Doctors make the worst patients...

Oct 16, 2008 15:10

When: Thursday, October 16
Where: The clinic
Who: Dr. Horrible and OPEN to anyone who'd have business being there
What: This is a nightmare
Rating: PG?

...and Horrible doctors make horrible patients. )

lorne, lulu spencer, dr. horrible, earthquake, buffy summers, *status-complete, tex

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freelancertexas October 17 2008, 21:26:08 UTC
Tex broke into a grin when he spoke and she lifted her eyebrows. "Not dead. That's always a good sign-- and it's good to know. Gotta hate those wimpy people who get dead in stupid things like natural disasters, right? You and me, we're fine." She rolled her eyes with a smug smirk, but locked them onto him again. "I was looking for another place to live-- my place is just as demolished as yours-- but I dropped back by your rubble," His rubble, not his house, "And I managed to grab some stuff." She dropped the small duffle bag on the side of the bed between him and her. "Found a red coat, which is very cool, by the way," She patted the bag, obviously meaning his red lab coat. "And some vials of.. whatever.. that weren't smashed up. I salvaged what I could. There wasn't that much that wasn't ruined." That said, she was shrugging her shoulders some. "As it just so happens, I've found myself a house that I'll be comendeering, and when you get out of here, you're going to come stay with me, until you get a place." Poor Dr. Horrible wasn't going to really have a say in any of that. Tex had made a decision, and he was coming with.


drhorriblesblog October 17 2008, 21:59:42 UTC
His rubble. Sigh. Ah well, it was nothing he hadn't anticipated. Still, the fact that she'd gone to his house and dug through it for him was surprising. More so that she'd actually brought his things to him instead of keeping them. His eyes flicked to the bag and back to her face, plainly questioning.

The offer - if one could call it that - of a place to stay once he left the hospital was just the cherry on top of the whole weird sundae. First she had apparently saved his life (the description the doctor had given him couldn't have been anyone else), and now all of this... No villain worth his salt believed in kindness for kindness's sake. Especially from Tex, who constantly demonstrated that she did nothing that didn't have an immediate benefit for her. That attitude of hers was one of the things that made her so much easier to deal with than someone like Lulu. She had an approach to life and to people that he could understand. Which was what made all of this all the more confusing.

More questions than he had breath for, but it really all boiled down to one. "...why?" he asked, not bothering to conceal his suspicion.


freelancertexas October 17 2008, 22:06:47 UTC
"Because now you owe me a favor. A huge favor." That had a smirk cutting across her face and she leaned in some, though there was still plenty of room between them. "And I can always use a favor from someone like you, Doc H. You're my sort of person." Reminded easily, as she straightened up again. "Anything I want. Any time I want it." Not that Tex could really ask for anything that would be too horrible for Dr. Horrible.. but hey.

Maybe it was gay stuff.


drhorriblesblog October 17 2008, 22:21:34 UTC
Okay, that he could understand. He even relaxed. Maybe the idea of owing an unspecified major favor to someone as capricious as Tex should have made him nervous, but she wasn't going to get him to do anything he wasn't willing to do. He was confident that when the time came, he'd be able to handle it.

"'s fair," he agreed tiredly, fighting a cough. If he let them get started, it was nearly impossible to stop, and coughing really hurt. A few careful breaths, and he tried again. "You weren't hurt?"


freelancertexas October 17 2008, 22:25:12 UTC
"Nah. Bump on the head, bullet in the thigh when my ship exploded. Bullets went everywhere.. sure someone will come in with one in their skull and want to blame me." But she was smirking. "It's all fixed up now though. The doctor here gave me some forceps and some disinfecting wipes. Looks good as new." Well, she had a big hole in her leg, but aside from that.. it felt much better, with the bullet dislodged.

"Not nervous about my favor, hm? Most people would be. That's what I like about you. You're not a flighty wreck. You know what you want. And you know what needs to happen to accomplish it." She pat a hand on the bag.


drhorriblesblog October 17 2008, 22:44:01 UTC
She had pulled a bullet out of her own leg. Well, he'd reset his own dislocated shoulder before. Which was admittedly much less invasive; he didn't think he'd try to deal with a bullet on his own, but he had a feeling she was pretty much tougher than anyone. At least that was the impression she gave off. He didn't feel the need to challenge her on that - thankfully, because she could easily break him in half even if he were healthy.

Knew what he wanted. Knew what needed to happen to accomplish it. It was true; those were things Dr. Horrible prided himself on. "Need to get out of here..." he grumbled, sounding more pathetic than threatening. Being dependent on anything, especially doctors and their machines, didn't sit at all well with his need for control.


freelancertexas October 17 2008, 22:46:49 UTC
"What you need to do, is use these people to get better, and then get out of here." She smirked then and crossed her arms. "It's free. You're not giving them anything in return, and they're doting on you to make sure that you have everything you need to feel better. Why would you give up that? If I had that, I'd be lounging around all day whining about needing a boy in a bathing suit to bring me martinis. Maybe a TV set." That made her wave a hand. "And when you're done with them, get up and leave." Use people. That was her motto. Obviously.


drhorriblesblog October 17 2008, 23:03:10 UTC
See? Tex made sense. He still didn't like being dependent, being unable to leave. He was too proactive a person to be content with lounging around, but her way of looking at the situation was probably better than his. At least it was more comfortable.

And it was true that trying to deal with these injuries on his own wouldn't be any more pleasant. He just wanted to be through with being injured! But he nodded once, acknowledging the validity of her reasoning.


freelancertexas October 17 2008, 23:26:37 UTC
"Yeah, I'm always right, It's a good motto to live by." She smirked some and pat the bag again, then backed away from the bed. "Don't let Barbie there talk your ear off. Better close your eyes now, before she's done smooching loverboy there." Tex thumbed back at the disgusting public display of affection behind her. "Good luck. I'll be back later." And with that statement, she was turning to head off, rolling her eyes at Lulu and her apparent boytoy. "Use a condom." Helpfully to the two of them, which probably went unheard.. but hey.


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