for thatendswell

Jan 23, 2012 01:29

(ooc; combination continuation thread of this and this and various others because we're awesome like that. :3 also, sorry for spamming.)

thatendswell, statusquodebt

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statusquodebt January 23 2012, 09:33:50 UTC
[ He probably should know when it's best to just leave well enough alone, but part and parcel of being America is that he never really has been any good at letting sleeping dogs lie. This proves to be especially true whenever the meme stirs tensions between himself and England in such a way that it almost seems intentional, like they're purposely being baited into acknowledging that aspect of their individual existences - the all-too-awkward subject of them. It's hard for America to simply ignore it all the time, probably because he already does think about it often all of his own accord. Time spent with England isn't always horrible; they don't always fight to the degree that their encounters end messily in bruised egos and bloody noses, and America wouldn't say truthfully that he hates the older Nation either. He gets that some may believe otherwise, but that's fine to him. There's no need in his mind to clarify things when he thinks it should be obvious that relations between their countries have improved a lot over the years. No, ( ... )


statusquodebt January 30 2012, 07:48:33 UTC
[ The second comment about how he used to be irks America a little bit and he can't quite help it when his knee begins to bounce with his irritation a little bit under the table. His eyebrows come together mildly in agitation as he looks across the tea set at England. ]

...Well, you know, I'm not a child anymore.

[ There's very little that raises America's hackles more easily and faster than England talking down to him like he's still his little colony or wishes he still were. He hates not being seen as an equal in England's eyes, even if the revolution was centuries ago. He was also very bitter about it too, like the other Nation, for a long time, but he likes to think he holds less resentment about it nowadays than England does. Mostly, he feels sad and frustrated whenever England does this. ]


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statusquodebt January 30 2012, 09:55:27 UTC
[ The irony of this is that America is nearly convinced of the same thing about England's feelings for him, if only because after all this time, he still refuses to acknowledge how much his former charge has accomplished. He cares for so few people's opinions, honestly, but out of all those "few people", England's will always mean the most to him; even when he thought he hated the older Nation for over a hundred years, nothing mattered to him in the same way that what England thought about him did. He's become rather good at laughing it off now too, or playing up the aspects of himself that bother England just to irritate him, because even negative attention is better than none as far as he's concerned. ]

Why do you care so much about that child still? You can't go back. You weren't around a lot anyway.

[ America's words are only partially meant to sting, but he's not unaware of the likelihood that that they very well may bite harder than he intended them to, regardless of how he doesn't let that show on his features. All the times ( ... )


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statusquodebt January 31 2012, 12:05:14 UTC
[ America puts down his own teacup and crosses his arms over his chest, closing his eyes and maintaining a rather irritated expression on the rest of his features. ]

I didn't "tire" of you because I was bitter that you weren't around as often as I wanted to.

[ However, he pauses to consider England's question seriously. It's hard to say, honestly. Would he have felt more loyal, more like a traitor for even thinking to declare independence and wage war against England? Or would he have felt it a necessary step in his own evolution regardless? A very difficult question, indeed. ]

I don't know. I probably still would have wanted to be my own country. I guess it depends on whether or not you would have been just as unfair, as greedy, and as selfish as you were.


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statusquodebt February 2 2012, 08:14:30 UTC
[ That causes America's blue eyes to snap open angrily and he pushes out his chair to rise to his feet. England has some nerve! He matches the other Nation's raised voice with his own. ]

Yeah? Well, I'll never understand what was so wrong with that. You could have avoided a whole lot of mess if you'd just let me go! And don't you gimme that. You know that's not all you did! You know.


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I lost this in my inbox! Orz statusquodebt February 4 2012, 13:53:51 UTC
[ The younger Nation looks a little bit like he's been physically struck, even though this isn't the first time England has said these things to him. It doesn't matter; it never really does when they come to this subject and America is having issues controlling his temper - a state that only England has the privilege of working him up into with limited effort. ]

Couldn't have survived on my own? I did survive on my own! Like I said, you were gone more often than you were around! You left me alone and I learned by myself! You still can't accept that either?

[ So much for not sounding bitter... ]


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/snuuuugs statusquodebt February 5 2012, 09:04:40 UTC
I asked France for help because he didn't want to trample me into the mud under his boot heel anymore! Of course he knew that's what you were going to do! Did you forget the sheer size of the task force you launched at me? Even Prussia and-and... Spain knew that!

[ America's yelling has become more animated now, rising and falling on the scale of pitch as he talks. He strongly dislikes mentioning Spain; the other Nation's name leaves a startlingly bitter taste in his mouth as soon as it's off his tongue, but America keeps pushing forward, even when England seems almost as if he's given up on their shouting match. He approaches the other blonde and grabs him tightly by the elbow in an attempt to spin him back around. America isn't finished yet, even if the Island Nation thinks he is. ]

But this isn't about them! It's about you and me, and how no matter what I do, you will never see me as anything other than a kid. If you don't care, then why should I? Huh? Tell me, England - why should I care about you and everything you did do for ( ... )


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;~; statusquodebt February 8 2012, 08:34:21 UTC
[ England's adamant refusal to meet his eyes frustrates and angers America only more. He growls lowly in the back of his throat, and uses his free hand to take a hold of the other Nation's chin and jaw firmly in his fingers. He gives England's arm a good shake as though that'll further convince him to look at him directly. ]

It's all I used to care about!

[ The easy answer is a very forward "yes, of course", but America will be damned if he admits as much at this moment, in this age. He may trust England far more now than he used to, may be more open to showing concern for him than he used to be after he had his independence, but giving him that much more knowledge of his weaknesses will only give England something else to throw back in his face the next time they argue, won't it? So what would be the point of that? ]


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/holdssss because sob, these two statusquodebt February 8 2012, 10:30:58 UTC
[ America acknowledges the less-than-defiant emotions being present in England's green eyes, but he hardly gives them more than a thought or two - in fact, he pointedly disregards them, purposely avoiding the chance of recognizing anything he sees in them as emotion he's felt about this subject matter.

Even so, however, England's questions stoke his anger and his grip on the other Nation tightens, brings him closer. ]

Maybe something like, "You're not just another valuable resource for the great British Empire, America." Or at least, "Let's not fight. I'll let you go."


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