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musikologie May 2 2008, 12:34:23 UTC
I hate it when people randomly fall asleep at my place. Bathroom's a bad one, but at this point my usual reaction is, "If you're not sick in it, I'll get over it." Still annoying, though.


anamuan May 2 2008, 12:45:01 UTC
well, part of the problem was that i wanted to like. brush my teeth and shower and stuff then. if he was being sick in it, i'd have made him (or sebastian) clean it up. i do not even care if he couldn't see at that point, he would clean it up, and clean it up good and not enter my bathroom again.

for me, where in my place matters a lot, and how well i know the person. The couch, fine whatever. that's 'public space' in my head. but my bathroom and my bedroom are private.


musikologie May 2 2008, 12:48:47 UTC
Hmmmm, maybe because I share my bathroom with seven other people, I view it as still a public space...? Don't know. I get more upset if people fall asleep on the couch, because that's a bed-like object, so I expect, I don't know, permission? Whereas something like the bathroom looks to be more like an accident if someone passes out on it.

Or maybe my priorities are twisted around. XD


anamuan May 2 2008, 12:51:16 UTC
the sharing with 7 people would make sense. one of the reasons i moved in here was because i would get my own bathroom.

i have mental images of people like. sprawled out sleeping on the floor in the hallway or the kitchen or something. under tables. and you, happy on the couch because no one is sleeping there. it's very amusing.


musikologie May 2 2008, 12:53:25 UTC
Mmmm, that's a good selling point. One of the good points of my moving back home for grad school is that I'll get my own bathroom again -- yay.

...you've just described my house after a choir party. How did you know? XD


anamuan May 2 2008, 13:12:17 UTC
definite yay!

i have a very good imagination.


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