The gang's all here.

Oct 02, 2008 23:10

Who: Spike, Willow, Xander, and Buffy
Where: Spike’s hotel room
When: October 2, afternoon
What: A little Scooby reunion
Status: Closed, incomplete
Rating: PG

It's a step up from a crypt, but a rather small step.... )

spike, buffy summers, *status-complete, xander harris

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xan_da_man October 4 2008, 19:33:54 UTC
((Feel free to have him come in wherever it makes sense in the above thread))

Well, this was gonna be fun. The first time he'd seen Spike in, well, whenever. At least Buff was gonna be in the room to keep Spike from being, well, to Spikey.

Although, when had that ever stopped him before.

Xander knocked on the door as he came in, noting that it had been left ajar. No wards that he could see, idiot vampire, not even a sprig of something over the door.

"You'd better have something to eat other than blood Spike because I'm starving."


the_golden_girl October 4 2008, 22:26:33 UTC
"Oh, stop, you'll live if you don't eat the rest of the bag of cookies. Willow, on the other hand, looks like she could use as many as she can stand." Buffy reasoned with a roll of her eyes, "Eww, gross. Nobody in this room wants the blood besides you." Shuddering at the thought, she then snorted in amusement, shooting Spike a quick glance over her shoulder, "And are you serious? A cookie stealer?" Another short laugh as she turned back to Willow while addressing Spike, "And you were the self-proclaimed Big Bad for decades, yet, all you can come up with is cookie stealer?" Simply shaking her head in dismissal, she canted her head to the side at Willow ( ... )


xan_da_man October 4 2008, 22:48:08 UTC
He looked around the hotel room, noting where Spike, Buffy and who was that in the bed? had gathered. Was that? No..

"Willow?" he said very happy to see his friend. Then he noticed Buffy's expression.

"Buffy? What's wrong with Willow?" he said, a slight edge of panic in his voice.


can_we_rest_now October 5 2008, 01:57:48 UTC
"I'm sorry, but having a soul's made me gone all soft," Spike told Buffy. "My witty repartee's gone downhill since turning good guy. No wonder you Scoobies failed at Scathing Comebacks 101." More to himself, he grumbled, "I could think up other names for you, but I don't think the present company would much appreciate it."

Tilting his head as he looked at the pair of girls, he asked, "Willow was a vampire? I must've missed that memo." He leaned back against the wall, suddenly deep in thought. "That must've been quite an adventure...." His voice trailed off as the edges of his lips turned upwards in a faint smile. Evil Willow. It had its appeal. Hell, even Spike had offered to do the honors and sire her once.

The sound of Xander's knock made him sit straight up. "What, me? No." The confused words came out in a rush, as though he was being accused of something. When he realized what Xander had said, he murmured, "Tch. Don't tell me he gets a cookie ( ... )


We should probably establish a posting order? the_golden_girl October 5 2008, 02:31:55 UTC
Not lowering her hand from over her mouth. Buffy merely shook her head at Spike. Not going to add her opinion to that matter. Why? Because she had had perfectly good quips back in the day. Still did! No reason to defend herself or the others for their comebacks.

“Vamp!Willow wasn’t an adventure.” She said with sadness, remembering just how it felt when she thought her best friend had died. That she hadn’t been able to save her. It tore Buffy apart to this day just thinking about the maybe’s if that night hadn’t turned out the way it had.

“She’s not our Willow.” The Slayer told Xander in no uncertain terms, “She’s not from this timeline. She’s from freshman year at UCS.” Now her hand rubbed at her jaw it work, trying to rid the tension there from having clenched her jaw so tight ( ... )


That might be good geeky_willow October 6 2008, 00:26:19 UTC
(Sorry I hadn't posted earlier - originally I was waiting for you since you'd said you'd be gone on saturday, and when I tried to connect to the i-net this morning it was being a doushe. For any awkwardness in this post I apologize!! I need to find a way to re-insert myself into the fold XD ( ... )


Re: That might be good xan_da_man October 6 2008, 01:24:37 UTC
((If this is to much godmodding just tell me Willow-mum.))

It was the one thing he'd never been able to take. "Come here." He said gently and enfolded the weeping Willow into his arms. Much like that time on the bluff.

"Shhh, it's alright, we're here." He looked up at Buffy. He had absolutely no idea what they needed to do. None.


Re: That might be good geeky_willow October 6 2008, 01:31:17 UTC
(OK by me :) )


I'm assuming it's my turn. can_we_rest_now October 6 2008, 04:58:11 UTC
((OOC- Sorry for holding people up; my 'net was made of serious FAIL this weekend. :/ ))

Spike quirked an eyebrow when Buffy mentioned the fact that time traveling had a way of coming back to haunt a person, particularly intrigued with her wording. "I've been never been literally bit in the ass by this sort of thing, pet, and I won't ask after your personal experiences. Actually, I think I will... just not now."

He watched Willow and Xander's interaction for a moment before taking another contemplative sip of blood. Wonderful, so everyone was being all weepy and love-dovey and emotional. Soul or not, this sort of thing never did sit well with Spike. "Not to rain on your little Kumbaya parade," he mentioned, "but I'd be disappointed in you lot if you didn't accept the witch with open arms. Of course she's the same person; regardless of which dimension she's come from, the very fact that she exists and remembers all of us is proof enough that, up until this point in time, she's still her." Muttering to himself before taking another ( ... )


I guess it'll go; Chelle, Paula, Janet and then me. That cool with ya'll? ^_^ the_golden_girl October 6 2008, 14:25:42 UTC
When Willow broke into tears, Xander was the first to jump in. Buffy right on his heels after he looked up to her. Instantly she had Willow, too, wrapped in a hug. Her arms crossing over Xander's and holding them both tightly, but never Slayer strength tightly. "We'll figure something out." She breathed gently, "Don't we always?" A glimmer of a smile and hope in her words. Soothing down Willow's hair before she pulled back, Buffy wiped at the corner of her own eyes to rid herself of her own tears. Watching Willow go through the motions was hard when all she wanted to do was fix her ( ... )


Re: I guess it'll go; Chelle, Paula, Janet and then me. That cool with ya'll? ^_^ geeky_willow October 6 2008, 15:24:33 UTC
In some ways, it was perhaps more painful for the novice witch to have a family so kissingly, maddeningly close to her own, while being different enough to bring into contrast their dissimilarity. The feeling was much like gazing at a 'spot the differences' picture in three dimensions - one a perfect optical replica on the inner surface of her eyelids, the other in the here-and-now. Willow's head ached from her unwitting observation. Still, Xander was Xander, temporal contrast notwithstanding, and as his large frame enveloped her far smaller one, she pawed at him like a wounded animal. He smelled familiar; a musky brown odor that she had known since she was a child. Buffy's addition to the mix only helped the vital feeling of security Willow so desperately craved ( ... )


xan_da_man October 10 2008, 03:16:30 UTC
Xander glanced over at Buffy. How much should they tell her? He didn't know where or with what topic to start with.

God she was so young.

"Actually, were all sorta in retirement, and how that happened is one big long story. For that we'll need a whole lot more cookies, and milk." He snorted, "Any maybe even a beer or two."


can_we_rest_now October 10 2008, 03:47:24 UTC
"Technically speaking, we're already stopping certain things from happening," Spike brought up. "If she is from another world, then this, er, temporal whozit whatsit is already going all... oh bugger, let her explain it to you." He brought up the last comment with a motion towards Willow after he realized that he'd never be able to completely suss out the explanation she had given him pertaining to the physics behind alternate dimensions.

With a smirk to the little girl lost, Spike replied, "Hard to hate someone with that much power, Red. We creatures of the night, we get that energy resonating in our bones. Good kinda tingle, it is, so you never had much to fear in the way of me actually killing you, except for maybe once or twice ( ... )


the_golden_girl October 10 2008, 14:28:58 UTC
So many thoughts. Would this be what they called the butterfly effect? What would happen now that Willow was here? What if she couldn’t go back? Looking back at Spike, Buffy couldn’t help but let the corner of her lips twitch up into a small smile at his frustration about time dimensional space hopping or whatever it was called. “You mean Willow knows more about it than we do?” She couldn’t help but give a tiny laugh at that. It would figure Willow would, out of all the people in this room, understand it ( ... )


geeky_willow October 12 2008, 01:22:28 UTC
Retirement? Willow was confused at that, considering the coterie she'd known would never have laid down the fight. Soon, perhaps, she'd get the full story.

Willow quirked a single red brow at Spike's words, quietly wondering what a bone tingle felt like, but not quite yet having the courage necessary to ask. With all the laden references to her power he'd made, Willow was beginning to understand the respect the cocky fangface seemed to have for her. Frankly, she was uncomfortable enough knowing that untold depths of power apparently swam in her veins, like a shy, studious child who suddenly found herself with an uzi superglued to her palm, Willow desperately wanted to know how it worked without having it blow off her face. With a deep breath and a bagful of cookies in hand, she let her chocolate gaze rest on Spike and inquired; "What does a tingle feel like ( ... )


OOC geeky_willow October 16 2008, 15:45:59 UTC
Er...*taps mike timidly* Hello? Is this thing on? Have we moved on from this thread, or is it still active?


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