31:00 UTC
1) I've been thinking of this quite a lot, one one hand it seems it was a setup from Morgause to kill Uther. However, I do believe (and I actually hope) it was his mother we saw, physically. It could be that Morgause wanted to manipulate Arthur, and therefore the words spoken was Morgause.. if that makes sense? However, there was a point when Igraine talked about Uther that it seemed Morgause was surprised hearing about that for the first time - which seems a bit weird if it was "her" words. (I was a wee bit disappointed by that actually, I really wanted a soppy, fluffy reunion, and not with an underlying agenda.) And then we see the ending, where she saw Uther and Arthur bonding, (and not looking happy) so it seems there was an agenda behind all this ( ... )


babydracky November 17 2009, 09:17:58 UTC
1/ Well... One thing is sure though. I really think that Arthur actually saw Ygraine's face. Even if the apparation isn't Ygraine, it is her face we saw and I think it is important too because Arthur will be able to have a little memory of his mother.

2/ I think we'll see Morgause again this season and it'll be interesting. It is a really good set up for the character and I really like her!


souzoukyuuketsu November 15 2009, 20:34:26 UTC
Hey you =D ( ... )


babydracky November 17 2009, 09:24:05 UTC

1/ At least, I really think Arthur actually saw Ygraine's face. The apparation being Ygraine or not had her face and it feels at least good to know that Arthur actually saw his mum's face and that he'll have that memory to cherish in his heart.

The bonding between Arthur and Merlin was adorable, I was all "awww"! Boys don't do that to my little heart!! Wait OO Actually, never stop doing that to my little heart xD

Yeah... It would have been Uther's chance to explain but I really think that he fears all Magic and that he is affraid to show some weakness to his son. -_-

Yeah! THAT is interesting! ÖÖ
Who said Morgause couldn't be Uther's child? ÖÖ That would be another reason Uther cares about Morgana so much ÖÖ


souzoukyuuketsu November 17 2009, 21:59:18 UTC
ME !

Could be :p

And don't cheat, you have the greatest of hearts :p


babydracky November 18 2009, 08:37:45 UTC
And don't cheat, you have the greatest of hearts :p


mithrel November 15 2009, 21:29:28 UTC
Most likely it was a trick, but I want to believe it wasn't for Arthur's sake.


babydracky November 17 2009, 09:25:02 UTC
Well, at least, I think we can all be sure that the apparition, being Ygraine or not, had Ygraine's face and it is important too. Because, now, Arthur will have a memory about his mother to chrish.


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