Happy Holidays! (READ ME FOR PREZZIES - all fandoms)

Dec 01, 2008 10:47

So! I have decided that, since I am in a very "write-y" mood this wintery season, I shall give anyone who wants one a fic for Christmas. YAY! If you're on my friends-list, then you can give me any prompt and any length up to 9000 words (though those may take longer); anyone else, I will write any prompt(s) up to 500 words. (If you want to cheat and friend me to get a longer fic... Heh - I don't care; go ahead. I'd want a longer fic, too. ;P)


Please comment with your prompts and I shall add you to the list! And write! Yay! ^_^ Tell me what fandom (I will accept any that I'm familiar with! If you're not sure if I am familiar with it, then just provide a back-up for me in case.), pairing, prompts (this can be themes, a word, lyrics, an object, whatever), and length. And don't think this is a trouble at all. I've been writing like a madwoman lately.

Christmas To-Do

Fic Exchanges/Etc.:

Fics From Comments to This (or just... people):

  • for lunshea, I still have that "Hairspray" Link/Tracy fic. (Jess, you'll get it eventually! Along with the other fic, too. Hee.)
  • for gilove2dance, fandom: "Firefly", River/Jayne, prompt: tangled, length: at my discretion (longer preferred) WRITTEN
  • for turtle_goose, fandom: "Firefly", River/Jayne, prompt: And remember when I moved in you/ The holy dark was moving too/ And every breath we drew was hallelujah "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright, length: 2000; WRITTEN
  • for Anubis (aka 8ballz), fandom: Yugioh!, Seto/Anzu, prompt: "I won't bite.", length: about 500
  • for selenity136, fandom: Yugioh!, Seto/Anzu, prompt: AU (elaboration in comment), length: 500
  • for arien_elensar, fandom: Yugioh!, Seto/Jounouchi, prompt: understanding, length: at my discretion
  • for lilshygrl25, fandom: Yugioh!, Seto/Anzu, prompt: "Kiss me.", length: 500; WRITTEN
  • for adverbia, fandom: Chuck, Casey/Ellie, prompt: "In all his life, he'd never been this angry...", length: at my discretion; WRITTEN
  • for sunshineali, fandom: Firefly, River/Jayne, prompt: sleigh ride, length: 9000
  • for depthxofxdreams, fandom: Firefly, River/Jayne, prompt: lyrics to "Blame me! Blame me!" -Anberlin, length: 3000
  • for helgatwb, fandom: Firefly, River/Jayne, prompt: lyrics to "Real Good Man" -Tim McGraw, length: at my discretion; WRITTEN
  • for willow_reece, fandom: Firefly, River/Jayne, prompt: fire, length: at my discretion; WRITTEN
  • for sagedarkwoods, fandom: Firefly, River/Jayne, prompt: "Mysterious Ways" -U2, length: 500; WRITTEN
  • And, totally cheaing... Heh - for an_ardent_rain/8leggdbutterfly (aka ME!), finish that Aizen and Hinamori fic that I started in 2007 (there's more in my notebook)
  • for allwhowander121, fandom: Firefly, River/Jayne, prompt: weapon cleaning, fire and ice, length: 500; WRITTEN
  • for the_sweet, fandom: Yugioh!, Seto/Anzu, prompt: 12 Days of Christmas, length: at my discretion


Now, I'm trying to get a sort of "25 Fics of Christmas" going on, so feel free to tell anyone who might want a fic about it. I have 20 now, so I need 5 more! And yes... I like doing things like this to myself. Heh.

brilliant, lovely, challenge, friends, presents

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