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nojay March 2 2017, 13:19:41 UTC
Yet another vapourware battery announcement. From below-the-fold of the article, after all the breathless "biggest breakthrough since breakfast" stuff is elided...

"Goodenough and Braga are continuing to advance their battery-related research and are working on several patents. In the short term, they hope to work with battery makers to develop and test their new materials in electric vehicles and energy storage devices."

So, no actual introduction of new batteries, no commercialisation of the improvements on the horizon, no confirmed technical alliances with actual battery makers etc. etc., just another press-release puff-piece like the hundreds that have preceded them.

If you want a phone that lasts three days on a charge you can get them for quite small amounts of money. If you want a pocket computer with multiple radio systems for digital data, device connectivity and location services, powerful multicore processing, a digital camera or three and a high-resolution display that can, as a minor part of of its raison d'etre, make and receive phone calls that will last three days on a single charge and still be slim and marketable then you are SOOL.


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