He's Magic! (My love-love-lovely Cat)

Nov 29, 2008 16:56


Okay, so anyone who knows me well knows how much I LOVE my cat Radditz. Well, he's apparently magical. *laughs* Or else he's suddenly... I don't know, maybe he thinks we live in the arctic instead of the southeastern US. I love the little guy, but he's crazy. Heh. Oh! Right, point. Well he's changing colors. He was all black, but lately his fur has been turning white. It really doesn't snow here very often so I don't understand this at all. And he didn't do it last year.

But here are the before and after shots! My dad took the "after" picture on a not-great camera so it's a little harder to see. I may update the pictures when I get my camera back. Hee.


Notice the all-black fur. This is normal Radditz.


And now, the white mane. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?! I have no idea what that's about.


**Also! To anyone who's watching/whatever my fic-comm acidandink I apologize for all the f-list spam. I'm trying to get it up-to-date with all my older stories (most from like 2006). So there'll be at least a few a day, but I'm trying not to completely flood it with new entries.
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