The gang's all here.

Oct 02, 2008 23:10

Who: Spike, Willow, Xander, and Buffy
Where: Spike’s hotel room
When: October 2, afternoon
What: A little Scooby reunion
Status: Closed, incomplete
Rating: PG

It's a step up from a crypt, but a rather small step.... )

spike, buffy summers, *status-complete, xander harris

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Comments 27

I'm afraid this'll be my last post of the nite. geeky_willow October 3 2008, 05:28:14 UTC
(OOC: I'll likely be on tomorrow (friday), but I have the cold of dooom, and intend to try to sleep it off. I wrote this not knowing how often you guys post/night, so if everybody is hopping but me, feel free to go around me - just make sure Willow doesn't drool on herself.)

After gratefully downing four glasses of water, Willow had settled on Spike's bed and leaned against the wall, as there wasn't anything else within easy reach on which to sit. Too busy quenching her dangerous thirst, the young witch hadn't even had the chance to ask why the furniture was less than put together, but she imagined there was a hell of a story involved. The softness of the worn out mattress was absolute, and though much had happened, the shock and weariness of the previous two days cumulated in something of an awkward singularity:

Willow fell fast and far into a deep and dreamless sleep. Lips slightly parted and as pink as licked strawberry candy, Willow looked positively peaceful.


Cookies, pigs blood and a reunion with best buds makes for fun times! the_golden_girl October 3 2008, 14:59:50 UTC
Aww, I'm sorry you're sick, Chelle! *Pets and makes minestrone soup for you.* Unless you aren't a vegetarian, then I shall make chicken noodle soup for you! ^_^ Feel better though.

Glancing at her watch as she exited the elevator, Buffy just now realized the lease agreement signing had only taken fifteen minutes in total. That was by far the fastest lease signing she'd been to. Including back in Los Angeles when she rented the hole in the wall, sharing her space with all sorts of crawling creatures of the bug and rodent variety. Even that took about thirty minutes, likely longer ( ... )


Ooh, cookies! And blood. But yay, cookies! XD can_we_rest_now October 3 2008, 18:46:55 UTC
((OOC- No worries, 'Chelle. RP's for fun, and if you're ill, fun is less likely to be had. Feel better!))Spike raised an eyebrow at the sleeping girl. That was all he needed, for Xander to come in here and automatically get the wrong idea. Or worse yet, for Buffy to get the wrong idea. At least with Xander, he didn't mind hitting back should it come to blows ( ... )


Re: Ooh, cookies! And blood. But yay, cookies! XD the_golden_girl October 3 2008, 20:51:38 UTC
Lowering her fist from the knocking, Buffy glanced down and fidgeted with the bunched up pencil skirt. This was why she never wore anything business like for everyday errands and whatnot. "Stupid skirt." She muttered to only herself just before the door opened and Spike greeted her. Oh, and greet her he did. Pressing her body and mouth into the kiss, Buffy's smile widened. "If I'm going to get that kind of hello every time, I need to leave more often." A thoughtful moment and shake of curled hair, "I take that back, I like the staying parts better." She winked playfully, holding up the two bags carefully ( ... )


xan_da_man October 4 2008, 19:33:54 UTC
((Feel free to have him come in wherever it makes sense in the above thread))

Well, this was gonna be fun. The first time he'd seen Spike in, well, whenever. At least Buff was gonna be in the room to keep Spike from being, well, to Spikey.

Although, when had that ever stopped him before.

Xander knocked on the door as he came in, noting that it had been left ajar. No wards that he could see, idiot vampire, not even a sprig of something over the door.

"You'd better have something to eat other than blood Spike because I'm starving."


the_golden_girl October 4 2008, 22:26:33 UTC
"Oh, stop, you'll live if you don't eat the rest of the bag of cookies. Willow, on the other hand, looks like she could use as many as she can stand." Buffy reasoned with a roll of her eyes, "Eww, gross. Nobody in this room wants the blood besides you." Shuddering at the thought, she then snorted in amusement, shooting Spike a quick glance over her shoulder, "And are you serious? A cookie stealer?" Another short laugh as she turned back to Willow while addressing Spike, "And you were the self-proclaimed Big Bad for decades, yet, all you can come up with is cookie stealer?" Simply shaking her head in dismissal, she canted her head to the side at Willow ( ... )


xan_da_man October 4 2008, 22:48:08 UTC
He looked around the hotel room, noting where Spike, Buffy and who was that in the bed? had gathered. Was that? No..

"Willow?" he said very happy to see his friend. Then he noticed Buffy's expression.

"Buffy? What's wrong with Willow?" he said, a slight edge of panic in his voice.


can_we_rest_now October 5 2008, 01:57:48 UTC
"I'm sorry, but having a soul's made me gone all soft," Spike told Buffy. "My witty repartee's gone downhill since turning good guy. No wonder you Scoobies failed at Scathing Comebacks 101." More to himself, he grumbled, "I could think up other names for you, but I don't think the present company would much appreciate it."

Tilting his head as he looked at the pair of girls, he asked, "Willow was a vampire? I must've missed that memo." He leaned back against the wall, suddenly deep in thought. "That must've been quite an adventure...." His voice trailed off as the edges of his lips turned upwards in a faint smile. Evil Willow. It had its appeal. Hell, even Spike had offered to do the honors and sire her once.

The sound of Xander's knock made him sit straight up. "What, me? No." The confused words came out in a rush, as though he was being accused of something. When he realized what Xander had said, he murmured, "Tch. Don't tell me he gets a cookie ( ... )


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