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Comments 142

Cannonball Guthrie / theguthries August 26 2011, 00:10:53 UTC
Sam's speech to his siblings and peers was far less rousing, for while this was a possible revolution or civil war for the Mansion. For those employed by the Shadow King, this was another day, another job and like all others, had a paycheck at the end.

They sat or stood about the parking lot of the motel, some having camped in the field behind it. None were worried about a human coming across their often odd appearances, a few having divided up the owner and his children for spare parts the night before.

Coffee, cigarettes and matches were passed around the collection as Sam took front and center. Though he could see everyone, he accepted the suitcase from Elizabeth to give him eight inches more presence.

"Now look here." He called out, "we've got two options, our grounds or theirs. The King has given us the knowledge we need for theirs, as has Aero of more recent additions. But they could hole up there, perhaps indefinitely. When they attack, for they will- we must bring them out into the open. Once their core- that is, ( ... )


Re: Cannonball Guthrie / backoffbub August 26 2011, 19:42:03 UTC
It had been too long since he'd been in a good fight, a war, and as Logan stood there with a cigar in his mouth he found himself growing impatient. Speeches were fine for the enlisted men, but he'd played this game before and won. He didn't need some kid telling him what to do or how things would go.

"I'll take Victor and Kyle and thin out the herd a bit, but you and yours need to keep Erik occupied," Logan told Sam once he was done talking. "He gets a hold of me and you're all dead," he reminded him, claws flicking out for a visual reminder of why.

He paused, putting the claws away, and added, "If Phoenix is there, if she's working with them, I'll handle her myself."


Re: Cannonball Guthrie / Wolverine theguthries August 26 2011, 19:52:44 UTC
"You're laying dibs already?" A voice came from the back, and even Sam had to hold back a smirk at it. He knew what they were facing, but the sing-song Logan and Phoenix sitting in a tree passed through his mind quickly enough.

The moment passed, and Sam nodded down to who should have been his superior. Only the luck of timing placed himself here before Logan, and he knew experience when he saw it ( ... )


Cannonball Guthrie / Wolverine backoffbub August 26 2011, 20:20:22 UTC
Logan held up a hand with the middle claw extended back over his shoulder towards whoever had made the comment, but never turned his attention away from Sam. "Just keep Erik away from me, Bub, and I won't give a fuck what you do to distract him," he assured the Guthrie.


Amazon Guthrie / theguthries August 26 2011, 00:44:54 UTC
Elizabeth's night had been most comfortable, an old friend from her days in Latvia had stopped in to collect a deal and a bounty on one of the more recent students. Though they didn't get as much sleep as they had wished the night before, come the pre-dawn? They were both showered, wearing their own clothes and drinking rather spiked coffee.

As the various parts of her unit (Rahne Sinclair at the head) made their way to their corner of the property, she couldn't really help herself, and took a note from her elder sister, humming gently under her breath.

"I fell into the burning ring of fire..."


Aero Guthrie / theguthries August 26 2011, 01:06:41 UTC
Melodie had been assigned to the Marauders, Sam having trusted the leader's father from their years working with Shaw. This was of course, before Emmanuel had passed and the Hellfire Club had reorganized. They were more of a serious group, for how disorganized they appeared to be, and all spent half their morning preparing their minds and their weapons. After all, unfortunately not everyone was able to blind others at will.

The unit was to approach the north bit of the mansion, stay out of the way until it was good and ready to take over. She had asked to take this part of the attack, preferring to have a good bit of revenge on several physical bits of the building, for all that she knew her weapon of choice would be rather useless against him. Quietly they began to gather to take their posts, all hand signals and nods. Soon it wouldn't matter of course, but at least the beginning was worth the effort.


Re: Aero Guthrie / eagleonfire August 27 2011, 07:54:36 UTC
Amara slid through the wood easily, hearing rustles in the surrounding area that certainly wasn't the normal wildlife that tended to inhabit these parts. She knew one of the Guthrie's would be leading this particular charge, although she couldn't be sure which one.

They were rather good, she thought, ducking down behind a rock when she stepped on something that made more noise than she liked. She could barely hear them breathing, although she was lucky she was ducked down, the sky lighting up with the light from Alex's plasma, illuminating the woods briefly. No one in front of her, at least.

Once the light had passed, she slowly got up, continuing to stalk towards the noise she'd heard.


Aero Guthrie / Amara-Magma theguthries August 27 2011, 11:16:57 UTC
Bobby held a fist up, indicating for the small party to stop in their tracks. Though the band of five was spread out over several dozen yards, all kept a spare eye on each other and their leader, listening to his silent commands. One finger went up, then a second hand gesture that indicated Meolodie with the direction laid out to their front and left, in the near-exact direction of their non-companion.

She raised herself up, using only the most natural of winds to keep her balanced in the night air as she led herself over to where Amara should be hiding. No sound came from her progress beyond the gentle rustle of leaves from an early-morning breeze.

They couldn't be interrupted until the sun rose- Bobby needed that sun in order to be all that they needed him to be. She had to eliminate this threat quickly, quietly and without disturbing whoever took charge of protecting this area.


Re: Aero Guthrie / Amara-Magma eagleonfire August 27 2011, 11:21:14 UTC
She started to move forward again, pausing when she didn't hear anymore movement from the North. Shit, they had heard her, and she no longer had the cover of the rock formation, pressing herself against a tree, trying to see in the damn woods with little light. She looked around, not seeing anything so far, but that didn't mean anything was there.


Spark Plug Guthrie / theguthries August 26 2011, 01:35:18 UTC
Oh this was exciting. At first Sam was not going to allow his youngest, least experienced and most volatile sibling out, but demand he do guard duty on the other children and the unconscious Benjamin Westwood. He had bribed, begged, and bargained his way onto the battle field, and though he'd never admit to all he promised, here he was ( ... )


everambient August 26 2011, 02:22:55 UTC
It was impressive, and a little scary, and as Alex stood there listening he hardly moved. His stance was strong, that of a fighter with experience he just didn't have, but there was something about wearing the Havok uniform that inspired confidence. That and the way that some of the younger students were looking at him now, as if they expected him to step up and be the leader, and Alex was reminded of Ben back home who had looked at him that way so many times before.

That's what this was all about--getting Ben out, getting him back home. Even if he was a douchebag in this universe he was still Ben, that crazy kid who could control electricity ( ... )


greenhairs August 26 2011, 03:10:37 UTC
Lorna's face was the picture of calm. Her hand rubbed her stomach soothingly as she listened to her father speak. There was a piece of her that was scared but it seemed fair away. Ben was important to her, they may not always get along but she was fond of him and the idea that he was hurting was unacceptable to her.

She looked over at Alex and smiled slightly. "It's fine," she assured him gently. Her own hand going up to adjust the headband that kept her trademark green hair in it's place.

Lorna didn't like fighting but she was capable of doing what needed to be done. Even if it required causing harm to others and she would cause harm to protect the people she loved.


eagleonfire August 26 2011, 03:20:34 UTC
Amara was the picture of stoic silence, her face intently watching Erik, the smile that threatened to break out at his rousing speech held back. They all had a job to do, and she knew without a doubt that each and every one of them would perform to the absolute best of their abilities. Because what Erik had said was true, this was their fight that would prove their right, once and for all, to live on this Earth ( ... )


everambient August 26 2011, 03:37:14 UTC
Alex reached out to place a hand on Lorna's stomach. "Maybe you should just stay here?" he suggested. Yes, he was probably giving away her pregnancy to anyone watching closely, but he couldn't help it. It was the only way he could think of to convince Lorna to sit this fight out. Worrying about her was the main reason he didn't find her flattering uniform distracting ( ... )


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