New Year's Drabbles Post #1

Jan 05, 2007 13:39

First of all, hello to new friends!!! Never be shy around here. :)

I got a fair amount of requests for drabbles when I posted the offer, so I think I better break them into two or three posts and post them as I finish them. (And the drabbles can also be read in the comments to the original post here. All the drabbles to follow are 100 words exactly.

First, here's a drabble written to thank scribbulus_ink for running the Snupin Santa exchange. It was posted at pies_and_sherry.


There was a New Year’s Eve party, of course; there’d been parties every night since the war’s end. Dumbledore’s portrait insisted Snape attend the first celebrations; by now he felt justified staying home.

Pouring another firewhisky, he felt himself shoved suddenly against the wall. He was drunker than he’d thought; he’d missed the crack of Apparition.

“Didn’t think you’d come. What with your new child bride.”

Lupin was already biting his neck, clawing at his clothes. “One night a year, Severus. For one night every year, you’re mine.”

For longer than that. He muffled his reckless words with a kiss.

And now the New Year's drabbles:

For inell--
To get good at something you had to practice. It had taken Hermione an evening’s dedication to master the bluebell flame; there was no reason romance should be any different. So when Ron started giving her funny looks, she knew what to do.

She understood the principles of kissing, of course, but it was imperative she gain some practical experience. Harry would probably practice with her if she asked nicely, but he was bound to get funny afterwards.

Mind finally made up, she strode purposefully across the Great Hall.

“Pansy,” she said, ignoring the Slytherins’ startled faces. “Come with me.”

For the_lone_jen--
ENNUI (Labyrinth/ Velvet Goldmine Crossover")
Jareth was bored. Little Jareth had proved a sad disappointment, lying around lump-like until he’d tossed him at the dark-haired girl in disgust.

Perhaps he needed a distraction a bit… older.


Brian was bored. Curt was not helping.

“Why is there an owl outside your window?” he asked when his mouth should have been otherwise occupied.

Brian just pushed Curt’s head back down where it belonged.


Jareth sighed in boredom, banishing the beautiful young man to the Bog of Eternal Stench. Pity he’d proved so hopelessly stupid.

At least--Jareth stroked his new frock coat approvingly--he’d had a lovely fashion sense.

For vivnow--
SUGAR (HP, Fred/Hermione)
"Mmph!" Hermione tried to spit out the sweet suddenly shoved in her mouth. Fred clamped a hand over her lips.

"Won't hurt you." He smiled cheerfully. Her anger dissipated. "It's just a Serendipity Sour."

"What's it do?" she asked when he freed her mouth.

"Brings you a bit of luck. Speeds up the inevitable."

"Hmm." It tasted like cherry.

"Hermione." Ginny poked her head in from the store. "Mind if I cancel our lunch? Harry's asked me." She grinned, embarrassed.

"Course not," Fred said. "I'll take Hermione to lunch. See?" He smiled again. Hermione's stomach fluttered pleasantly. "It's working already."

For slytherinswench--
THE IMPORTANCE OF WARDROBE (Buffyverse, Angel/Spike)
After Buffy died and came back for the fifth time without loving him any more, Spike gave it up for a bad bet and moved to Paris.

Angel, who--through a series of evil machinations too complicated to get into here--was again Angelus, found him sleeping off a bender at Notre Dame.

"Come with me, that we may taunt Buffy by leaving eerily detailed lithographs of me buggering you on her pillow."

"OMG, you freak, get away from me," said Spike.

"Bear in mind," said Angelus, "since I'm evil I'll be wearing the leather pants."

"Wait up," said Spike.

For harmony_bites--
DAMMIT, CHRISTINE (Star Trek, McCoy/Chapel)
"I'm a doctor, not a sex object!"

"I'm sorry, Doctor McCoy." Chapel sounded embarrassed. "I can't control myself."

"No," he replied wearily from where she'd pushed him against the Sick Bay wall. "You're not the only one."

The creature from Ortak-7's skull had exploded when he'd touched it, drenching him in green goo that smelled improbably of marshmallows. Afterward he'd narrowly escaped the amorous advances of Uhura, Rand, Betty Miller from hydroponics, and Kirk.

Nurse Chapel, though, was surprisingly strong. Mentally shrugging, he let his hands move to her blonde hair. There was only so long a man could run.

For moreteadk--
IT MUST BE LOVE (HP, Snape/Hermione)
“Won't do any good. No magic can cure the common cold.”

“Biss Granger.” Snape kept stirring his cauldron. “Please leab be--” His words were swallowed by a hacking cough.

“I've brought you a Muggle potion--chicken soup. Don't glare. It's not my fault.”

“Ibe skabing! Be!”

“Now, Severus, you wanted to go ice skating, remember?”

“Dib dot. Bake you habby.” He glowered.

“Well, that's what you get for trying to make someone happy,” she said sympathetically.

Mollified, he allowed her to ladle him some soup. She ducked her face behind the bowl. It wouldn't do to let him see her smile.

And, if you missed it, here's a link to the birthday drabble I wrote for tattoedsiren: Many Happy Returns (Remus/Hermione)

I'm a drabbling machine!

The rest of the drabbles will be coming soon (Along with my Snupin from Snupin Santa-- reveal this weekend!)

ss/hg, fw/hg, star trek, buffy, labyrinth, snupin, drabbles, hp

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