*happy dance*

Feb 15, 2011 22:42

So, for those of you whom I haven't flailpanicked, bitched, or gloated to about this yet, I signed up at getyourwordsout to write 300,000 words this year. It's my third year doing the yearly challenge thingy, but the first time for 300k, which is a number that is big enough that i sort of signed up for it because I have no real concept of how big it is ( Read more... )

watch me be vain, ♥ilu flist, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, commentfic, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet), my god is an awesome god, pairings i never thought i'd write, teh internets > my sanity

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anamuan February 24 2011, 04:08:30 UTC
"You look kinda familiar," the Point says on Yamapi's first job. He's a recommendation, and he's grateful for that. He'll owe Eames one sometime. Yamapi just hopes that Eames doesn't make him pay too hard for it.

Yamapi shrugs one-shouldered. The Point, a tiny woman who has a hard-on for advance planning and a particularly vivid imagination when it comes to vicious destruction of projections, stares at Yamapi, eyes narrowed in contemplation, just long enough for Yamapi to start feeling uncomfortable. Then she shrugs herself and drops it. Yamapi isn't foolish enough to think she's letting it go. Kami isn't like that, but she's not asking now and hopefully by the end of the job it won't matter to her who he is or was as much as it mattered that he did his job well.

Yamapi forges a scrappy little Australian, a cross between Crocodile Dundee and someone who could be the Mark's twin brother, and the Extractor and Yamapi show the Mark the life he could have had if he hadn't become a tax accountant and convince him to 'throw out' all of his very valuable,

"Good job, Yamamori. I wasn't sure if you were going to work out or not. You and me, we'll be in touch." Yamapi is grateful for his training as an actor; it helps him remember to respond to his new name as if it were his own.

"I owe Eames one for this," Kami says. Yamapi figures it's a sign of skill that Eames wasn't within 2000 km of this job and he still came out of it two favours ahead.


tinyangl February 24 2011, 13:12:15 UTC

The Point, a tiny woman who has a hard-on for advance planning and a particularly vivid imagination when it comes to vicious destruction of projections,

i was seriously wondering who that was until OMG, IT'S MY NAME. DYING DYING. ilu so fucking hard. i just. omg, funnily enough, my second thought was, omg, i would love to be a point man. you know. aside from how hard it'd be to be one, but omg, ROCKING. :DDDDD ilu so hard.

then Yamapi figures it's a sign of skill that Eames wasn't within 2000 km of this job and he still came out of it two favours ahead.
lolol eames wins even when he's NOT THERE. that's genious. ♥


anamuan February 24 2011, 23:10:26 UTC
:DDDDDDDDDD i thought to myself, yamapi's first job OMG KAMI NEEDS TO BE IN THIS FIC and then you were, and it was awesome.


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