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Comments 27

musikologie May 2 2008, 12:34:23 UTC
I hate it when people randomly fall asleep at my place. Bathroom's a bad one, but at this point my usual reaction is, "If you're not sick in it, I'll get over it." Still annoying, though.


anamuan May 2 2008, 12:45:01 UTC
well, part of the problem was that i wanted to like. brush my teeth and shower and stuff then. if he was being sick in it, i'd have made him (or sebastian) clean it up. i do not even care if he couldn't see at that point, he would clean it up, and clean it up good and not enter my bathroom again.

for me, where in my place matters a lot, and how well i know the person. The couch, fine whatever. that's 'public space' in my head. but my bathroom and my bedroom are private.


musikologie May 2 2008, 12:48:47 UTC
Hmmmm, maybe because I share my bathroom with seven other people, I view it as still a public space...? Don't know. I get more upset if people fall asleep on the couch, because that's a bed-like object, so I expect, I don't know, permission? Whereas something like the bathroom looks to be more like an accident if someone passes out on it.

Or maybe my priorities are twisted around. XD


anamuan May 2 2008, 12:51:16 UTC
the sharing with 7 people would make sense. one of the reasons i moved in here was because i would get my own bathroom.

i have mental images of people like. sprawled out sleeping on the floor in the hallway or the kitchen or something. under tables. and you, happy on the couch because no one is sleeping there. it's very amusing.


thawrecka May 2 2008, 13:19:21 UTC
I would get so pissed off if someone used my bathroom and doubly so if they fell asleep in there. I would have gone postal.


anamuan May 2 2008, 18:55:36 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm just very, very non-confrontational, and i felt kind of bad about bitching him out when he hadn't actually done anything wrong (as far as he knew). I was more mad at sebastian for letting his guests think it was ok to use my bathroom.


gingifere May 2 2008, 15:10:35 UTC
Lol I don't know if I just don't care where people sleep but it doesn't really bother me. What I can't stand is when people just crawl into my bed without me noticing-my housemate always gets drunk and does that. SO IRRITATING.

I am intrigued by Fuck The Dealer....


anamuan May 2 2008, 19:01:56 UTC
it's just that i wanted to use the bathroom.
I would be fucking pissed if someone crawled into my bed. I don't like people on/in my bed in general, much less without permission ( ... )


gingifere May 2 2008, 19:13:45 UTC
Yeah that makes sense! Ahhh when we do drinking games we tend to use fingers. Our drinking games are always insane though. My favourite is when we play drink Monopoly. I swear we just find any excuse to get drunk though. This week especially as we have no work due in ajkjs.

YES. So fucking irritating when people get into my bed etc. I'm really weird about personal space too. aksja.


anamuan May 2 2008, 20:12:52 UTC
to be honest, i'd never played this game before, oh like, two weeks ago or something, and i learned it from jamie (though i'm pretty good at guessing). In college, most of our drinking games were like flipcup or beer pong (neither of which i've played. esp beer pong. so, so disgusting). I liked the Japanese drinking games I learned a lot.
I swear we just find any excuse to get drunk though.
XDDD that's what we call 'college.'

yay! for not having any work due this week!

...why would they get in your bed in the first place?


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