Doctors make the worst patients...

Oct 16, 2008 15:10

When: Thursday, October 16
Where: The clinic
Who: Dr. Horrible and OPEN to anyone who'd have business being there
What: This is a nightmare
Rating: PG?

...and Horrible doctors make horrible patients. )

lorne, lulu spencer, dr. horrible, earthquake, buffy summers, *status-complete, tex

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Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. the_golden_girl October 18 2008, 01:34:48 UTC
She tried to make some phone calls, but remembered two teeny important details; everyone here, minus one, that she was worried about did not have cell phones and two was the one person she could call, she couldn't because she didn't have a cell phone on her at the moment ( ... )


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. drhorriblesblog October 18 2008, 01:44:38 UTC
What. The. Heck. For what reason was he suddenly the most popular patient in the clinic? This visitor wasn't even speaking in words that made any sense, plus neither as Dr. Horrible nor as Billy did he recognize her voice, so out of curiosity and sheer boredom, he cracked his eyes open.

"...what?" he asked wearily, not bothering to move the oxygen mask out of the way. If she couldn't make out that one word, muffled though it was, it was her problem, not his.


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. the_golden_girl October 18 2008, 02:15:47 UTC
Fortunately for him and for her, she could make it out. Letting her hands go, Buffy folded her arms over her chest and rose a perfectly sculpted brow down at him. "I helped save your life. Granted, you were pretty much Damsel in Distress the entire time and out cold, but I was one part of the two part equation in saving your butt." Another soft smile to let him know that she was only teasing him.

"You did get your goggles back, right?" Buffy asked, genuinely hoping he did get his last bits of personal belongings back.


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. drhorriblesblog October 18 2008, 08:58:44 UTC
That didn't explain the gobbledygook about Redi-Whip, but it did give Dr. Horrible something else to think about. This girl had had a part in his rescue? (It galled him to have needed rescue.) Why would she claim it if it weren't true? Okay, he could think of a couple of reasons, but they were unlikely. He wasn't nearly feared enough in this town yet for anyone to be trying to get on his good side. And there wasn't anything ingratiating about the way this girl was looking at him.

No, the likelihood was that she really had helped save his life. Well, he wasn't about to thank her; villains didn't do gratitude. But he did reach up to tug the mask away before he tried to speak again. It was a concession of sorts ( ... )


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. the_golden_girl October 18 2008, 12:50:33 UTC
Unlike Tex, Buffy wasn't expecting any favors now or down the road. She had just wanted to make sure the man who she helped rescue was doing okay ( ... )


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. drhorriblesblog October 18 2008, 16:41:13 UTC
She'd noticed the lack of thanks, he saw it in her face, and one part of him might have felt a twinge of guilt. She'd even tried to clean his goggles and... But no. Villains did not say thank you, and they did not apologize. She would just have to get used to it. Reaching out and picking up the goggles, he brought them into his line of vision, running his thumb over the cracks in the lenses. "They're beyond repair anyway," he observed hoarsely.

Ugh. He had to put a stop to this 'damsel in distress' business. What was it with the people in this town and degradingly cutesy nicknames?

"I'm Dr. Horrible," he informed her, grumbling inwardly at how unimpressive it sounded: all feeble, without any proper diaphragm behind it. But he didn't let his dissatisfaction show; he tried to preserve what dignity he could in a steady (if red-rimmed) gaze and smooth (if drawn) face. He was feeling pretty horrible, but not at all in the way he preferred. Still, he had to do what he could.


Re: Not too soon after Tex leaves does Buffy walk in. the_golden_girl October 18 2008, 18:57:00 UTC
She watched as he reached for his goggles. Biting her tongue to keep from offering to get them for him. He managed to survive a lab explosion, so why bruise his likely manly ego anymore? "It didn't hurt trying to clean them, though. You know, just in case." Buffy explained gently.

Now she bit her tongue for an entirely different reason.

And that was to keep from laughing.

His name was Doctor Horrible? How cute was that?!

Pressing her lips together in a thin white line, the blonde simply nodded before managing to find some sort of words. "So, you weren't by chance building a robot or anything when the lab went poof, right?" Oddly enough, this was the first time she heard about Doctor Horrible. To an extent. She knew there was a Doctor in town that went about trying to control the world, or something like it. But it seemed there were about a gazillion Doctors in this town. And no way was he revealing who he was out in the open like this. Not possible.


drhorriblesblog October 18 2008, 19:58:50 UTC
He noticed the funny expression on her face at the sound of his name, but loftily chose to ignore it. This town would learn to fear his name, oh yes, they would - but not likely by the way it sounded when he was talking like an asthmatic octogenarian. He'd correct her initial impression when he could. For now, he'd bide his time.

Dr. Horrible had never been particularly shy about people knowing who he was or what he was working on. Other people blogged about their projects, why shouldn't he? And since many people already knew who he was and/or that he was here, there seemed less harm in being Dr. Horrible than in trying to hide behind his alias. Especially with this girl. Billy would have had no reason to be found in the ruins of an exploded secret laboratory wearing Dr. Horrible's signature outfit. Better to let Billy stay hidden.

"No, I was not building a robot," he said, trying to make up with his expression for what scorn he couldn't convey in his tone. "If you must know--" He drew breath to go on and it caught. Blast! The next ( ... )


the_golden_girl October 19 2008, 00:29:23 UTC
Maybe someone needed to conk him upside the head and slip him a pill that had manners laced in it. Because seriously? How could people be this rude? The rest of the town was genuinely nice. Go figure ( ... )


drhorriblesblog October 19 2008, 06:19:01 UTC
Oh, how he wanted to be able to respond properly. This was plainly unfair. If you watched my blog, you would have known about the Amnesia Ray months ago, he would have informed her, and There's no law against inventing it, you know. Also Threats, what a shock, I've never been threatened before. In a heavily sarcastic voice, of course.

He rolled his eyes, and had to trust that the gesture expressed everything he couldn't.

Her act of violence against the bed rail almost made him groan aloud. GREAT. Another superhero. As if FBI agents with guns and anger issues, mind-reading girls wielding wrenches, and self-righteous witches weren't enough, the town boasted its own She-Captain Hammer. At least she wasn't a psychic.

"Suit yourself," he said indifferently. Turning his face away, he made a show of replacing the mask over his nose and mouth and closing his eyes, a clear dismissal.


the_golden_girl October 19 2008, 15:31:31 UTC
She managed to help save the one person that likely shouldn't have been saved in this town.

No. No! That was wrong of her to think and extremely godly of her, too. Everyone deserved saving. Idiot or not.

With no emotion playing across her features, Buffy managed a few choice words before she'd walk away. "Hopefully being caved in like you were, you'll see that not everything turns out according to plan. That maybe, just maybe, you'll see that you can't win." It wasn't said with an air of knowledge, as if the good guys always won. Because they didn't and she knew that first hand. She just hoped he'd have a wake up call someday soon. Realizing that just because you had an amnesia ray or whatever to take over the world, that it would go as you calculated. And that maybe it wasn't a good idea at all.

Turning to walk off, Buffy shot Doctor Horrible one last glance before disappearing out of the clinic altogether.


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