(FIC) Reflections of the Sun (Superman/Batman, PG-13)

Mar 30, 2010 19:15

I am finally done with my music prompts stories! I have this and another one that I'll post later, but I'm done! woo! I think this is about the first time I finish a prompt challenge o_O In what, 5 years? eeep ( Read more... )

superman, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, batman, meme, slash, damian al ghul, dick grayson

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arch_schatten April 12 2010, 02:50:45 UTC
Eeeeee!! thank you thank you! :D :D I'm so glad you liked it, I'm sorry I'm late to reply! (am I ever not late catching up with LJ? dang!) I had so much fun weaving canon scenes and finding moments for Clark to mourn! LOL, I will do my best to filter more canon through my slash goggles! :P

I'm glad you liked the shifting POVs! they were giving me a headache -especially Alfred's! it's not an easy POV, that man- but I tried to keep outside Clark's head because everything I've written lately is from Clark's POV and.. sometimes I loose sight of the character doing the narrations because I forget how others see him. It was fun! (except for writing Black Mask's necrophilia, that was weird and kind of creepy).

I am very very happy you liked Damie here! he's such a brat, I can't help but love him -I really want him to be Dick's Robin to the point that when Bruce comes back Damian *wants* to go with Dick wherever Dick decides to go- and I'm happy you liked him here despite not liking him in canon! that's high praise, and I am so happy! :D

I had a hard time with Alfred and Clark's piece because it was so... well, horrifying! But like you say, they will honor Bruce's memory -and their own grief- by saving others from having to face such terrible moments. Alfred would save Dicik and Damian the pain of the autopsy, and Clark would save them all the pain of another burial. Because.. that's what we do for the people we love! I am so happy you liked the dental record bit! lol, it was one of my favorite details X)

Thank youuu for the wonderful feedback!! :D :D it totally made my day!! :D here's to Bruce returning to us soon!


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