Who Wants A Drabble?

Jan 02, 2007 17:18

Okay, before Christmas harmony_bites (and some other people) had a drabble meme going. I didn't have time to participate then, so I'm modifying it for my own purposes here. Let's call it...

Argosy's Shiny New Year Multi-Fandom Drabble Offer!!!

Dang. Wish I knew the html code for the little TM thingy. Ah well.

So here's the deal. Comment here if you want a drabble in any of the following fandoms:

Harry Potter (Of course)
Nero Wolfe
Star Trek TOS
Stargate Atlantis (yipes)
House, M.D.
Veronica Mars
Star Wars Original Trilogy

Give me a character or pairing, and some kind of a prompt like a color or a word. I will write as many requests as I get (as quickly as I can, but my RL is a bit of a mess right now, so I can't guarantee a whole lotta speed).

So that's it. No need to post a matching offer in your LJ (though of course if you did, I wouldn't complain.)

Love to my f-list. Any takers?

New Year's present #2. Download this song. It's awesome. :)

fic, drabbles

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