it feels like sunday

May 02, 2008 08:15

only with more panic.

the party was a lot of fun. i met a lot of people (ok, like 3), and played some games with cards. we played fuck the dealer. Jamie got fucked. hard. she probably should have let me drink for her. but i guess it was her birthday party, so.
Most of the people who came were lx nerds in some way or another, so we had a lot of talk about linguisticy type things. It was a nice nigiyaka na kanji.

Then everyone left at a relatively decent hour, and i got to go to sleep. Until Seb, Jamie, and seb's friend H ('H' is his nickname) came back and were noisy until i asked them to turn the music down. H got cake in his beard. XD

it strikes me that they're not very responsible. Seb missed his flight this morning. They just left a bit ago

i'm a little miffed because when i woke up this morning there was someone sleeping in my bathroom. Not doing anything wrong. Not making a mess (or i'd be really upset). But. sleeping. In my bathroom (on the toilet, actually. idek how you fall asleep there). My bathroom that was not supposed to be used. I knew i should have printed up a nice little passive agressive sign that said 'This Is Not Your Bathroom.'

mycroftnext: I'm very bad at taking pictures with my bare hands.

seb finally? left today. I'll be sad to see him go, but also glad. On the other hand, he left the kitchen in a horrible mess, which Jamie and I will have to clean up and now that seb's gone, jamie will go back to not going into the kitchen, which means I'll have to clean it up. I'm not entirely pleased with this either.

sorry. I'm just grumpy that people were in my bathroom. in some ways I've totally inherited my mother's schtick about 'other people'--she won't, for instance, borrow a shirt from somebody because they've worn it. I think i'm usually pretty good about not caring about these kinds of things, but. my bathroom~ On the other hand, i don't mind if my friends come over and use it, so i think it has a lot to do with mental preparation (ok, and also maybe the fact that if i think other people would see my bathroom, I'd have like. taken my drying underwear out. and like. cleaned it, so that the floor wasn't a mass of dust)

letting it go now, because what's done is done, and i was meaning to clean my bathroom anyway. it's all clean now.

after everyone left, i wasn't quite ready for bed, so after deciding that my flist does not post enough, i got on AIM and had fun with thawrecka and saturnianlove. thank you for putting up with me ♥♥

I always wake up ridiculously early after i've been drinking, but that was good today, because i've got a doctor's appt way out in the middle of maryland (it was the metro-accessible one covered by my insurrance).
It was sunnier at 7 than it is now at 8:15.

tonikaku, time to get serious about the day. I've got a lot to do ahead of me, and a long, long commute.

wtf, someone just shoot me kthxbai, quotes without context, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity, with the doom!, i am angry!, america, mini!(r-.-)r, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, bakanakoto, weather, posts of oblique references, sleep, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi, school

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