Working from home (aka Lockdown), week 3

Apr 03, 2020 20:30

I've never really understood how some of my coworkers could just work from home and only come into the office maybe once every few months... though I'm sure even they are going a bit more stir-crazy than usual considering we are all under stay at home orders in our respective states.

I suspect, like a blogger I follow, some of us will probably update a bit more frequently than we have in recent years just to either keep track of time or just to do something productive. The only thing I don't really want to do anymore is watch the news, and I skim the Guardian's headlines a lot less often now because everything is just so grim. And being outside hasn't been great either -- there's been more gray and cloudy days than sun so that hasn't helped to lift any spirits.

At 7pm every night, people have been applauding our healthcare workers and emergency responders. Tonight was the first night I've actually kept track of time and went to the window and heard the clapping. It's been occurring in other neighborhoods in the city, based on video footage I've seen but I didn't think anyone in my area was actually doing it. A car driving down the street even honked several times as the applause went on.

I'm just glad the week is over. Am very tired of the long meetings on Zoom and it seems like we are all over-working now; people don't seem to know how to switch off and stop working every night. I'm usually pretty good about this, logging off around 5pm and tuning out, though some/many of my coworkers don't. That's also what I miss about working in the office. You have to leave at some point and the commute is a good transition between work and personal lives, but we don't have that anymore.

I just want to enjoy a good book this weekend or watch some escapist tv. Got a bunch of tv shows queued up ("Liverpool 1", "London Kills" (season 1), "The Repair Shop" (season 6), "Miss Scarlet and the Duke" episode 1), though I may go watch a bit of Broadway tonight since Andrew Lloyd Webber will be streaming some of his shows on Youtube. I've also taken the time to do a bit of "social media distancing" -- prune a bunch of email subscriptions by unsubbing or changing to once a week if possible, and unfollowing a bunch of retail accounts on Instagram and Twitter -- since I've no interest in looking at sales emails for clothing, shoes, etc. There's no point in buying new things that you wear for other people to admire (as a friend put it the other day). I'm not an online shopper for those items (really need to try things on in person with my body type) and honestly, I think everyone have more important necessities to buy these days.

How are you all, and how have you been keeping occupied at home?

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real life, tv

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