Doctors make the worst patients...

Oct 16, 2008 15:10

When: Thursday, October 16
Where: The clinic
Who: Dr. Horrible and OPEN to anyone who'd have business being there
What: This is a nightmare
Rating: PG?

...and Horrible doctors make horrible patients. )

lorne, lulu spencer, dr. horrible, earthquake, buffy summers, *status-complete, tex

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Comments 100

lulu8889 October 17 2008, 01:24:09 UTC
Lulu had taken Clarice's idea of making food for people.

She wasn't sure where to start but figured that the clinic would be as good a place to start as any.

She let herself in, giving most of the food to the person when she entered, but making up a few trays.

She spotted a familiar looking person looking rather painful. She walked up to him with a smile and a tray. "Hi there."


drhorriblesblog October 17 2008, 01:32:33 UTC
It would have suited him just fine if nobody had noticed him in here. Unfortunately, his luck didn't seem to have improved, because there was a voice at his ear and it was all too familiar from a sing-off in the park several weeks back. The girl who'd seemed so dead determined to be his friend. Was it too late to pretend to be unconscious?

It was worth a shot. He kept his eyes determinedly shut and willed her to go away.


lulu8889 October 17 2008, 01:41:15 UTC
Lulu smirked.

"I so totally saw you awake," she said. "Besides, I brought food. Good non-hospital made food."

Lulu was still determined to make him realize that not everyone in the world sucked.


notdead_poet October 17 2008, 03:05:36 UTC
Neil paced around his apartment and rubbed the back of his neck. Somehow, he'd managed to escape the earthquake unscathed, but he couldn't be sure about the town's other residents. He'd gone out a few times and seen the intense damage done to the streets and buildings, and heard through the grapevine that there had been lots of serious injuries.

He'd tried calling his friends right after everything calmed down, but hadn't gotten any answers yet. That worried him. A lot. Now, five days later, he grabbed the phone and tried Lulu's cell phone again.


Woot jumping in! Put this off to the side so you two can continue.. freelancertexas October 17 2008, 03:34:26 UTC
It didn't take long for Tex to return (she had to give those forceps back, after all). And with a green-eyed glance to Lulu (who received a grin and a lift of eyebrows), the taller woman was brushing past her-- because Lulu was on the phone, of course, and didn't need to be bothered-- and heading to the doctor laying in the bed. A flick of a finger to his oxygen mask was meant to wake him.. even if he was already awake. "Hey, Doc H. Not dead yet, are you?" An easy question from the soldier, who looked oddly amused.


drhorriblesblog October 17 2008, 06:03:03 UTC
Saved! had been Dr. Horrible's thought when Lulu's phone rang. Unfortunately, not saved for long. He hadn't found Tex at all difficult to deal with, but he didn't want to face her any more than anyone else in this condition. More to the point, if she was going to be flicking at his mask and making it impossible for him to keep feigning sleep, he would be forced to deal with Lulu.

Maybe the phone call would make her leave.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, he reached up and tugged the mask down long enough to speak. "No mere earthquake could get the best of Dr. Horrible," he informed her, somewhat dismayed at how hoarse and weak and generally unimpressive his voice sounded.


freelancertexas October 17 2008, 21:26:08 UTC
Tex broke into a grin when he spoke and she lifted her eyebrows. "Not dead. That's always a good sign-- and it's good to know. Gotta hate those wimpy people who get dead in stupid things like natural disasters, right? You and me, we're fine." She rolled her eyes with a smug smirk, but locked them onto him again. "I was looking for another place to live-- my place is just as demolished as yours-- but I dropped back by your rubble," His rubble, not his house, "And I managed to grab some stuff." She dropped the small duffle bag on the side of the bed between him and her. "Found a red coat, which is very cool, by the way," She patted the bag, obviously meaning his red lab coat. "And some vials of.. whatever.. that weren't smashed up. I salvaged what I could. There wasn't that much that wasn't ruined." That said, she was shrugging her shoulders some. "As it just so happens, I've found myself a house that I'll be comendeering, and when you get out of here, you're going to come stay with me, until you get a place." Poor Dr. Horrible wasn't ( ... )


drhorriblesblog October 17 2008, 21:59:42 UTC
His rubble. Sigh. Ah well, it was nothing he hadn't anticipated. Still, the fact that she'd gone to his house and dug through it for him was surprising. More so that she'd actually brought his things to him instead of keeping them. His eyes flicked to the bag and back to her face, plainly questioning.

The offer - if one could call it that - of a place to stay once he left the hospital was just the cherry on top of the whole weird sundae. First she had apparently saved his life (the description the doctor had given him couldn't have been anyone else), and now all of this... No villain worth his salt believed in kindness for kindness's sake. Especially from Tex, who constantly demonstrated that she did nothing that didn't have an immediate benefit for her. That attitude of hers was one of the things that made her so much easier to deal with than someone like Lulu. She had an approach to life and to people that he could understand. Which was what made all of this all the more confusing ( ... )


Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. the_golden_girl October 18 2008, 01:34:48 UTC
She tried to make some phone calls, but remembered two teeny important details; everyone here, minus one, that she was worried about did not have cell phones and two was the one person she could call, she couldn't because she didn't have a cell phone on her at the moment ( ... )


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. drhorriblesblog October 18 2008, 01:44:38 UTC
What. The. Heck. For what reason was he suddenly the most popular patient in the clinic? This visitor wasn't even speaking in words that made any sense, plus neither as Dr. Horrible nor as Billy did he recognize her voice, so out of curiosity and sheer boredom, he cracked his eyes open.

"...what?" he asked wearily, not bothering to move the oxygen mask out of the way. If she couldn't make out that one word, muffled though it was, it was her problem, not his.


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. the_golden_girl October 18 2008, 02:15:47 UTC
Fortunately for him and for her, she could make it out. Letting her hands go, Buffy folded her arms over her chest and rose a perfectly sculpted brow down at him. "I helped save your life. Granted, you were pretty much Damsel in Distress the entire time and out cold, but I was one part of the two part equation in saving your butt." Another soft smile to let him know that she was only teasing him.

"You did get your goggles back, right?" Buffy asked, genuinely hoping he did get his last bits of personal belongings back.


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. drhorriblesblog October 18 2008, 08:58:44 UTC
That didn't explain the gobbledygook about Redi-Whip, but it did give Dr. Horrible something else to think about. This girl had had a part in his rescue? (It galled him to have needed rescue.) Why would she claim it if it weren't true? Okay, he could think of a couple of reasons, but they were unlikely. He wasn't nearly feared enough in this town yet for anyone to be trying to get on his good side. And there wasn't anything ingratiating about the way this girl was looking at him.

No, the likelihood was that she really had helped save his life. Well, he wasn't about to thank her; villains didn't do gratitude. But he did reach up to tug the mask away before he tried to speak again. It was a concession of sorts ( ... )


lulu8889 October 19 2008, 17:27:10 UTC
Lulu had made a face at Tex as she left and left Buffy alone to talk to Dr. Horrible. It seemed that she wasn't exactly thrilled with him.

Pulling Neil over while Dr. Horrible's eyes were only just closed, Lulu went over to him.

"Hi there," she said again. "You know, I know you're not sleeping because I heard you arguing with her and no one could fall asleep that fast."


drhorriblesblog October 19 2008, 22:47:55 UTC
Hmph. As if he needed some superhero telling him things didn't always go according to plan. He knew that very well; that was what
Plan B's were for. Admittedly the earthquake had blown any and all contingency plans out of the water - for now. Didn't matter. Nobody ever conquered the world by quitting the minute the going got tough.

She wasn't worth worrying about. Captain Hammer had been unable to stop him; she was unlikely to prove more of a challenge. Once he was on his feet again.

But just as he let that annoyance go, another one popped up in the form of Lulu's perky voice at his side. Had she not left yet?? Suppressing a sigh, he opened one eye and fixed her with a glare. "I could have. With painkillers," he suggested hoarsely; certainly, whatever they'd been giving him, it never look long to put him out. Though he hadn't had any in several hours. And he clearly wasn't sleeping now. But maybe he'd like to be!


not_kermit October 19 2008, 22:56:47 UTC
Lorne had gotten out of the earthquake unscathed, thank the Powers. But he knew that not everyone would be so lucky. Partly out of worry and partly out of that impulsive need to help out, he quickly traveled to the hospital clinic.

Entering, Lorne looked over those who were regrouping and recuperating. Bright eyes quickly glanced over each of them to see if there was anyone he knew. He hadn't seen Buffy leave just a few minutes ago, but would be glad to hear that she was alright..

Oh goodness! Was that..? The demon moved with a quick grace toward the bed that held Billy. And a lovely young lady who he didn't know. A smile was given to her as Lorne approached the bed, then he looked to the hurt man. "Oh Lambie!"


drhorriblesblog October 19 2008, 23:13:20 UTC
Of course. Inevitably, after everyone else he already had to deal with, along came someone who knew Billy. And it was the one with the music... aura... thing. Fan-flipping-tastic. All he needed now was for the FBI agent to show up.

Bah. Speaking of contingency plans. It wasn't as if he hadn't thought that this might happen. He shifted his tired glare to the demon. "That's Dr. Horrible to you," he informed Lorne flatly, sounding as forbidding as he could (which wasn't very; he'd already talked too much and his lungs were burning). "What do you want?"


not_kermit October 31 2008, 06:05:54 UTC
Having been called much worse things, Lorne let the implied insult slide like water off of a duck's feathers. "Did she then, Lambie?" This asked mildly. And pointedly used the particular nickname he liked for Billy the best. Still didn't know for sure. Or at all. But coincidences were..everywhere, apparently. Because he knew that Billy lived in Los Angeles as well.

"2004, Sunshine." The first question answered second as he turned back to Lulu with a smile. "New York! Oh. Fabulous city, I've heard. So many songs about it. And I loved LA. It was a good home." Was because where he came from.."My LA isn't what she used to be."


drhorriblesblog October 31 2008, 06:34:29 UTC
"Don't," Dr. Horrible growled, annoyed. Lambie. For God's sake.

And apparently Lulu, at least, did know where he'd come from. No point in denying it. "'S no worse than anywhere else," was his indifferent contribution. It wasn't saying much. Pretty much everywhere sucked, in his opinion.


lulu8889 October 31 2008, 06:39:31 UTC
"New York is pretty excellent. If you're a fan of the city, which a lot of people aren't. Have you never been to New York City? Oh, so you're not so far back, really."

Lulu bit her lip, looking at Dr Horrible. "Don't you have a favorite place?"


not_kermit October 31 2008, 06:44:25 UTC
"Not too far back." Agreed with a laugh, "Not enough, anyway, to feel like Rip Van Winkle." Though it had still been a little disconcerting when he realised that he had traveled into the not-so-distant future. Especially considering he hailed a cabbie to do so! Dimensions and time warps. Gotta love them. "I love the city. Big crowds of people. Oh and Broadway.." Swoon!

He fell quiet, listening to Lulu and the Doctor absently. The thing about the Doctor bothered him still, but Lorne was content enough at the moment to let well enough alone. For now.


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