is this the place?

May 03, 2008 10:08

i have a mysterious bruise on my calf. judging from the color, it's 3 or 4 days old. where did it come from? i don't know. it doesn't hurt, i guess, so that's good enough.

sillyandmorbid: learn something new everyday
sillyandmorbid: IN SPANISH!
(today we learned that Sussex is in the southeast of england. in spanish.

The National Museum of Language is opening this May 3rd, after 10+ years in the planning.

sillyandmorbid: it's was like a virtual fuzzy pile

when it's not fresh, spinach mostly tastes like grass. :p
for dinner, i ate left-over sheperd's pie (seb made 3 last night. even though 1 is too much for 3 people. i know we were having people over, but still) with chopsticks, because we ran out of forks. I did the dishes, but it takes a very, very long time, apparently, and they weren't done when i wanted to eat.

~~D: <-- unhappy tadpole.

last night i was being a bad person, and pretending to be asleep because i didn't want to go out. Only in my 'pretending to be asleep' I actually did fall asleep for a half hour, 40 minutes or so. yes. passive-agressive is my middle name.

sillyandmorbid: way to go keane. put heartses in the woodsprites

it's cute! jin makes a cute face. true love horn honking. junno totally led nakamaru astray (YURUSENAI!!). the subs are crap though. once i noticed (because mostly i wasn't paying too much attention to either the subs or what they were saying), jin said 'wakannee da kedo' and the subs said 'i get it!' which is. um. kind of the opposite. sooo. ignore the subs. but watch the cute.

anamuan: a good punishment is tailored to the individual
mycroftnext: wow, that was possibly the most S thing you've ever said

finished: P&P project 4/turned it in this past Thursday.
finished: field methods mickeymouse 'term paper.' Need to print it out and turn it in, once sillyandmorbid looks at it and tells me if I managed to stay on topic.
pending: 15 pages of intercomm project
pending: 30 pages of langID paper
2 days until 15 pager is due. That's all I'm going to do. Well, and fret over the 30-pager due 4 days after that.

pimpin', 疲れてるけど, someone just shoot me kthxbai, my deep and abiding love for 顔文字, quotes without context, the pretty, i am so fucked it's not even funny, teh internets = my sanity, the jianjian, with the doom!, i hate myself sometimes, i don't have tags for intelligent things, why aren't you kidding?, posts of oblique references, homework, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi, school

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