Happy Holidays! (READ ME FOR PREZZIES - all fandoms)

Dec 01, 2008 10:47

So! I have decided that, since I am in a very "write-y" mood this wintery season, I shall give anyone who wants one a fic for Christmas. YAY! If you're on my friends-list, then you can give me any prompt and any length up to 9000 words (though those may take longer); anyone else, I will write any prompt(s) up to 500 words. (If you want to cheat ( Read more... )

brilliant, lovely, challenge, friends, presents

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Comments 79

gilove2dance December 1 2008, 17:24:45 UTC
Oo! Excited!

Can I request a steamy Rayne fic?
Prompt: tangled
Length: I like long but basically make it a length that won't stress you out!

SQUEE! I can't wait!


an_ardent_rain December 1 2008, 17:47:55 UTC
YAY! ^_^ You got it!


gilove2dance December 1 2008, 17:51:23 UTC
I'm smiling very hard right now! *hugs*


an_ardent_rain December 3 2008, 04:03:42 UTC
Yay! ^_^

By the way, your new icon is just adorable. Hee.


turtle_goose December 1 2008, 17:56:23 UTC

Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Jayne/River (duh!)
Prompt: And remember when I moved in you/ The holy dark was moving too/ And every breath we drew was hallelujah "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright
Length: Um...can I be a wee bit selfish and ask for something around 2000 words? And hopefully steamy?


an_ardent_rain December 1 2008, 23:03:32 UTC
Ooh, sounds awesome!

And I really love that song - so that'll make it even better! :)


an_ardent_rain December 23 2008, 09:13:54 UTC

Unwrap Present Here!

It is around 2000 words - and it is not so much steamy as it is 2000 words of sex. Heh.


Xmas anonymous December 1 2008, 22:28:09 UTC
I've been making a SetoXAnzu pic (though it might be a while before I finish it because of exams :'( . Well, the pic shows Seto mischievously smirking at Anzu who is blushing and nervous while she gently touches his lips with her fingers, and at the bottom of the pic it says "I won't bite". The pic is in shades of blue and they're in some kind of empty hallway. So if you find the time, it would be great to have a short azury fic with the prompt "I won't bite" to go with the picture. Nothing long needed, maybe just a few word of conversation between them and maybe then-they-where-one sort of ending sentence ;) I could post it in the artist comments under the pic on my deviantART profile (you get credit and a link to your LJ, of course!).

And btw, Merry Christmas!

Anubis a.k.a. 8ballz

P.S. with that white mane, Radditz would make a nice Santa. He only needs the cap ^^


Re: Xmas an_ardent_rain December 1 2008, 23:47:15 UTC
Ooh, I love it! That's a great idea! ^_^ And I'm thinking mistletoe! *beam* If you want a holiday theme, that is. Heh heh. I can't wait to see the picture, and I'd be more than happy to do a little ficcage to accompany it.

Hee. Yay. ^_^

And YES! Oh, Radditz would make the cutest little kitty-Santa! Now I just need to find a camera... Heh heh heh.


Re: Xmas anonymous December 2 2008, 09:58:32 UTC
Huzzah!!! :D It can be a holiday theme if you want, I'll leave that up to you. I'm hoping to finish the pic in two weeks (the screen on my drawing computer just died, so first I have to send some hate mail with the warranty attached :P).

I'm really happy you liked the idea ^^ Yay!

P.S. Kitty-Santas are the best ^^


Pic done! anonymous December 11 2008, 23:53:29 UTC
Well here it is! Hope it's inspiring enough :D

Anubis a.k.a. 8ballz a.k.a. having-a-new-nick-for-different-sites-is-not-such-a-good-idea ^^;


selenity136 December 2 2008, 02:49:27 UTC
Hey, found your post in the seto/anzu community and I was wondering if you can do that pairing with the prompt question:

What if it wasn't Atem that Tea got stuck with during that one arc with the dragons? What if it was Seto instead?

Length = 9,000 words --not including the story's info.

And if possible, end it in a powerful yet pleasing way.

Good luck!


selenity136 December 2 2008, 02:51:53 UTC
ps. I'm not exactly sure if it was that dragon's arc...it's the one where Yugi pushed Atem's soul away and got his suck into this cult thingy. That is if you want to be true to the canon, but I like the above one better. ^.^


an_ardent_rain December 2 2008, 03:35:50 UTC
All right! ^_^ Sounds like that'll make a really cool story. Hee. I'll have to review the arc, though - I haven't seen those episodes in... well, suffice it to say, it's been a while. Hee.

The 9000 word limit was actually a little something extra for the people on my friends-list, so I don't know if I'll be able to get it that long. However, if I don't get any other long requests, I'll do my best!


selenity136 December 2 2008, 04:33:36 UTC
Haha, I know what you mean. They're showing the saga after GX and so it's like...>.<.

Oh really? Huh, I guess I didn't see that part =/. As long as it's more than...well, it has to be long and good. Though if you really work it out, I guess this plot has potential to be a multi-chapter...? Though there should be more Anzu/Seto love that doesn't involve babysitting, high school projects, or Seto being homonal. >.


arien_elensar December 4 2008, 02:27:21 UTC
Hey! :) I found you through the setoanzulove community.

Fandom: Yugioh - Seto/Joey
Prompt: understanding
length: I'll give you free reign here, but please keep it long enough to get some nice connections across, but don't stress yourself; it's for fun after all! :)
Notes: My only request is that they be in character, pretty please?



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