for thatendswell

Jan 23, 2012 01:29

(ooc; combination continuation thread of this and this and various others because we're awesome like that. :3 also, sorry for spamming.)

thatendswell, statusquodebt

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statusquodebt January 23 2012, 09:33:50 UTC
[ He probably should know when it's best to just leave well enough alone, but part and parcel of being America is that he never really has been any good at letting sleeping dogs lie. This proves to be especially true whenever the meme stirs tensions between himself and England in such a way that it almost seems intentional, like they're purposely being baited into acknowledging that aspect of their individual existences - the all-too-awkward subject of them. It's hard for America to simply ignore it all the time, probably because he already does think about it often all of his own accord. Time spent with England isn't always horrible; they don't always fight to the degree that their encounters end messily in bruised egos and bloody noses, and America wouldn't say truthfully that he hates the older Nation either. He gets that some may believe otherwise, but that's fine to him. There's no need in his mind to clarify things when he thinks it should be obvious that relations between their countries have improved a lot over the years. No, it's not perfect, but nothing ever is, is it? He's always known that, though he's always hoped for more.

America could have broached the subject in a gentler manner, maybe, but he doesn't really think there's any easy way to say what he wants to, so while he's spending some time hovering around England, leaning against a window frame and looking outside, he decides that no opportunity better than this is going to pass his way for this conversation. ]

You never did say how you'd react if I popped the question to you.


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statusquodebt January 23 2012, 10:13:08 UTC
[ America perks up almost right away from his place at the window, a mixture of surprise and interest playing itself across his features as he turns to face England and listen to what he has to say. He expected to just get another punch - the physical kind - to the arm and an aggravated retort about how he should stop being ridiculous and grow up or something. He nods and gives England half a smile. ]

Okay. 'Promise.


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statusquodebt January 24 2012, 14:42:02 UTC
[ Surprisingly, perhaps a bit miraculously, America actually keeps his promise and doesn't laugh; instead, he tilts his head to one side a few inches and just looks back at the older Nation as though he hasn't seen him in a long while. The answer is sweet. America didn't expect England to turn the question around like that, least of all answer so candidly - with not even a trace of sarcasm or bitterness. He's almost... touched by it, though he's also rendered speechless and he feels more uncomfortable that he didn't really plan out a response for such an answer before it sprang into his mind to bring the subject up again with England. He tries to cover his awkwardness by glancing away towards the window again. Weird. Or not weird? He's not really sure. ]



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statusquodebt January 25 2012, 07:25:42 UTC
[ America feels himself hold his breath suddenly, but it's a moment before he realizes his ears have been straining to absorb each and every word from England so carefully and he flushes deeply upon realizing how he's been so avidly hanging on every stuttered syllable from the older Nation. He clears his throat awkwardly, giving his head a light shake in hopes he'll fall quickly out of this bizarre, heady fog he's found himself in. It's a little too unfamiliar for America and, thus, frightening to him, but he can't find any appropriate thing to say. Before he knows it, he's trying to remember what the whole point of even asking England about this was. ]

It's a long way 'till summer.

[ He blurts out the statement abruptly and even America himself feels stupid for it. An obvious comment made in an obviously uncomfortable moment because the silence for the young Nation is just too harsh to hear. ]


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statusquodebt January 25 2012, 09:15:18 UTC
[ It's while England is chuckling about the situation that America manages to recall what exactly it is that caused him to think about bringing this up again. He turns back to the window. He almost doesn't want to say it, but he feels obligated to protect Alex and he still has no idea that the love potion was the cause. ]

Well. You better think of how you'll react to me asking you to marry me... 'cause Alex says he wants to.


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statusquodebt January 25 2012, 09:42:32 UTC
[ Well, it was either that or they talk about bondage and America isn't sure he's quite ready to go there yet. He turns back around and fixes his blue gaze directly on England, pushing his glasses up his nose with an index finger against the bridge of the frames. ]

Uh, no. He totally knew what he was talking about. He said you mistake him for me and he doesn't want that because he can't marry you if you're his big brother.


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statusquodebt January 25 2012, 10:13:52 UTC
[ America eyes England suspiciously for a while in silence, as if he can't really believe what he's hearing. On second thought though, he comes to see that it's not that far of a stretch, considering this is the man who gave him species-changing animal parts, the ability to fly, and did nifty parlor tricks for him with a painting not too long ago, so America finally laughs. It's not like his typical laughter - it's full of relief and surprise and maybe just a hint of amusement, really. He feels so much better now, in fact, that he walks right up to England and pulls him into a tight bear hug. He laughs again and shakes his head. ]

...Wow. That's... That's so crazy, man!


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statusquodebt January 25 2012, 11:26:32 UTC
Whew. He had me so worried there!

[ He pulls away from England, seemingly unaware of just how uncomfortable he made the older Nation just now. America has never really had much of a respect for the personal space of other people, ever since he was tiny. It seems to be a habit that sort of got worse in some aspects with age.

Well, now that that's settled... America has to ask about the other thing that's on his mind now. England's explanation pretty much confirms it, but he has to be sure. ]

So, weird stuff happens a lot around here, huh?


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