The gang's all here.

Oct 02, 2008 23:10

Who: Spike, Willow, Xander, and Buffy
Where: Spike’s hotel room
When: October 2, afternoon
What: A little Scooby reunion
Status: Closed, incomplete
Rating: PG

It's a step up from a crypt, but a rather small step.... )

spike, buffy summers, *status-complete, xander harris

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Ooh, cookies! And blood. But yay, cookies! XD can_we_rest_now October 3 2008, 18:46:55 UTC
((OOC- No worries, 'Chelle. RP's for fun, and if you're ill, fun is less likely to be had. Feel better!))

Spike raised an eyebrow at the sleeping girl. That was all he needed, for Xander to come in here and automatically get the wrong idea. Or worse yet, for Buffy to get the wrong idea. At least with Xander, he didn't mind hitting back should it come to blows.

He had just managed to find a book of matches when the first knocks sounded. Rising from his seat, he tucked the cigarette behind his ear and muttered, "And so begins 'Playtime With the Scoobies.'"

Opening the door, his face cheered considerably when he saw Buffy. "Might've known you'd be the first." Encircling his arms around her waist, he kissed her and tried not to wonder whether or not having her core friends back with her was going to change anything in their relationship. Looking down at her hands, he asked, "What's in the bags?" The question was mostly perfunctory, since Spike could already detect the smell of blood coming from one of them.

Shaking his head as though the question didn't matter, he looked up into her eyes and told her in a low voice, "I've got a little something for you too. The trouble is, she's something of a fixer-upper." He backed away slowly to allow Buffy room to come in, and turned his glance to the redhead asleep on his bed. "Found her yesterday. Dehydrated, exhausted, babbling - more so than usual, at any rate. And another thing. She apparently thought I was going to kill her. She's got no memory whatsoever of the last few years in Sunnydale."


Re: Ooh, cookies! And blood. But yay, cookies! XD the_golden_girl October 3 2008, 20:51:38 UTC
Lowering her fist from the knocking, Buffy glanced down and fidgeted with the bunched up pencil skirt. This was why she never wore anything business like for everyday errands and whatnot. "Stupid skirt." She muttered to only herself just before the door opened and Spike greeted her. Oh, and greet her he did. Pressing her body and mouth into the kiss, Buffy's smile widened. "If I'm going to get that kind of hello every time, I need to leave more often." A thoughtful moment and shake of curled hair, "I take that back, I like the staying parts better." She winked playfully, holding up the two bags carefully.

"Blood and chocolate chip cookies. Although, not entirely sure if the blood goes well with cookies." Her lips curled in a sour expression, "Does it?" Now she realized she didn't want to know that answer.

Soft smile thinned as Spike went serious in the conversation. His big secret was a she and a fixer-upper. That didn't sound so good. Not in the least. Biting her tongue from telling him that if it was the Buffy!bot or any other kind of bot, she'd throttle him, Buffy raised a perfectly shaped brow at Spike. Fighting back the nervousness at what lay, literally, in store for her, she padded into the room when the door was opened in invitation to do so.

What came into view was a very sleeping Willow curled on the tattered mattress. Instead of letting go of the bags and her shoes in the moment of shock, Buffy instead gripped the two bags tighter in her clutch. The sight of Willow made Buffy inwardly squeal with joy. That was all before Spike mentioned the redhead had a case of amnesia. "Okay, so, she doesn't remember the last few years." Buffy said slowly in a delicate whisper. Turning back to Spike as she remembered the bags and shoes, she settled the bags on the desk and shoes to the floor. "How far back does she remember?" Buffy asked curiously while walking to the bed and coming to the side of it. "I swear, if Kennedy did anything remotely hurtful to her, I am going to hurt that girl." The Slayer promised to no one in particular and lowered herself to sit on the bed. Leaning over Willow's exhausted frame she reached over to brush a strand of hair from off the redhead's closed eyes. "And I didn't know she cut her hair." A simple, but very Buffy type of observation.


Re: Ooh, cookies! And blood. But yay, cookies! XD geeky_willow October 4 2008, 02:14:28 UTC
Willow slowly began to stir, swimming blindly through the darkness towards an ever growing light. With a sleepy, slow movement, she wiped at her lips with the back of her wrist, and roughly rubbed her reddened eyes. The murmuring of voices had guided her to wakefulness, and she glanced around for their source. Her eyes rested on her best friend, and what had once been an enemy. Initial surprise slid, dreamlike, into shock.

The unabashed hunger with which Buffy gazed at the blond vampire as she spoke was more than mildly disconcerting. So it was true. Willow filed away Spike's honesty as yet another character trait she had not known he posessed. So much had changed. Buffy was clearly recognizable, of course, but she held herself with a confidence Willow did not recognize; an unspoken power vibrating just beneath the surface of honeyed skin. Experience born of years unshared shone clear through otherwise familiar blue eyes, and Willow could not help but feel like a little ghost in rusty colors.

Foolish witch. Willow had assumed friendly, familiar faces would ease her fear, and help her to cope with a strange time and an even stranger place. What had happened in a handful of years to change people so much? Shyly, but happily, Willow smiled at the future-version of her best friend and stammered, relief evident in her tone ; "Buffy. H-hi. I'm really glad to see you.”


can_we_rest_now October 4 2008, 03:09:58 UTC
"Blood and chocolate?" Spike asked, pleasantly surprised. "Now you're just spoiling me. Not that I'm complaining, of course, but you're going to have to do a bang-up job at topping this come Christmastime."

When Buffy stepped into the room, he decided to leave the door partially ajar for Xander. Moving towards the desk, he quietly uttered, "Near as I can figure? She's somewhere in your freshman year of uni, post-Dog Boy. I don't think it has anything to do with Kennedy, though." Finding the cookies, he opened the box and grabbed one, seating himself on the desk. "I don't think she knows Kennedy."

He was going to bring up his time travel theory, but he noticed that Willow was waking up. "Then again, you can ask her yourself." Biting into a cookie, he blissfully remarked, "Oh God, these are good."


the_golden_girl October 4 2008, 03:47:26 UTC
"I know I'll be able to manage to top this." She said with an air of confidence. If she was good at one thing, aside from Slaying the big bad grr goers of the night, it was present picking.

"Freshman year at the UCS?" If her mouth could drop any lower, it would have crashed through the floor to the ground below. "That has to be some amnesia case her head tripped on." Buffy groaned, her heart breaking for her best friend. Willow had been through enough already and to relive the last few years by reminding her of it? Well it wasn't going to be an easy task, nor one the Slayer wanted to do. Never-the-less, she was going to.

Smiling down at Willow, Buffy scooted a little closer, not thinking of the other needing her space. She was too excited to see the redhead to remember manners. With a sudden grin that swept from ear to ear, Buffy wrapped strong arms around Willow's tiny frame. "I'm so glad to see you!" She responded after pulling back. "I didn't hug too hard, did I?" Buffy's brows knitted in worry at the thought of possibly hurting an already fragile Willow. "Spike gave me the semi-rundown on what's up. He said you can't remember anything after freshman year at UCS. Care to say exactly what you remember last?" Jumping to her feet, Buffy crossed the room and snagged the bag from Spike, stealing a cookie she bought. "And they're not all for you." She scolded him as if he were a child, before darting back to Willow and offering her a cookie. "You look paler than usual. Eat." She thrusted her hand that held the cookie out to Willow. "You like chocolate chop." As if that might be something she also didn't remember.


(brain dying. going zzzzzzzzz. sorry guys :( ) geeky_willow October 4 2008, 04:35:28 UTC
Willow let out a small noise akin to a rubber plaything being squeezed, though she smiled and returned the hug in kind. The physical comfort was appreciated, and Willow let it show on her face. Some things, it seems, never changed. The image of Buffy yanking a bag of cookies away from a very dangerous, very blond vampire, was something Wilow wished she could have etched onto her retinas, and Spike's resultant expression even more so. Drawing her knees to her chest and tucking errant hair behind one ear, Willow accepted the cookie and munched on it thoughtfully.

"Well...I went for a wee-hour drive to try to clear my head a little. Oz...." She took a shaky breath and attempted to fall back on distance, both literal and temporal. "Oz left me a little more than fifteen hours ago. All of a sudden, it was daytime and I crashed my car. I started walking, and eventually, I ran into...Spike." The name sounded strange on her tongue, associated as it was with something at least mildly heroic, instead of definitively villainous. Willow paused, then, in order to fully enjoy the proffered cookie.

"Mph. Ish good. Fank jew"


can_we_rest_now October 4 2008, 04:55:14 UTC
((OOC- G'night, 'Chelle!))

"Hey!" Spike called, giving Buffy a reproachful glare as she took away the cookies. Sulking as he chewed on the rest of his cookie, he muttered, "Bloody... cookie... stealing... person." Glancing next to him at the remaining bag, he pulled it towards him and held it next to him defensively as he warned, "I'm not sharing the blood!"

Wiping the crumbs from his hands, Spike set about getting out the container of blood and uncovering it as Willow spoke. After a cautious sip, he contented himself with the fact that the blood was at least fresh.

After licking away the excess blood from his upper lip, he remarked, "Crashed into her on my way to get some smokes. I knew something was a bit off when she brandished a very scary rock and politely requested I refrain from killing her. Two options here: one, we discover she's got a case of amnesia and we go about finding some way to get her memory back... or two, we discover that it's not amnesia."

Before taking another sip, he quirked an eyebrow and asked Buffy, "Does she look a tad younger than the Willow you last saw?"


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