Dedicated to the wonderful moments where we, the viewer, are treated to casual Charlie, casual as that man can get.
He may be a suited-up, awesome crime fighting avenger by day, but when he's laid his knife down for the evening we are occasioned to the wonders of the non-suit, and are left wondering why his chest is not given a scene of its own every episode...
We learn very early on that Charlie has not always been the Suit Wearing Avenger he plays by day. In fact he spent 12 years of his life locked up in boots Major Winters would be jealous of. Take Note: whilst the angst of Prison Charlie can be overbearing, we do have a glimpse of the little seen forearm.
Also in the misc category is the wonders of the hospital gown, donned by all actors in a crime show at least once and generally known for showing skin. Unfortunately Charlie spends his entire gowned-up time lying in bed recovering, so little other than his arms are seen. Luckily, however, he is out of the gown quick smart and back to being awesome, suited-up and annoyingly (charmingly) chipper at all times.
No Shirt
Next on our tour through Charlie's wardrobe is the birthday suit - also known as Charlie's chest. Whilst this scene may be short it is sweet (sexy, gorgeous - pick your own adjective) and we are once more reminded that the costume department needn't have spent time choosing his awesome suits. Bare chested works just as well.
T-Shirt Charlie is my favourite Charlie. He looks ridiculously tall in the first image which brings me to a point besides his arms. His legs - amazingly they look good in any, beige, blue, black.
Now we come to the most awesome scene ever in the history of the LAPD. Why they did not allow him to wear a t-shirt and jeans to work everyday is beyond me. See those people in the background...they're not looking at the crazy-mans work, no my friends, they too are focused on the sheer awesomeness (by awesomeness I do mean gorgeousness) that is Charlie Crews in jeans. With a gun and badge. *dies*
I'd also like to note that besides the plain t-shirts of brown and grey, so far the multimillionaire has only one other t-shirt. The ones he's wearing above, practically the same as the one in the first ep.
Can you imagine the fun it must have been when Ted and Charlie went clothes shopping for the first time?
Button Up Shirts
Gah - the pretty
Five very important factors here.
1. The flicked up cuffs
2. The rolled up sleeves
3. The crossed arms
4. The Sunglasses
5. Smiles! - proper Charlie smiles, not like the fake, creepy grin he gives people.
I'm increasingly endeared by the lack of clothing he has. And the amount of brown he owns.
Fear not people! Season two may bring shorter hair and slightly creepier smiles, but Charlie still relies upon the good and faithful brown shirt with rolled up sleeves. The only major development over the break seems to be that he's tucking them in halfway...maybe if season three had eventuated he'd be tucking them in the whole way. Regardless of this, my dislike for men tucking-in-shirts-that-are-not-part-of-suits was completely shattered when I saw this scene. Now it's just hot...
Also, note the car. I want it.
So obviously Charlie's brown shirt has to be washed occasionally, which is when the whitey-brown shirt is called into action. This one does not call for tucking in, however there's some awesome half sleeve rolling going on at the wrists. I don't know why but I tend to think his hair looks prettier with this shirt...Not to mention the prevalence of a wonderful pissed-off-Charlie look.
Alas, the brown shirt returns and we get some more awesome facial expressions as Charlie's now resorted to talking to cars as well as the greater universe.
Tucked in shirt - still hot.
We must also recognise another deciding factor in Charlie's awesome out-of-suit attire. The lack of buttons that are buttoned. I'm quite certain i've seen a picspam of Damian Lewis chest before, and now I understand why.
New Shirt Alert! New Shirt Alert!
Obviously Ted and Charlie have been shopping and have discovered that shirts come in more than just plain colours!
The brown does make a comeback appearance later on, followed by the whitey-brown shirt (now tucked in)
I had a good little giggle during this last scene upon discovering that the wonderful Miss Puryer is in fact Mrs. Damian Lewis - aka Helen McCrory. Look at em' grin at each other. *sighs* If only he too could have kept the accent...
Now at some point, someone has mentioned to Charlie that you can in fact combine the t-shirt and shirt look. I'm particularly fond of the first time this happens, because it leads on to the t-shirt of awesome scene at work which I mentioned earlier. Also take note, brown is still worn at all times.
You would think that after, say, 12 years in prison you'd want something a bit more bright and cheerful....but hey, this is Charlie....maybe he was afraid he'd get attached to inanimate bright colours....perhaps brown is zen.
I've near run out of witty things to lets just admire, shall we?
*whispers* there is a decided lack of brown in these images, but the blue is pretty, so we'll ignore it.
Now we chance upon a more shirty-shirt than the button up, and the brown begins to disappear. Grey, however, is the preferred choice and shows off the arms very well. It should also be noticed that there are bare feet in the first image. And very pretty long legs.
Now we've gone so far as to layer the shirts and jumpers. Epic moments here as the rolled up sleeves reach all the way to his elbows. The layered look seems to coincide with some intense, angsty moments....perhaps the wardrobe department were trying to save us some of the grief?
Bless him, the brown returns....and I swear the arm crossing thing should not look so good.
Alas, we reach the section of spamming dedicated to the times were he was suited-up but tied-down...heh.. tied-down. Anyways, work shirts can be made all the more pretty by taking off ones tie, as Dani notices in episode one.
Jackets, yeah...You'll must agree that jackets are brilliant pieces of clothing, especially when they are of the suit variety and without a tie. Unfortunately it takes Charlie until season two to discover the joys of leaving ones suit in place but removing ones tie. But, as I am an optimist, not a pessimist we must concede that at least he does reach this conclusion, and thus we are treated to the delights of Party-Charlie.
Also, the t-shirt under the jacket? Cute!
Season two introduces a new aspect to Charlie's wardrobe, namely the zip up jumper. I have nothing else to say about it really, other than to look at image three... repeatedly.
He has a very cute confuzzled face, does he not?
One does have to love the above scene, don't they. Jeans, holster, crossed arms, leaning, Ted being Ted. Gosh, between these two you have half a HIMYM episode....Charlie suits-up and Ted teds-out. BTW I see no problem in driving around in a car riddled with bullet holes.
Ahh, the brown jacket. The brown jacket is a very pretty jacket you see. So pretty that it earned itself a second scene, much like the blue t-shirt and the brown button up shirt. I must, however, point out that Charlie's obvious missing of Dani is in part to her reminding him to iron his clothing....he becomes increasingly rumpled the longer she is away. Not to mention heartbroken...but that belongs to a whole 'nother picspam.
Apology's for the lack of coherency and funny. Hope you instead enjoyed the prettiness.
Caps thanks to
Damian Lewis Yahoo! Group &
Valeria ...