Apr 10, 2015 22:47
Today is the second anniversary of Hana's arrival, and it hardly feels like two entire years have gone by! I'm so lucky in my kitties and how well they get along together. ♥
The girls had their yearly vet check-up almost two weeks ago, and they're both in perfect health. On the downside, Hana was so freaked out by the car ride that she didn't even explore the exam room like she normally would and preferred to retreat into corners and hard-to-reach places. Poor baby. I'm thinking I should try taking her in the car a little more often and see if it helps... and if not, I may need to get her some kitty relaxant for the times I have to take her to Mom's.
Maia the magical time-traveling kitty is going to be 8 this August (last year the vet paperwork said she'd be six, but this year the vet verbally said she'll be 8, so she has skipped year 7 entirely, haha --I think the vet techs inputted her birth year into the computer wrong, while it's correct on the handwritten chart, which would account for the disparity). The vet place we go to does yearly blood work on the 'senior' cats, which is 8 and older, so the vet offered me the option to do that this year or just wait until next year. Given all of the drama I've had with cat health over the years, I opted to go ahead and do it, just to be sure. And her numbers are perfect, yay. :-)
I've been crazy busy lately, with appointments and church stuff and work stuff and oy vey. Fortunately I've had off from orchestra rehearsal the past two Mondays, and this past weekend the only stuff I had to do was church stuff for Good Friday/Easter (and I didn't have to work that Friday), so I've had bits of downtime that have made it possible to get through the rest of it. :-p (And I spent a good bit of the weekend writing fic! Fic in amounts I hadn't done in months! Woo!) I ended up playing my viola (with the music director playing piano) for Easter Sunday, and both Good Friday and Easter I had solos in the songs we sang. Haha, I'm actually living up to the 'most musical' label I got in my high school yearbook senior year. ;-) [Related fun fact: I was designated 'most musical' because I lost out on 'best hair'. LOL.]
I went to the doctor for my own yearly check-up this past Monday, and I was pleased by two things: 1) she didn't outright comment on my weight (she did last year, which made me unhappy considering I feel like what I do makes little to no difference in that regard), and 2) I didn't have to fight as hard as I expected to in order to get my thyroid hormone dosage nudged upward (my TSH has been trending upward for over two years now, which is abnormal for me, and was 2.6 as of last November when I more often register between 1.0 and 1.5). I think it helped that I brought my list of lab results back to 2007 that showed the old (preferred!) values, though she didn't seem convinced until I also pointed out that my weight has been a problem, too. So I've started on a new dose and will be getting labwork done again at the beginning of May. Here's hoping it helps!
I don't remember if I mentioned it here at some point, but I agreed to talk in chapel this semester, and this past Wednesday was the Big Day. I was fretting about it (though doing all of the classes for work has really helped cut down on my presenting-to-people anxiety), but it went pretty well. I'll try to remember to post the text of it here over the weekend. :)
There has been more stuff going on for the whole work situation, but I'll get into that in a different post. This was supposed to just be the happy-about-Hana post, haha.
Yay, kitties! And also sleep. Sleeping with kitties... ah, yes please!