i need somewhere to post fic that's not a commentspamming ground

Dec 30, 2017 23:03

(table # err, 5, i think, blatantly stolen from here.) I'm doing Merlin fandom, with a focus on Gwen and Morgana.
cut because i realized the table breaks my layout )

commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, this is not my fandom (yet), ficcage

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034. Lake (1/2) anamuan December 8 2010, 04:58:09 UTC
There's a lake out back behind the school where Morgana goes to smoke. It's far enough away from school property that the county can't be held liable for any kids who fall in and drown (morbid, but true), which means it's also far enough from school property for Morgana to keep from getting caught. The school administration frowns very heavily upon students smoking, even on their own time; Morgana feels the state and health of her lungs is her own business, and if she wants to make foolish, self-destructive decisions that may lead to icky black lungs and cancer, that's really her own issue ( ... )


Re: 034. Lake (2/2) anamuan December 8 2010, 04:58:29 UTC
When Gwen gets called up, Morgana tried to volunteer, to follow her out, wherever, because she couldn't stand the thought of sweet, gentle, kind-hearted Gwen going out into the mouth of disaster alone. Gwen had been a science track, all bio, pre-med courses in high school, and the army was desperately short of medics, so at least Morgana didn't have to worry about them trying to get Gwen to shoot people--she'd never have lasted--but Morgana still hated the idea of all the pain Gwen would see, all the suffering and the misery and all the ones she wouldn't be able to save, so when Gwen gets called up, Morgana went down with her and tried to volunteer. Eight months short of her eighteenth birthday, they wouldn't let her. Two weeks later, Gwen goes out alone ( ... )


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