Oooh, oooh, does this mean we can use this as a means of spreading rumors and stories about you, like that time you tried to sell me to the cute Canadian business man but he wasn't sure that I would genuinely count as domesticated, or that time that you had the wild weekend and had trouble leaving the convention because your truck wound up on top one of the lights in the parking lot?
I offered to throw in the owner's manual, not my fault if he wasn't in DIY.
And I could always mention how my truck ended up on top of those lights. I wasn't the one who said, "Hey, let's see how fast this puppy'll go!" and then used the VW as a ramp!
And, hey.... I've now been at two cons with you and there was no flying machinery at either. I feel deprived. As opposed to depraved, which would have been if there was a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang moment.
And I could always mention how my truck ended up on top of those lights. I wasn't the one who said, "Hey, let's see how fast this puppy'll go!" and then used the VW as a ramp!
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