(FIC) Fluent in silence (Bruce/Clark, R)

Feb 18, 2008 20:47

Written for Bruce's birthday, and posted a little bit early so I can celebrate it with starsandsea :D

I tried to do a '5 times...' but failed at the last one, so it's a '4 times...' fic. I think it works fine as it is anyway! Beta by the team beta damos and jij. All other mistakes by yours truly :)

Happy birthday to the Big Bad Bat! *twirls happily*

Title: Fluent ( Read more... )

superman, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, birthday, batman, dc, slash

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Comments 87

ladybugkay February 19 2008, 04:38:34 UTC
So, so, so much love for this fic.

As of now, they have been reassuring each other of their continued survival several times a week for eight months

Heh. I never get tired of euphemisms for Bruce and Clark having sex.

Three weeks into their relationship, Batman walks into the Watchtower meeting room and takes a seat across Superman, smelling clean and fresh and like Clark. It takes Superman’s brain a moment to realize he hasn’t seen his partner since the day before. Bruce has switched his cologne for Clark’s brand.

Superman's sense of smell is one of those abilities that tends to get overlooked a lot in the mythos and in fandom, and I love what you've done with it. Bruce choosing to smell like Clark would be a huge indicator of his feelings, and it would be endlessly intoxicating to Clark.

Clark doesn’t have to name everything he wants to get it.

I love that sentiment. Kind of a lot.

The book means they have moved past the bare necessities, no longer just lust and need, all-consuming passion giving way to companionship and a ( ... )


ladybugkay February 19 2008, 04:39:15 UTC
Ooo, and I got first comment. Yay for me!


arch_schatten February 27 2008, 02:43:53 UTC
Yay! *hands over cookies* :D


arch_schatten February 27 2008, 02:43:24 UTC
Thank you!! I'm so very glad you enjoyed, it was a lot of fun to write :)

I really wonder what it would be like to have super senses all the time, even if he gets to tune them out... some things must be unbearable. I'm glad you like that take on them, playing the sensory cues was what started this whole story.

I love that sentiment. Kind of a lot.

Yay! I really don't think Clark would be high maintenance, I like to see them get along without too much trouble, even if -of course- they do fight over missions and other things. I'm really happy you enjoyed, thank you for reading!


bradygirl_12 February 19 2008, 05:01:15 UTC
Such a beautiful fic, Mina!

You've detailed their relationship in so many wonderful ways. I have a thing about semi-long hair and that detail really stood out to me. :)

I also loved the way their things sprawled over each other's places, and how they just gradually became part of each other's lives.

Argh, I can't quote anything because I'll wind up quoting everything! :)

Just lots of love for this! :)


arch_schatten February 27 2008, 03:23:17 UTC
Thank you, Brady! I'm glad you liked the long hair, I'm really into long-hair Bruce, he just looks.. adorable and less dangerous, and hot.

The thing about their things invading each other's space made me a bit sad to write, but it's an important detail on any meaningful relationship, I think. They were in their best behavior :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, thank you for reading!


loqia February 19 2008, 05:27:22 UTC
Aw, man, this is beautiful. I'm such a sucker for long, slow, natural romances and you've done it so wonderfully here. <3

Bruce doesn’t do great declarations of love, but that doesn’t mean Clark can’t hear them.
Aa-aa-and here is where my heart melted. Now I need to drive down to the shops for a new one.

1. He wears Clark’s cologne
Why hello thar, animalistic, alpha-male possessive Clark! And Bruce is so schneaky in his declarations. It's just so very... Bruce.

Dating a detective has its perks, of course; Clark doesn’t have to name everything he wants to get it.
And so is this. I love the idea of Bruce applying his Super Deductive Skillz ZOMG to 'mundane' activities like relationships. And I like the dynamic when Clark picks up on it, of course. ;)

Also:Clark swivels closer, pulling his cape up to keep it from tangling with the chair’s wheels,
Lol, Clark you doof.


arch_schatten February 27 2008, 03:27:39 UTC
Wooot! Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed. I, too, am a sucker for long slow romances, I'm glad I could pull it here :)

My Bruce is pretty quiet and oblique in his affections, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. For me, actually, open displays of affections are always awkward and make me freak out... so this is more up my alley :P

Alpha male possessive animalistic Clark is very, very hot, if you ask me. Bruce totally gets a kick out of it, to play Clark's alpha-male strings. It's fun! What do you date a detective for if it isn't for the fun?? And the, you know, hot sex? Detectives are sexy!

...I was going to ask if the cape tangling with the chair's wheels didn't happen to everyone, but, uh. I guess... the cape thing. (I wrap myself in a blanket, not a cape, but the effect is similar, I think!) Wheel tracks over the cape=not inspiring :P Thank you so much for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed!


loqia February 27 2008, 03:34:50 UTC
I too am a staunch proponent of the blanket-around-the-shoulders method of keeping 'warm' (though I do it all year 'round, so it's more of a, "Mmm, snuggly!" thing for me); and you're right, it does tangle up an awful lot! Yanno, I never thought of capes like that...


arch_schatten February 27 2008, 03:42:07 UTC
Capes ought to be kind of.. awkward and bothersome at times, even if they do theatrical wonders for your image with the right wind. But what about the wind blowing the other way around? What about tangling with the chairs? What about -the bane of long coats and dresses in my case- part of it being stuck out of the door of the Batmobile? And Bruce's is really, really long! Risk of tripping might not be one very high for him, since he's, you know, Batman, but... I still think capes are cool, just kind of a hassle.

I wrap myself with the blankie most of the time too, except for the horrible days of summer where death is a better end than living in the heat. But, mmmm, protection! Sulking in a blankie must be pretty similar to sulking in a cape, too... now I just need a gargoyle to perch over...


scotchsour February 19 2008, 05:55:48 UTC
I haven't been reading much S/B lately so I forgot how much love and happy you give me when you write a story.


arch_schatten February 27 2008, 03:28:12 UTC
Yay! I'm glad I could warm your heart, Emme :) S/B still has it!


jij February 19 2008, 06:52:32 UTC
How odd. I thought if I read this when in a good mood, having already read it before, it might not make me cry.

Wrong! :)

Tears of happiness, mind you.

A voluntary proclamation of who he belongs to for anyone who can put two and two together.

Oh, the sexiness of Bruce making an olfactory announcement of his commitments! I can hardly stand it, it's so awesome. :)

Time isn’t cowardly and superstitious, but it too bends down to the will of Batman.

*nods* If Batman's going to commit to someone, he will find time for that person. Somehow. It might not be in the ways people usually assume, and it might take a special person to appreciate it, but it'll be there.

There’s a backup AC adapter for Clark’s laptop on the second drawer...

Uhhh. I'm terrified at what it reveals of me, Mina dear, that every time I read this phrase I start to cry. It's just...so telling of all they are and the spaces they have for each other. It's a very meaningful thing to have space for someone's laptop in your workspace, and I found it amazingly ( ... )


arch_schatten February 27 2008, 03:37:29 UTC
*snugs* Late fb replying! that's ferret! my presentation on metaphysics went very well! Un-freaking-believable. And I think my exam went pretty good too! good day for ferrets! ...even if I'm kind of down and feel like a tool, for reasons that I shall discuss later ( ... )


jij February 28 2008, 05:23:07 UTC
good day for ferrets! ...even if I'm kind of down and feel like a tool, for reasons that I shall discuss later!

I'm coming to these comments like 2 days late now, but I don't think I've heard about this yet...*looks at mailbox*

The laptop adapter bit! ...to be honest, that section makes me kind of sad for personal reasons that never occurred to me while I wrote it, and now they are coming to haunt me...

I saw you mention that to Brady! *hugs* I'm sorry it's a personally sad section, but it's beautiful and meaningful and gah I'm tearing up woeeee... :) Oh romantic AC adapter, I love it so.

(As a side note, Clark seems to have a tendency to interrupt himself in mid-sentence and a tendency to address himself in the second person in his journal! I'm not sure I'm happy with his journal-voice, he sounds a bit whiney...but I just need to add one little thing and then I'll share it with you!)

I expect him to have his freak outs pre-relationship, even if that's not very believable!With Bruce, I think it's very believable. I think ( ... )


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