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Comments 102

watcher457 June 30 2006, 18:00:01 UTC
I appreciate the offer. I felt a bit silly commenting on a birthday post, and since you don't know me, I wasn't sure how rude it would be.

I was introduced to the Smoke trilogy back in January and I must have read Smoke and Mirrors six times in a row. It was delightful and amazing. The pop culture references and dry humor from the characters is something I haven't found in many series before. I went back and read the blood series, which I like as well, but Tony is still my favorite.

Having just finished my second go at Smoke and Ashes, I find myself terribly bummed that it's over, so I have to ask: is that it? Are the Tony books going to remain a trilogy, or is there a possibility of a fourth book in the future?


andpuff June 30 2006, 18:51:53 UTC
Thank you for nudging me toward this. It's something I should have thought of ages ago.

First, glad you liked the books and I love hearing that you read both Mirrors and Ashes multiple times!

As it stands right now, that's it for Tony. The Smoke books aren't unfortunately selling well enough to keep writing them. Nothing but good reviews but the numbers are making the agent unhappy. Unless there's a sudden and unexpected spike due to good word or mouth or... something there won't be another. Which is kind of a pity because I had a great idea (she said modestly) for a time travel story (magic being flexible and all *g*)

Right now though, I'm committed to two Valor books.


watcher457 June 30 2006, 19:03:19 UTC
I haven't read the Valor series. In fact, I haven't read anything except the Smoke and Blood series. My mother loves the Summoning series, so I'll have to drown my Tony sorrows in your other books.

As for the Tony books, I'll have to pimp them out to everyone I know. Unfortunately, I don't know millions of people so I'm not sure how much good that will do. I suppose that is fortunate for Tony. Should he play in time travel, I'm pretty confident Arra will come back just to smack him around for a healthy length of time.


braider June 30 2006, 19:48:39 UTC
Read Summoning! See *me*! (I'm still very excited about having been written into the third book).


trektone June 30 2006, 18:04:08 UTC
I like the idea. Didn't you have more than one tribute site? I know there was a guy on Nine Above! who put something up last year, but I think he moved and was going to update it after he got resettled.

Would the post be available to non-LJers, too? That would make your lj better known if/when word got out. Maybe create another lj user name? Or use one of the existing communities out there for you? There's "tanyahauff" and maybe you can have the typo fixed, if it is one ...


andpuff June 30 2006, 18:54:04 UTC
Didn't you have more than one tribute site?

Beats the heck out of me. I don't actually pay much attention.

Because the post isn't friends locked, it should be available to anyone who finds it. And you can comment without having an lj.

There's communities? Man, I really don't pay much attention...


folkmew July 1 2006, 13:53:49 UTC
There's communities? Man, I really don't pay much attention...
That's good. We'd worry if you did. (grin)



(The comment has been removed)

andpuff June 30 2006, 18:54:50 UTC
Sweetie, you can talk to me any time!


hobbitblue June 30 2006, 18:36:35 UTC
Was there no lj post from you going "ooh, ooh, new book is out, excellent, everyone who wants to go and buy it (or not, as you will", because I completely missed the whole Tanya has a new book out right now thing. And now I feel silly. Also, in need of new book *scampers to amazon*


andpuff June 30 2006, 18:56:30 UTC
See, the thing is, the new book comes out as I'm heading for the finish of the current book so to me it's kind of last year's news.

I did mention about a month ago that I was off to a signing of the new book. At least I think I did. Um... maybe not... *g*


hobbitblue June 30 2006, 19:00:18 UTC
You mentioned it in passing yes, I missed it though. I'm sure its last year's news indeed but um, marketing? Encouragement? Fulfilling your task as an author by not just writing the things but having people give you money for them when they see them in the shops, or better still, when they are told to go and *look for them in said shops* ? ::giggle::


andpuff June 30 2006, 19:02:29 UTC
It just seems so... pushy.

Yes, most Canadians suck at self promotion. *g*


braider June 30 2006, 18:42:23 UTC
Oooh, oooh, does this mean we can use this as a means of spreading rumors and stories about you, like that time you tried to sell me to the cute Canadian business man but he wasn't sure that I would genuinely count as domesticated, or that time that you had the wild weekend and had trouble leaving the convention because your truck wound up on top one of the lights in the parking lot?


andpuff June 30 2006, 19:01:20 UTC
I offered to throw in the owner's manual, not my fault if he wasn't in DIY.

And I could always mention how my truck ended up on top of those lights. I wasn't the one who said, "Hey, let's see how fast this puppy'll go!" and then used the VW as a ramp!


braider June 30 2006, 19:50:22 UTC
And reallly, if he didn't want to do me himself, what was the point?


braider June 30 2006, 20:05:42 UTC
And that's a DHY manual, thank you very much.


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