*happy dance*

Feb 15, 2011 22:42

So, for those of you whom I haven't flailpanicked, bitched, or gloated to about this yet, I signed up at getyourwordsout to write 300,000 words this year. It's my third year doing the yearly challenge thingy, but the first time for 300k, which is a number that is big enough that i sort of signed up for it because I have no real concept of how big it is ( Read more... )

watch me be vain, ♥ilu flist, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, commentfic, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet), my god is an awesome god, pairings i never thought i'd write, teh internets > my sanity

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Comments 32

ginzarhapsody February 16 2011, 03:59:40 UTC
i'm still doing it! i just haven't had time to get back to it. when the weekend rolls around. ;P


anamuan February 16 2011, 04:04:26 UTC
my trademark face^


ginzarhapsody February 16 2011, 04:06:25 UTC
we have the pictures to prove it.


shenron118 February 16 2011, 04:06:21 UTC
I need mah femslash fix, so - Morgana/Gwen, cuddling.

I do so love my cuddling.


Morgana/Gwen cuddling (ish) anamuan February 16 2011, 05:34:04 UTC
This is set in some weird alt-universe I've been playing in, where England is essentially modern day England, but they're engaged in some big war on the continent (with trenches!). Very rough drabbles in the same universe are Lake and Mud, but the things you need to know for this is, Gwen was (drafted) out on the front as a medic, Morgana tried to volunteer at the same time, but wasn't old enough so they wouldn't take her.Gwen shows up without notice outside Uther's door. Morgana opens the door herself when the bell rings, that big huge door because Gwen isn't feeling up to climbing over the back fence and coming in through the kitchen like she'd always used to. The front door had always looked cold and imposing; it's no different now, but Gwen's harder around the edges now and she minds less ( ... )


Re: Morgana/Gwen cuddling (ish) shenron118 February 17 2011, 02:24:14 UTC
This universe sounds extremely tragic... and kinda exciting. The snuggling is quite happy-making, even if it is somewhat melancholy snuggling. Thanks!

Funny, somewhat related story: on D-Day, the British only pushed as far as it took to get off the beach, but then all of their forces stopped. It turns out that after they had gotten that far, they all stopped for a tea break. It happened at least one other time (in the Pacific theater, I think), and the American unit under the British command got so pissed, they risked being court-martialed by advancing themselves against the British orders. If I remember correctly, one of the soldiers threatened to shoot the British commander.


Re: Morgana/Gwen cuddling (ish) anamuan February 17 2011, 02:44:37 UTC
it's probably very tragic, since they're still fighting in trenches. fighting in trenches is never good for anyone.

i really really enjoyed this WWII anecdote.


sillyandmorbid February 16 2011, 05:49:49 UTC
"what do you mean 'this door locks from the outside'?!"
(phrase does not have to appear in the drabble)

arthur/eames before they've started fucking.
(doesn't mean this has to be a universe where they will be sleeping together or not. i just mean it's not a "oh we're stuck in here. want to have a go?" moment.)


also, apparently i haven't been on LJ enough for a long while because i don't have any inception icons! D:


Arthur/Eames - locked in a nonfigurative closet anamuan February 16 2011, 22:42:44 UTC
"This is for your own good!" Ariadne yells through the door because she's evil or God hates them or she just doesn't fucking know when to mind her own business. Arthur kind of appreciated the whole thing with Cobb, because God knows he wasn't able to do anything about his increasingly deadly subconscious. "Is it getting worse?" he'd ask, and Cobb would say, "I'm handling it," and Arthur just...let it go. Because it was Cobb, and Cobb said he was handling it, and even when he was clearly not handling it (or, alternatively, handling it really badly), Arthur didn't know how to do anything besides take him at his word.

Now, though, now Ariadne's inability to leave well enough alone is starting to be really very annoying. "You two," she says accusingly, "have issues to work out. You're staying in that closet until you work them out, or time runs out." Ariadne sounds self-righteous and sure of herself and a little bit smug, like she thinks putting them in an actual closet is the cleverest thing to have ever occurred to her little brilliant ( ... )


anamuan February 16 2011, 22:43:36 UTC
also, your lack of inception icons is tragic, except I only have one myself, and it is on DW.


kamikaze_bunny February 16 2011, 05:51:34 UTC
Badass! Congrats! I should make a resolution to draw more this year...

I'm predictable and you know what I'd request...except I won't :O


anamuan February 17 2011, 01:57:51 UTC
i....don't actually know what you'd request, outside of Arthur/Eames


kamikaze_bunny February 17 2011, 02:21:52 UTC
That is exactly what I'd request.


anamuan February 17 2011, 02:23:22 UTC
prompt! gimmie a prompt! or i'll just spit drivel at you.


tinyangl February 16 2011, 14:11:49 UTC
Hmmm, hard bet! I could ask for more Yamapi!inception AU but I won't be that mean.

Would you write Arashi because I'd love to request any Arashi/Girls. :D If not, any NEWS/girls. Prompt: the words scroll on the wall around him, their honesty revealing more than anything he actually says. (don't ask, was watching an MV and it came to mind?)


anamuan February 24 2011, 04:08:30 UTC
"You look kinda familiar," the Point says on Yamapi's first job. He's a recommendation, and he's grateful for that. He'll owe Eames one sometime. Yamapi just hopes that Eames doesn't make him pay too hard for it ( ... )


tinyangl February 24 2011, 13:12:15 UTC

The Point, a tiny woman who has a hard-on for advance planning and a particularly vivid imagination when it comes to vicious destruction of projections,

i was seriously wondering who that was until OMG, IT'S MY NAME. DYING DYING. ilu so fucking hard. i just. omg, funnily enough, my second thought was, omg, i would love to be a point man. you know. aside from how hard it'd be to be one, but omg, ROCKING. :DDDDD ilu so hard.

then Yamapi figures it's a sign of skill that Eames wasn't within 2000 km of this job and he still came out of it two favours ahead.
lolol eames wins even when he's NOT THERE. that's genious. ♥


anamuan February 24 2011, 23:10:26 UTC
:DDDDDDDDDD i thought to myself, yamapi's first job OMG KAMI NEEDS TO BE IN THIS FIC and then you were, and it was awesome.


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