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anamuan May 2 2008, 19:01:56 UTC
it's just that i wanted to use the bathroom.
I would be fucking pissed if someone crawled into my bed. I don't like people on/in my bed in general, much less without permission.

fuck the dealer is essentially a drinking game played with cards. The dealer has the deck of cards. The other players go around in turn guessing. When it's your turn to guess, you pick a number. The dealer tells you if the actual card is higher or lower (for aces, you decide at the beginning whether to count them high or low). You then get another guess. If you're wrong, you drink the difference between the card you guessed and the actual card (we were using liquor, so it was just a number of sips. If you play with beer, apparently the custom is to drink for a number of seconds). If you're right, though, on the second guess, the dealer has to drink five. If you're right on the first guess, the dealer has to drink ten. After the dealer has won 3 times, he or she passes the deck to the next person, and they become the new dealer. Every time the guesser wins, though, the number before passing the deck resets. So that's about it, you go around guessing. The only other thing is, after each guess, you turn the card over and lay them out. When you've got all four of one number down you turn it over. So basically, as the game goes along, everyone can see which numbers are left, and it gets easier to guess right--essentially, the dealer gets fucked.

did that make sense?


gingifere May 2 2008, 19:13:45 UTC
Yeah that makes sense! Ahhh when we do drinking games we tend to use fingers. Our drinking games are always insane though. My favourite is when we play drink Monopoly. I swear we just find any excuse to get drunk though. This week especially as we have no work due in ajkjs.

YES. So fucking irritating when people get into my bed etc. I'm really weird about personal space too. aksja.


anamuan May 2 2008, 20:12:52 UTC
to be honest, i'd never played this game before, oh like, two weeks ago or something, and i learned it from jamie (though i'm pretty good at guessing). In college, most of our drinking games were like flipcup or beer pong (neither of which i've played. esp beer pong. so, so disgusting). I liked the Japanese drinking games I learned a lot.
I swear we just find any excuse to get drunk though.
XDDD that's what we call 'college.'

yay! for not having any work due this week!

...why would they get in your bed in the first place?


gingifere May 2 2008, 20:19:18 UTC
Ooh I don't know flipcup or beer pong! But yeah I've heard that Japanese drinking games are pretty amazing. I will definitely have to see if I can try one when I'm over there this summer!

kasjka Chris is weird. He gets really touchy feeley when he's drunk so he like tries it on with us and then doesn't remember it the next day. Most of the time we ignore it but there have been times where he gets into bed with me and like refuses to get out. SO ANNOYING.


anamuan May 2 2008, 20:30:22 UTC
you need to explain these finger games to me.

:\\\\\\\ not cool, yo. not cool.


gingifere May 2 2008, 20:35:08 UTC
Well basically you measure out the alcohol in the glass or the bottle by fingers-it can be anything from one finger to at least 5-and when you lose in a drinking game you have to down the amount of fingers that is decided by the rules. Does that make sense?

aksma it isn't. :/


anamuan May 2 2008, 20:43:27 UTC
oh, i see! that makes sense. that sounds like a good way to get very drunk very fast. then again, i suppose that's the point of all drinking games XD


gingifere May 2 2008, 20:48:40 UTC
it is! we play it a lot in pubs too, so it's a very quick way to spend money too!


anamuan May 2 2008, 20:49:30 UTC
i don't like to think about pubs. they're just expensive in general. And then as an American, thinking about the exchange rate. *cringe*


gingifere May 2 2008, 20:55:46 UTC
Ahhh. Well here pubs are pretty cheap. Well beer is. And in York you can find places that do deals on drinks-like by one cocktail, get one free and like doubles for singles etc. It's pretty good. we're a very pub-influenced culture. Yeah the dollar isn't doing too well atm. Then again the pound is pretty awful too.


anamuan May 2 2008, 23:15:41 UTC
is the pound down? i thought it was doing well.

i love happy hour deals. ♥


gingifere May 2 2008, 23:18:01 UTC
Apparently so. Our banks are in a bit of a mess atm because our housing market is so ridiculous.

Same! We get a lot in York too because it's a university city :)


anamuan May 2 2008, 23:33:00 UTC
blegh. someday i will understand these weird economy things.

the only thing i get for dc being something of a college town is that they card all the time. :\\\


gingifere May 2 2008, 23:38:44 UTC
Yeah economy confuses me too. This is just stuff I've picked up from the news!

ugggh. yeah i get id'd a lot too. Annoying.


anamuan May 2 2008, 23:43:12 UTC
i started actually drinking in japan, see, and they never check ids. The first couple times i was back in the states, i forgot that people do.


gingifere May 3 2008, 00:00:54 UTC
Ahhh. they used to be more lax over here about drinking, but they've got stricter as I've got older. They tend to ID a lot anyway because so many places have student nights here.


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