New Year's Drabbles Post #1

Jan 05, 2007 13:39

First of all, hello to new friends!!! Never be shy around here. :)

I got a fair amount of requests for drabbles when I posted the offer, so I think I better break them into two or three posts and post them as I finish them. (And the drabbles can also be read in the comments to the original post here. All the drabbles to follow are 100 words ( Read more... )

ss/hg, fw/hg, star trek, buffy, labyrinth, snupin, drabbles, hp

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Comments 34

sapphiretragedy January 5 2007, 22:26:30 UTC
It seems your lj cuts have gone wonky and your text is teh huge!


argosy January 5 2007, 22:29:12 UTC
I know. You gotta give me a minute to get everyting in order. See?


sapphiretragedy January 5 2007, 22:31:06 UTC
XP Sorry - it just always happens to me. So when I see stuff my hero complex starts showing.

Now I'm going to read your lovely drabbles and leave a real comment!


argosy January 5 2007, 22:39:03 UTC
Oh, I know. There's nothing worse than a post messing up everyone's friends page because of messed up cuts. But its really hard to tell if something's wrong with your cuts until you post it. I appreciate the heads up. :)


sapphiretragedy January 5 2007, 22:34:26 UTC
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Snape/Lupin drabble you wrote. Very nice. And Snape ice skating - ha! That I'd love to see.

Wonderful work.


argosy January 5 2007, 22:39:44 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you liked them. More soon. :) *hugs*


zoombinilover January 6 2007, 02:15:03 UTC
Oh my god, Sugar made my heart go all afluttery.


argosy January 6 2007, 05:17:26 UTC
Yeah, wish that would happen to me in RL. :)


zoombinilover January 6 2007, 08:19:47 UTC
Yeah, about that . . .



argosy January 6 2007, 08:48:19 UTC
Dude, you're next in line. Chill before I bump you to the end of the queue.


poodlerat January 6 2007, 04:54:50 UTC
I loved all of these - at least, all the ones whose fandoms I knew. I especially liked the Snape/Hermione goodness.


argosy January 6 2007, 05:18:08 UTC
Thanks! It's been one big shmoopfest around here lately. :)


poodlerat January 6 2007, 05:44:16 UTC
Shmoop is good. Especially for the holidays!


poodlerat January 6 2007, 05:45:17 UTC
Oh, and I keep meaning to say how much I love that icon.


kit_84 January 6 2007, 17:45:42 UTC
Dude! You made me read my first SS/HG ever! Couldn't begin with a better drabble!
And you made me enjoy a Hermione/Weasley, too... You are corrupting me!
... )


argosy January 6 2007, 20:16:54 UTC
Yeah, so many of my friends love SS/HG that I kinda wish I could get into it, but I don't feel it either.

However, I have writen a story that I like a lot. You sould check it out. :) Call it SS/HG For Dummies. Or something. :)


argosy January 6 2007, 20:27:09 UTC
Actually, that link may require a login. You can just read it here.


kit_84 January 7 2007, 10:47:36 UTC
Thanks for the link! :D


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