i need somewhere to post fic that's not a commentspamming ground

Dec 30, 2017 23:03

(table # err, 5, i think, blatantly stolen from here.) I'm doing Merlin fandom, with a focus on Gwen and Morgana.
cut because i realized the table breaks my layout )

commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, this is not my fandom (yet), ficcage

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086. Mud anamuan December 10 2010, 22:41:35 UTC
Gwen applies pressure, wraps it tight and ties it off. She gives the soldier a tag, written over with the seriousness and type of the injury, overall condition, and how quickly she'll need to see a doctor. She tells the soldier, who's sitting up, and lucid, and both of whose arms work fine, to tuck the tag into her clothes for the doctors at the other end, to tie the tag to herself if she has to, but not to lose it.

"If you were a little less with it, I'd have tied it around your wrist myself," Gwen says with what is almost, in another life, might have nearly been a smile. The soldier nods gravely, folds it into a pocket and loops the string through a button hole to secure it. She grunts in pain a little when the grunts lift her, and then she's gone back, and Gwen jumps up and runs to the next muddy hole with most of a person in it. Gwen didn't want to be here, but as long as she is, she's going to fucking make the most of it. She's got to. Her alternatives are watching people die ( ... )


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