(FIC) Reflections of the Sun (Superman/Batman, PG-13)

Mar 30, 2010 19:15

I am finally done with my music prompts stories! I have this and another one that I'll post later, but I'm done! woo! I think this is about the first time I finish a prompt challenge o_O In what, 5 years? eeep ( Read more... )

superman, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, batman, meme, slash, damian al ghul, dick grayson

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Comments 15

mithen March 31 2010, 03:50:43 UTC
"That's not Bruce's face. They look nothing alike."

I love this line so much! That idea that it's the light behind the eyes that matters, and the idea that Clark could never be taken in by an imposter even if all of Gotham was...

Perhaps they would tell him more, like why the alien was so sure Damian's father had always trusted him, even when others doubted him, or why he mourned his loss in silence.

I really love this last line--Damian the budding detective, reading everyone's nonverbals even when he can't understand the context of it all, and how he's starting to draw some counter-intuitive conclusions...

"I can't be Bruce Wayne. He lives in the Wayne Tower's penthouse with his sons and his butler. I've seen him. Actually, I've been investigating a plot to kill him."

I hadn't really thought about how Hush might throw off Oberon!Bruce (if it is him) and keep him from reaching a conclusion like that! "Sometimes I think...but no, Bruce Wayne is right here and not dead, so..."

feeling another part of himself realign with time, ( ... )


arch_schatten April 1 2010, 22:29:21 UTC
Clark would never confuse Hush with Bruce! ahhhh! :S the idea of Clark not being able to tell Azrael is not Bruce makes me so wibbly. Of course Clark would know! though, in some ways, I guess it just speaks of how they have gotten closer? from not being able to tell if it's Bruce's voice or not, to memorizing his DNA?

I love how Damian is being all RARR BUT I HATE DETECTIVE WORK in Batman and Robin. Don't ask the runt to slow down! he's busy hacking and slashing! lol, he's clearly a very smart young man, but I think all the Robins (with the possible exception of Tim, but even Tim) find the detective stuff the most cumbersome? sitting down to think, instead of punching people in the face! dang! But Damie will get there, like they all did! <3 besides, he has a complete different set of 'defaults' for reading non verbals and such, being raised so different... (UBU ( ... )


quiltdiva March 31 2010, 04:09:26 UTC
When Oberon called Superman Clark, I felt myself go OMG! How he described Clark was beautiful, loved it. He recognized Clark's scent, his strong arms, and voice...sigh. I'm glad he's back!


arch_schatten April 2 2010, 02:55:28 UTC
Yay! so glad you liked that moment! I was wondering with mithen if Superman or Clark should confront Oberon.. and then that moment came to my head and it came clear it *had* to be Superman, so Bruce could remember Clark :D I'm very glad you enjoyed this! thank youuu for reading! :D


(The comment has been removed)

arch_schatten April 2 2010, 07:51:31 UTC
Oh, yay! so glad you liked it! I like how Dick is learning to work with the cowl, but yeah, it's a matter of... well, in part, of experience, but also in many ways Bruce *is* Batman -or, more to the point, Batman was never just the cowl, but the man, and Dick is simply a different man, so it's never going to be quite right... which is part of legacies, and it's fun to play with that leeway!

The JLA and Black Lantern Batman kind of broke my heart! Barry seems so invested in getting Bruce back, and before Final Crisis Bruce was so invested in getting Barry back, I just think it's adorable. Old school buddies! awww :)

I'm very glad you liked this! poor Clark, I've been enjoying putting him through the wringer... thank you for reading and commenting! :D


ava_jamison March 31 2010, 15:01:15 UTC
Oh, my, WOW! This is so very beautiful and painful and haunting that I don't even know how to leave truly coherent feedback. So many careful, poignant insights and gorgeous details ( ... )


ava_jamison April 1 2010, 01:35:36 UTC
FYI, just in case I wasn't clear: I don't mean, when I say 'What Damian represents to the Bat-story' what he reps in THIS story at all. I'm talking about what I think Grant Morrison thinks about what Damian is in the Giant Story of Bruce Wayne and the Robins. I actually like what he reps in this story. So I like your story better than canon, is what I'm saying. Much, much.


arch_schatten April 12 2010, 02:57:14 UTC
LOL! thank youuu! I am looking forward to Damian's story clarifying in comics, I really love how in Batman #666 he feels so inadequate because he can't possibly be as good as Bruce or Dick as Batman. Bats have inadequacy issues, no matter where they come from! I hope the future of #666 is not.. like, the real future, but a version of it, because I would love if the Batfamily eventually pulled together and managed to change Gotham -not that the fight would ever end, but... I want Gotham to be better! ...now I want to write future fic, lol. But yes! I hope Damian gets a good story. One where he's not there to be the Ultimate Robin, but.. just the latest addition to a clan that seems to have problems to stop growing :P Also, I am DYING for him to take in Helena Kyle as an apprentice/surrogate sister. BATXCAT FOREVER.


arch_schatten April 12 2010, 02:50:45 UTC
Eeeeee!! thank you thank you! :D :D I'm so glad you liked it, I'm sorry I'm late to reply! (am I ever not late catching up with LJ? dang!) I had so much fun weaving canon scenes and finding moments for Clark to mourn! LOL, I will do my best to filter more canon through my slash goggles! :P ( ... )


starsandsea March 31 2010, 18:57:15 UTC
Eeeee, Mina, this was so fantastic. THIS SHOULD BE CANON, YES!

"That's not Bruce's face. They look nothing alike."

*pets Clark* I so agree with him! :p

Clark nodded. "Good. He never wanted any of you to-- to become him. Dick," he said, his voice and body language shifting back into Superman's. "I'm going to leave for a while. I need to know you'll take care of yourself and your family. And... that you won't let that that man pretending to be Bruce get to you. Promise me you'll be careful."

*huggles Clark*

But because this was all he had ever wanted when he was alive, it was hard not to think he was happy. A ghost-feeling, then, the way people could feel ghost limbs.

Why did that line hurt so much? I don't want to identify with Black Hand, Mina!

The two great superheroes, the Titans of Earth, reduced to this. To feeling, uncontrollably, to hoping and wishing and fearing that this one human would return to them, when it was them who would be returning to the embrace of Nekron, to the endless peace of Death.*huggles Clark and ( ... )


arch_schatten April 12 2010, 02:38:13 UTC
LOL, I am so annoyed at the Hush plot and him looking like Bruce! HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE BRUCE IT CAN'T BE IT CAN'T BEEEEE! lol, pisses me off...

I laughed so much at you identifying with Black Hand! haha, I'm sorry, Star! X) lol, it's too funny. I was pretty freaked out while writing his section, lol, I kept telling Jen 'well, this.. is the first time I write necrophilia! I GUESS I HOPE IT'S THE LAST TIME'.

I felt really bad for Alfred's section. Poor Alfred doing the autopsy of the clone :( but.. Alfred's the tougher of them all, of course he would take the weight off Dick's shoulders. I'm sure he waited until Dick was busy somewhere else to tackle it...

Bruce will be back sooonnnn!! one more month and Return of Bruce Wayne begins! I CAN'T WAIT!! I am so excited!!! :D I am so glad you enjoyed the story, Star, thank you so much for the awesome fb! :D


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