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Comments 14

nojay March 2 2017, 13:19:41 UTC
Yet another vapourware battery announcement. From below-the-fold of the article, after all the breathless "biggest breakthrough since breakfast" stuff is elided ( ... )


Over half of new-build homes in England have major faul a_pawson March 2 2017, 14:22:26 UTC
No mention of what they define as "major". It also makes no mention of snagging. If you buy a new build, part of the process is that a number of months after you have moved in, the building company carries out what is called snagging. Basically they send round people to fix any issues that have been discovered with the house. Often these faults are only discovered after you have lived there for a while, used the cupboards etc.


momentsmusicaux March 2 2017, 14:29:48 UTC
Will people hate the St James redevelopment more or less than the tram...?


ylla March 2 2017, 14:37:14 UTC
At least it's the other end of town that's getting it this time! How long did we live with Haymarket shut for?


luckylove March 2 2017, 17:08:09 UTC
Leith Street was also shut for quite a while when the tram stuff was done. As most of the buses I use go along Leith Street it made getting anywhere much slower.


danieldwilliam March 2 2017, 16:50:24 UTC
Emma Watson there simultaniously suffering from discussing Serious Issues whilst not being a Serious Man in a Suit and whilst having breasts.


skington March 2 2017, 17:02:47 UTC
During the EU referendum campaign, occasionally you'd see people attacking the EU from the left (not unreasonably). The obvious response was "yeah, sure, we'd like the EU to be more left-wing, but if we leave the EU now, the fucking Tories will be responsible for rebuilding the country, and they sure as hell won't work to build a socialist utopia". It appears Jeremy Corbyn hasn't understood that basic, tribal argument.


andrewducker March 2 2017, 19:49:10 UTC
Yeah. I can vaguely understand the whole "The EU is a business-oriented plot!" approach that some on the left-wing have, but Corbyn's current approach seems entirely self-defeating.


skington March 2 2017, 20:00:05 UTC
The solution to "the EU is a business-oriented plot" is to renegotiate EU membership while the left is in power. Not listen to Boris fucking Johnson promising that we'll spend £350m on the NHS.


nojay March 2 2017, 20:01:56 UTC
Corbyn's been in politics for a long time and he can count. Brexit was going to happen even if he whipped the Labour party in both houses to oppose it tooth and nail. He knows that a lot of traditional Labour voters are kipper-curious and going down in a glorious defeat trying to keep Britain in the EU would cause a lot of them to vote UKIP and others in the next election (see Sunderland for a worked example).

His hope is for Labour to win the next election with Britain out of the EU as a given. I don't actually expect him to be the leader of the party at that point (unless May pulls a GE out of her hat suddenly for some reason) as he's getting on in years.

The future is going to be how Britain re-enters the EU ten years from now after the disaster to come works its way through the economy. We'll be welcomed back like the Prodigal Son but we won't get a pass on the single currency though, the pound sterling is going the way of the franc and the mark.


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