
Nov 15, 2009 20:45

I have found courage to watch Merlin again probably thanks to Katie's words and thanks to my friends mrs_leary and souzoukyuketsuu.
It feels good to have so wonderful people to talk to. mrs_leary and I didn't feel the same watching the fourth first episodes but it is always good to hear different opinions, now souzoukyuketsuu and I definitely did feel the same and it felt good to to see that ( Read more... )

[character] - uther pendragon, [character] - ygraine pendragon, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [pictures], [me - myself & i], [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin

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souzoukyuuketsu November 15 2009, 20:34:26 UTC
Hey you =D


Question 1 :

I think it's a mix of the two. I'd like to think Arthur really saw his mother. And Morgawse could have miscalculated - thought that seeing the one person Arthur's missed all his life and felt guilty for would suffice.
Maybe she tricked Arthur - and surely she did. She's got an agenda, that much is certain. But she could have been striving to earn Arthur's trust. Which would be why she seems so dismayed when she realizes that Arthur is still happy with his father.
She doesn't need to lie to him. But at the same time, I thought Ygraine loved Uther. At least, that's what it seemed to me. I don't think she would have told of this on her own volition. She certainly seems reluctant. That might well be part of the trick. But maybe there's some kind of a "bargain" in this, and she had to say what Morgawse wanted her to say, in order to see her son.

I think we'll have to wait and see.

2 / Uther : Well, he's as responsible as the rest of them. I'm not really sure he knew that there would be a life taken in return for the birth of Arthur. And if he did, I'm not sure he realized it could be Ygraine. I'm not sure how it works, exactly. Nimueh acted like she didn't choose who was to die, but when Gaius came to give his life, it seemed easy to take his, all of the sudden.
But I don't think she would have chosen to take Ygraine's life if she had known the price she would have to pay - herself. So... I don't know who is to blame. I never got the impression Ygraine was very willing to beget a child whatever the cost. But then again, maybe she was...

About this episode... I loved how we heard Merlin talk about his father, and the bonding between Arthur and him. I loved that he was the only one able to reach him in that state of desperation. And I'm glad he did.
But he could have done so in another way, a way that wouldn't have been an outright lie. Because when Arthur learns about the truth - and he will - Merlin will pay for it. Even though he did

Uther disappointed me. That was his one chance to come clean. To explain. He could have told Arthur that he was tricked, that he didn't know Ygraine would pay the price. And so magic was evil. But he went on lying, and just that. He could have given Arthur "something". Instead, he just answered something that wasn't an answer at all... and that was true, yes, but...

And so. Who's Morgawse's mother ? Ygraine ?? We know Morgawse is Morgana's HALF sister... But by Gorlois or their mother ?


babydracky November 17 2009, 09:24:05 UTC

1/ At least, I really think Arthur actually saw Ygraine's face. The apparation being Ygraine or not had her face and it feels at least good to know that Arthur actually saw his mum's face and that he'll have that memory to cherish in his heart.

The bonding between Arthur and Merlin was adorable, I was all "awww"! Boys don't do that to my little heart!! Wait OO Actually, never stop doing that to my little heart xD

Yeah... It would have been Uther's chance to explain but I really think that he fears all Magic and that he is affraid to show some weakness to his son. -_-

Yeah! THAT is interesting! ÖÖ
Who said Morgause couldn't be Uther's child? ÖÖ That would be another reason Uther cares about Morgana so much ÖÖ


souzoukyuuketsu November 17 2009, 21:59:18 UTC
ME !

Could be :p

And don't cheat, you have the greatest of hearts :p


babydracky November 18 2009, 08:37:45 UTC
And don't cheat, you have the greatest of hearts :p


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