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hobbitblue June 30 2006, 18:36:35 UTC
Was there no lj post from you going "ooh, ooh, new book is out, excellent, everyone who wants to go and buy it (or not, as you will", because I completely missed the whole Tanya has a new book out right now thing. And now I feel silly. Also, in need of new book *scampers to amazon*


andpuff June 30 2006, 18:56:30 UTC
See, the thing is, the new book comes out as I'm heading for the finish of the current book so to me it's kind of last year's news.

I did mention about a month ago that I was off to a signing of the new book. At least I think I did. Um... maybe not... *g*


hobbitblue June 30 2006, 19:00:18 UTC
You mentioned it in passing yes, I missed it though. I'm sure its last year's news indeed but um, marketing? Encouragement? Fulfilling your task as an author by not just writing the things but having people give you money for them when they see them in the shops, or better still, when they are told to go and *look for them in said shops* ? ::giggle::


andpuff June 30 2006, 19:02:29 UTC
It just seems so... pushy.

Yes, most Canadians suck at self promotion. *g*


hobbitblue June 30 2006, 19:23:41 UTC
I suppose so, but I think there's likely a middle ground between "pushy" and "Me? Write a book? No, no, whatever gave you that idea? Ooh look over there, shiny! ::escape::"


Not that I'm being evil to you, oh no..


andpuff June 30 2006, 20:28:36 UTC
It's just that after 21 of them, I'm afraid people will thinK, "What, her again?" *g*


damedini June 30 2006, 20:58:26 UTC
If people thought that, there wouldn't *be* 21 of them, hmmm?


hobbitblue June 30 2006, 22:53:16 UTC
After 21 its a little tricky to hide your light under a bushel still...!


damedini June 30 2006, 20:50:05 UTC
If I went to a job interview and said "oh, well, I *guess* I suppose I could maybe write a functional application", I'd be dead in a gutter.
Publicity is your resume.
You write exceedingly cool books!!! I want Tony to be both real and straight. Henry ain't too bad neither... You manage to combine a tight, compelling plot with humor and suspense. I love that!


andpuff June 30 2006, 20:59:38 UTC
Yeah, I just think that after 21 books I shouldn't have to keep applying for the damned job. The books ought to be able to stand on their own. And it's not like I'm suffering from doing minimal PR.

But I also think Cheese Whiz is actually food so... *g*


billroper June 30 2006, 21:27:04 UTC
Oh, heck, daisy_knotwise eats it on Oreos. :)


msminlr June 30 2006, 22:53:37 UTC
... my...Ghod...!!

you'd think she was personally pregnant!


andpuff July 1 2006, 02:06:00 UTC
That's... um... interesting...

Yeah. Interesting. That's the word...


marahsk July 3 2006, 02:26:07 UTC
Yeah, I just think that after 21 books I shouldn't have to keep applying for the damned job. The books ought to be able to stand on their own.

And yet...I somehow managed to not notice the second Smoke book until it was already out in paperback, and I'm someone who buys all your books as soon as I see them. Announcing "BTW, the new book's out" isn't pushy; anyone who sees such an announcement is free to not buy the book, and you'd never know it, so there's no pressure.


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