beware the H2Ogre

May 01, 2008 11:00

fortune cookie: Everyone agrees you are the best. (in bed).

rocksizedheart: Cathy is not exactly a bastion of good taste.
rocksizedheart: In fact, most of the people from home I know and like are not exactly bastions of good taste.


went to bed later than i should have because tego was reading downstairs (rocksizedheart had gone to sleep already, so reading in her room was not very convenient). Actually, i think i fell asleep curled up on one end of the couch while she read on the other. She woke me up when she was ready to go upstairs, and i got comfy on the couch and slept.

rocksizedheart: i feel like everyone is looking at me because--
oJoe-chan: you're standing in the middle of the room.

oJoe-chan: i wouldn't have brought that up, but we were on vagina-related art projects.

bad(?) dream just now (woke me up) set up like a Japanese version of a melodramatic korean movie, complete with soundtrack, and touching use of musical interlude over the bad parts. It was as movie and not a movie, though, because like. It was a movie, only that was my actual life at the same time.

It started, and i was homestaying in Japan. It was this apartment building thingy, though my host family were the same people. Youichirou and Rieko had had their baby, and he was talking now and adorable, and best of all, liked me! He'd come play with me, and talked to me in Japanese, and didn't pretend I wasn't talking and stuff like that. Youichirou and Rieko had remodelled most of the upstairs, since they had a family now. Parts of the used-to-be-hallway was now this in this italian-villa style, red tile everywhere, gorgeous. The rest of the layout was different, though, and the whole thing was part of a larger apartment complex. My room was set under the eaves (somehow, even though it was like, on the 4th floor of 6 j;lkajlk;fajl; I JUST REALIZED. FOURTH FLOOR. BAAAAAAD BAAAAAAD), and there were 3 computers in it--my laptop, set up on a desk by the door, then a computer of theirs they were letting me use for the school year (which i realized halfway through the term I'd put a ridiculous number of files on and it was going to be a bitch to transfer) over on another desk which kind of screened off my bed from the door, and then this unused computer under the first desk by the door. The last one wasn't important until Youichirou came to get it or something. Jinni was there (in Japan), and so was Iso, and lots of random people, and they all came to visit me once on the way to a K8 concert. some other stuff happened, including a totally pointless debate with Jinni over the merits of three or four different potholders, and why we could use more, and also why sebastion should stop using the dishtowels (as potholders), because he wasn't very careful with them.

Then later, my family was also there, but we were all younger, and the main setting moved from the set of rooms my host family and the rooms my family were living living, to down by the building's entrance. There was a restaurant in the first floor, kind of homestyle chinese and oh, their food was good. I may be biased because there was no shrimp. The restaruant entrance was along one wall (which we'll call the back wall for now), and the entrance to the kitchen (where there was a take-out order window), and the entrance to the sit-down part of the entrance were next to each other along this wall. Directly in front of that was a very narrow space that served as the hallway for the first foor apartments (i think there were 2 on the first floor), and the doorway (no door) to get to the stairs to go upstairs. The stairs on the first floor were also kind of narrow. Everything was kind of dirty white stucco, except the floor, which was concrete. Across the opposite wall, was the entrance to the lobby of the apartment complex, and i think that was nicer, but i didn't tend to go in there, so I don't remember.

This small space was always incredibly crowded. People going upstairs to their apartments, people waiting to be seated in the restaurant, people ordering and waiting for take-out, people who got lost from the lobby--it was always full of people, with tiny little almostpath spaces so you could get to the stairs and stuff. (Since i was younger), as a kid, i spent a lot of time in that hallway hanging out with the other kids in the building and, well, we were too well-behaved for actual mischief, but we liked to think we caused some. I'd just met (and i think morphed into older!nikki) a white family who was moving in because they got transfered to Japan, and i made plans with the wife to drop by later, to try and help the kids get used to life there. Then (back to younger!nikki), I placed an order at the take-out counter for my family. The restaurant people loved us (us kids who hung out in the stairwell. Also, my dad), so they let us eat-in for the take-out price, but back in the kitchen (which i liked better anyway, because it was cooler, and dad liked better because it was less crowded), so we go back and our food's coming, and we start eating. Over dinner, I met this boy I hung out with sometimes and we're talking or something. For some reason he started singing (idk why now. it was totally natural in the dream) against the noisy, lively background of lots of people having a good time and kitchen sounds, etc. The singing kept going, though, in movie-style, even though the scene changed (the actor playing the boy was supposed to be some korean singer, so he also did that song for the movie) to the first-floor hall-space, only this time without the crowd, and this flickery weird orange backlight, and embers falling and stuff because the building was on fire, and i mean really on fire, and there was this fireman standing in the middle of the space, yelling orders and directing other firemen into the upstairs to save people; except none of this scene had sound, because the boy i knew's actor was singing dramatically over it (in korean. I don't know Korean, though, so they were probably really just a string of korean-sounding syllables grouped into words and phrases) Then the main firefighter's lost his hand/lower arm when some kind of cord snapped and the tension on the wire dragged it across the room and there's singing still instead of movie!sounds, and there's like, this look of surprise on his face as blood's spurting everywhere. There was this brief, brief transition from the dying boss firefighter (who was now unable to save the building) to a remembered clip of the scene in the restaurant of the boy's laughing face. Then this voiceover says: "The next time you saw him (the boy), he had been transformed by the dark night," and the scene morphed from his laughing, clean, happy face, to a slightly older, artistically dirt-smudged, teeth-bared-in-anger face, and then the sound started up again. The rest of the movie/my now horrible life was going to go from there, but i decided I'd had enough and woke myself up.

the problem with the internet is the lack of spacial deixis available to me as a storyteller. i can't say something like: the restaurant was set up like this, and then over here was the entrance and show you how it was set up with my hands. you have no idea what the place looks like.

other than that, i slept well, except for the bit where my doctor called me to remind me of the appointment I've got schedule for tomorrow morning. Um. inconvenient timing~ I don't know what i'm going to do tonight now, because the appointment is at 11, which means i'll have to leave the apartment at 9am, which means i can't stay up late tonight. Which will be a problem with the party. I think rocksizedheart and stillesprite are coming now too, so. dou shiyou. well. it will work itself out.

疲れてるけど, wtf, someone just shoot me kthxbai, quotes without context, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity, japan, lx or bastardizations thereof, mi familia, why aren't you kidding?, ;_;, dream, posts of oblique references, sleep, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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