State of Play: Part 3 - Ensemble Picspam

Nov 03, 2009 22:05

Warning: Spoilers, graphic detail and mindless ramblings - I apologise peeps, commentary's kinda flat and terrible today, I'm not feeling so well.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 {Part 4 Part 5 Part 6} - coming soon

Episode 3

I'm extremely impressed that the writers have obviously come to the same conclusion I have, that is that Philip is the most important part of this show and hence the first shot should always be of him. Sammy boy gets a bit cocky and refuses to adhere to Bell's superior interrogation techniques and once more I'm left wondering why Cameron is in the room if not to crack awesome one liners... Anyways Liz. LIZ!! How I love thee. You are awesome and a smart ass and have a death stare that could have Gene Hunt quaking in his coat and boots.

So Della and Dan obviously had a discussion that morning about matching clothes, as did William as all three are wearing blue stripes. Adam's back to be awesome and prove that the press have some type of legal guidelines. If you'd like to take notice of the fifth picture, were Pete is obviously taking a peak whilst Helen is distracted, and then the pic below that were she's getting her own back...obviously something has happened between last episode and now....I'm just saying. William's awesoming Sammy with his higher skills of intelligence whilst simultaneously making me awwww with his gorgeous line about it being a case, not a story...he's in it for the justice peoples, not the front page.

Dominic! Ma man! Dom's rocking some serious sunnies and an awesome coat which I forgot to mention last time, shame on me, cause it's even better that Dan's! It billows and has fur trimming! Dominic's tried to escape the country by going to Spain...and later proceeds to re-enter the one does when they are trying to avoid the can see why Dominic fails at life. Dan and Helen engage in some heavy duty flirting for information, Helen more so than Dan which freaks Pete out....he looks so forlorn when she leaves him in the car, poor heartbroken bugger. Liz is intrigued by the cactus...I have nothing else to say about this other than it must be awesome because it's Liz. And now for my favourite Helen scene. Is she not the most endearing character ever holdin' up her calender all proud like?? Yes? Pete agree's with me...

Della! Now, as I stated before, obviously these two corresponded their clothes when they left the house that morning. Golly, William's gorgeous...I really can't get over this fact, though I am loathe to try so it's a win win situation. I adore how he's all concerned about her, not to mention that he spends more time watching her than the screen. Della's at the height of her mini freak out for this episode, which so makes sense because the evil, stalker dude is after her..tots understanding. Cal tries to comfort her and she's all 'where's my William?!?' Chewy, who always seems to be standing round, also tries to help but no matter how well he may mimic William's pose he can not replace The Glenister...Della agrees with me and looks on sceptically.

Greer! Long time no see sister! She kindly points out to Stephen that DCI Bell has been taking lessons from Della in snoopery and is currently sorting through his video collection, as you do. Stephen and Andrew are not as impressed as they should be by William, which causes me to play a little game of six degrees of separation. David M. links to David T. links to John S. links to Philip G. links to Keeley H. links to Matthew Macfadyen links to Keira Knightley links to James McAvoy who links back to State of Play. So much fun guys, seriously, try it on IMDB. Anyway, William's been working on his pose-of-seriousness, though he hasn't rolled his fingers round yet, so I'm kinda disappointed. He has rolled his eyes however, which seems to piss Stephen off a bit, as does the whole accusing him of murder aspect. William tries to channel a little Gene Hunt in the last picture...yes?? Anyone else getting that look??

Dan imitates a dog, which Cameron kindly points out. Pete spends some time staring seriously at the back of Cal's head for daring to stand near Helen and Della is wise enough to leave him be. I'm pretty sure at this point some serious plot was discussed, but by this time the story has progressed to government conspiracies and I'm not game enough to try and explain that one. Dan, however, is - which is why he's the journalist - and everyone listens whilst looking serious and pretty. Chewy gets some good screen time away from his BFF William and Greer pops up once more to remind me of her awesomness.

William gets told off politely by his superior, which oddly enough turns into the cutest scene ever as The Glenister is the master of facial expressions. Chewy, the naughty bugger, engages in some high level cheating, and spends some time talking into his sleeve cause that's just how he rolls. Sleeve talking is obviously a perfectly acceptable form of communication.

This is the scene I like to refer to as Ode to Chewy...he gets more screen time in this ten minutes than he does collectively for the rest of the series. He spends much of it discussing food with Luigi's long lost second cousin, before he remembers that he's a copper and thus must run around with his gun for a little bit. He's got the maneuvers and sleeve talking and everything down, he even survives being shot through a door, yet somehow this is not enough to to get rid of the evil, stalker dude. It should be pointed out the the evil, stalker dude gets shot by a sniper about a minute later, which prompts William and Chewy to stand around looking important. William is very good at standing around, doing nothing and looking important. I, however, am not complaining...cause he's adorkable.

Cal and Cameron have a stare off, whilst William evolves to new heights of Protect-Della'ness. I'm sure he didn't plan on their first date being in the morgue, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. It does prompt some heavy duty flirting over toxicology reports. The height difference between these two kills me everytime...they are seriously adorkable to look at. I'm glad to note that I am not the only one who writes on their hand, obviously if Wiliam does it it is perfectly acceptable behaviour. I'd like to point out picture 17, I'm not entirely sure what to say about it other than he looks like he's showing her his secret superhero undershirt or something....or maybe his chest? Her smirk is not telling, only that it's something good. Della also engages in some snoopery, but William - who I've just promoted to superhero - uses his super powers to tell she stole the report and promptly snatches it back.

Della is not impressed by people lying to her, as the poor doctor lady finds out. But wait! What is this? More William and Della in a scene together? Obviously a game of tootsies has broken out between the two below the table, however I'm thinking from the look on Cameron's face one of them may have stepped on his foot accidentally. Cal and Chewy remain oblivious and the flirt off continues.

Dominic, bless him, in his bid to avoid everything, has re-entered the country where the authorities want to catch him. Obviously he doesn't know how to do a runner. Dan is awfully amused by this, not only is Dominic a dim wit, but he know has someone to grin ridiculously at. The fabulous five has downgraded to the terrific threesome cause Helen and Pete are...well, they could be doing an all matter of things really. Use your imagination, however I assure you they're together. SYD! Syd is aweseomsauce to the highest level. Not only does he type awfully fast, but he watches turtle documentaries whilst doing it. Syd beats everyone at life, especially Dominic, who I'm pretty sure tries to escape from the conference room in a second.

Dominic really does himself no favours, trying to run away from the conference room when there's 3 people in it and another 40 in the press room. You can see why Dan likes teasing him. I'm momentarily distracted by how pretty Della is, and the fact that William has actually left her side. Up till this point he'd obviously been taking lessons from Pete...who, we shall notice is still AWOL alongside Helen....I miss my second OTP. Cameron cannot believe that Dominic could be so stupid...I don't blame him.

Dan utilises his superior flirting powers and convinces Dominic to return. As can be seen, coffee is a very good bribe. Syd continues to type, by which stage I'm fearing for the safety of his fingers. Seriously though, the lack of Helen, Pete and William is not sitting well with me...

On to the next episode and more OTP x 2 I say! Hooraa!

Caps from the amazing nancherrow


tv: state of play, graphics: picspam, actor: philip glenister, actress: kelly macdonald

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