[Stargate: Fiction] "Compatability of Souls" [Chapter Master Post] [John/Rodney, G]

Oct 17, 2014 01:42

Title: Compatibility of Souls
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 18,200
Prompt: mcsheplets challenge #052 ‘destiny’
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay (also includes implied Aiden Ford/Teyla Emmagan in one chapter)
Note(s): There are technically no warnings for this, since nothing in here couldn’t be included in a Disney movie, but there are mentions of arranged marriages, historical sexism and racism (not by our characters) and the deaths of past-incarnations- each chapter will have specific warnings.
Summary: An Ancient device gives John and Rodney a look at their past lives.

Compatibility of Souls

Prologue: Seek the Joining
G...400 words
“This device was created for the purpose of measuring the compatibility of souls, by accessing their previous corporeal energy signatures.”

Chapter One: Faithful Service
G...1,100 words
Rodney is a prince of Egypt and John is the captain of his guard.

Chapter Two: When in Cymru
G...1,100 words
John is a Roman centurion and Rodney is a Celtic princess.

Chapter Three: An Unexpected Wife
G...1,350 words
Rodney is a European weapons designer and John is a Chinese princess.

Chapter Four: The Dragon and the Unicorn
G...1,000 words
John is a medieval French princess and Rodney is her maidservant.

Chapter Five: Worth a Thousand Words
G...2,050 words
Rodney is a renaissance painter and John is an ex-soldier-turned-model.

Chapter Six: Privateers
G...2,400 words
John is a pirate privateer and Rodney is a lady shipwright.

Chapter Seven: Bedside Manner
G...2,550 words
Rodney is a medical doctor and John is a soldier in Washington’s continental army.

Chapter Eight: Home on the Range
G...2,600 words
John is the new sheriff and Rodney is the town blacksmith.

Chapter Nine: International Operation
G...1,650 words
Rodney is a Canadian weapons expert and John is an American soldier.

Chapter Ten: Wild Blue Yonder
G...1,500 words
John is a WASP pilot and Rodney is her mechanic.

Epilogue: Prosperous Union
G...500 words
The results are pretty conclusive.

Current Mood:


series, john/rodney, mcsheplets, fanfiction, compatibility_of_souls, stargate atlantis

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