I've never really understood how some of my coworkers could just work from home and only come into the office maybe once every few months... though I'm sure even they are going a bit more stir-crazy than usual considering we are all under stay at home orders in our respective states
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Crossposting an old Narnia fic that I referenced recently in the Three Sentence Ficathon. This was originally posted at last_battle_au, which you can find here. I just never bothered to post it to my own journal till now.
Oh, how I've missed writing! I've been needing some sort of impetus to get back to it and honestly, there's nothing better than the Three Sentence Ficathon to get me inspired. Come join the fun, there are lots of prompts needing to be filled!
I've been a pretty voracious reader these days, especially when I'm waiting for the trains (so many delays and weekend construction lately). In addition to the books mentioned in my last post, here's a list (inspired by
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