It may not be a great idea, but it's an idea...

Jun 30, 2006 13:39

So, in the last few weeks since the new book came out, I've had a few people wondering where they can get in touch with me to make comments, ask questions, you know the drill...

Now I could just post my email and be done with it but I'm a little hesitant to do that.  Not entirely certain why although I'm sure if I stop to think about it, I'll come up with a few decent albeit strangely paranoid reasons.

I'm working on a website.  Not very hard mind you so no one hold their breath but I have the software and a domain name (which is a .ca btw not a .com, the .com is owned by those who trade in domain names -- which is sort of flattering if you care to look at it that way)  Anyhow, since nothing is happening there anytime soon and the tribute site seems to be gone (well I can't get to it anymore which may just be me...) I thought I'd set up a post you could make comments on without feeling like you were interrupting something or butting into another conversation.

if this works, I'll do it the first of every month until the website is up and running.  You can comment to me, you can talk  to each other...  How's that sound?

writing, fen

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